Always Been Yours Chapter 1043

The officer took it and said in a businesslike manner, “This evidence, we need to verify it and only when we have confirmed it, will we open a case to arrest someone.”

“No harm, the officer just needs to verify.”

Xu Yan did not care, and looked at Ivan again.

Evan understood, and stepped forward to offer, “I wonder if I can see my husband, now that the child has been found, I want to rea*sure him as well.”

To this, the police naturally agreed.

Soon, Ivan met the master operator.

When he saw that his wife had come to the prison at such a late hour, the operator frowned uneasily, “Is there something wrong at home?”

“Nothing has happened at home, I came to tell you that our son was found and rescued by Mr Xu.”

Ivan said with a relieved smile.

The operation master also sighed with relief and said with concern, “Is your son not hurt?”

“No, he just received a few shocks.”

Ivan spoke generally about his son’s condition, then spoke of the conditions Xu Yan had stated earlier, “Mr. Xu said that you just identify Eunice, father and daughter, and he will send someone to protect us.”

“I understand, go and call the officer in charge of the case to come over.”

The operations master nodded his head to show his cooperation.

When the officer arrived, he again reversed his previous testimony and told them all the threats he had received.

“I only changed my testimony earlier because Walter kidnapped my son, when in fact Eunice did everything.”

The next morning, not long after Walter had entered the office, his a*sistant walked in looking alarmed.

“Chairman, it’s not good, there are some police officers downstairs, asking to see you by name.”

He looked at Walter, wanting to say something.

Even if he didn’t say anything, Walter read it and scolded with a frown, “What’s the panic, that family is just civilians, they must not dare to call the police, the police are here, it should be something else.”

Having said that, he had his a*sistant invite the police up.

Upon entering, the officer didn’t give Walter a chance to exchange pleasantries and got straight to the point of stating the reason for his visit.

“Mr. Walter, you have been charged in connection with a kidnapping of Ann, please come with me and cooperate with the investigation.”

Hearing this, Walter’s face became less than pleasant.

But he quickly steadied himself, tugged at the corners of his mouth and smiled, “Is there some misunderstanding here, how could I know the law and kidnap someone.”

“I don’t think there’s been a misunderstanding, Ms. Ivan, including her husband, has identified you with a unified calibre, and your men have all confessed.”

The officer finished and forcefully told Walter to follow them out.

Walter had no choice but to pa*s a look to his a*sistant, and then followed the police out with a black face.

He really did not expect that the couple would dare to call the police.

And the police had caught his men in the act.

The police car soon disappeared into the street.

When the rest of the company saw this, they went up to the a*sistant and tried to ask him for information, but they were all dismissed by him.

For he had more important things to do now.

Meanwhile, Eunice was at home when she received the news that her father had been arrested.

Just as she was about to go out, she was surprised to see the a*sistant coming up to her, and immediately quickly stepped forward to ask after him, “What’s going on, and how did my daddy get taken away by the police?”

“It was the family of that operation master who reported the kidnapping of their son by the chairman, and when the chairman was arrested, he instructed me to send you away as soon as possible.”

The a*sistant didn’t hold back and told the whole story right then and there.

Eunice hated it with a pa*sion, but it was clear that the situation at hand was not the time for her to get angry.

Quickly, she followed the a*sistant and left.

Unbeknownst to them, their every move was being watched.

Xu Yan received the news reported by his men and immediately knocked on the door and walked into the office.

“President, everything is as you expected, the first thing Walter did after he was arrested was to have someone send Eunice away.”

Feng Shenye snorted lightly and ordered in a cold voice, “Keep an eye on her, if she escapes, you will be the one to blame!”

Xu Yan nodded his head and took orders.

That evening, Walter’s a*sistant brought Eunice to the airport in disguise.