Absolute God Chapter 660

About a few minutes after hanging up, Lin Yun received an unfamiliar call.

“Hello.”Lin Yun picked up the phone.

“Lin Dong, I’ve heard a lot about you, introduce yourself, I’m the boss of the Aquamarine Casino in Ao City, everyone calls me Master Mang, your father in law owes me 50 billion with interest, the note and the person are all in my hands, if you want me to release the person, you have to pay back the money first.”A rough voice came out from the phone.

After a pause, the other party continued “Lin Dong, I want to remind you, the interest turns over is very fast Oh, I hope you can put the money over today, I believe that it is not difficult for you to come up with 50 billion, if delayed until tomorrow, it is 70 billion, delayed until the day after tomorrow, it can be 100 billion.”

“Master Mang right you opened your mouth to say 50 billion or 100 billion, your breath is really big, do you take me as your ATM” Lin Yun sneered.

The other party was completely treating Lin Yun like an ingrate ah

“Lin Dong is serious, I’m just following the rules, the money was borrowed by your father in law, I didn’t force him, the IOUs are in my hands, if you don’t care about him then I’m afraid his life will be hard to protect oh.”Master Mang smiled and said.

“Not counting interest, how much did he borrow,” Lin Yun opened his mouth to ask.

“Not counting interest 10.5 billion.”Master Fierce said.

“Alright, I’ll return this 10.5 billion principal to you, as for interest, I won’t give it.”Lin Yun said slowly.

Once Lin Yun said this, the voice on the phone turned icy cold.

“Lin Dong, you’re being unreasonable ah, I’m not his old man, how can I lend ex to him for nothing, the interest must be returned”

“Fine, then you kill him, it just so happens that I don’t even have to pay back the principal.”Lin Yun coldly said.

After saying that, Lin Yun directly hung up the phone.

Lin Yun had just hung up less than a minute before the other party called again.

“Master Lin, don’t be in a hurry, how can we discuss this, this way, for your sake, I’ll give you a 20% discount, 40 billion on the premise that you have to pay it back today,” Master Mang said.

“My time is precious, I don’t want to ink with you, a bite of 15 billion, you’re willing to take it, if you’re not willing, not a penny” Lin Yun’s tone was icy cold.

Lin Yun knew that the 10.5 billion that the other party had borrowed ended up going back into the other party’s pockets through the casino, Lin Yun gave them 15 billion, they all earned it for nothing.

“Master Lin, since you have this attitude, there’s no point in talking about it, anyway, the person is in my hands, take your time to think about it, the longer you think about it, the higher the interest rate will be, I’m not afraid to spend it with you” Master Fierce’s tone also became icy cold.

“Master Mang, greed is not enough to swallow an elephant, you missed the opportunity I gave you, you could have made 15 billion for nothing, but instead you chose the road to hell, you want to seize my Lin Yun’s wool, you have to pay the price” Lin Yun said in a cold voice.

After saying that, Lin Yun directly hung up the phone.

Immediately after, Lin Yun pulled this number into his blacklist and then called Lone Wolf.

“Lone Wolf, come with me to Ao City to rescue Zhao Ling’s father.”Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun had heard Lone Wolf say before that Lone Wolf had been in Ao City for a while and was somewhat familiar with the place, Lin Yun was after all in Ao City with two eyes, so going with Lone Wolf was a better option.

“No problem Brother Yun.”The Lone Wolf on the phone answered decisively.

“Alright, you leave now, we’ll meet at the airport in Ao City.”Lin Yun said.

Although Zhao Ling’s father’s behaviour made Lin Yun feel disgusted, he was after all Zhao Ling’s father’s father, Lin Yun’s father-in-law, so Lin Yun couldn’t say that he didn’t care about him ah

Even if it was for the sake of Zhao Ling, Lin Yun had to go and save him.

And the other party is obviously rushing to Lin Yun, is trying to pass Zhao Ling father, circle Lin Yun’s money!

There was a price to pay for wanting to take advantage of Lin Yun’s wool.

On the other side, inside the office of the chairman of the Aquamarine Casino in Ao City.


“Damn it! You hung up on me!”

Master Fierce was furious and slammed his palm on the table.

“Master Fierce, we have a hostage in our hands, he even doesn’t take it seriously, we must teach them a lesson” said the man in suit next to him.

“Go, bring the man over to me, chop off one of his fingers and take a video and send it over” Master Fierce said viciously.

Soon, Zhao Ling’s father was brought in.

“Master Fierce, you’re finally willing to see me, we’re friends, why are you locking me up.”Zhao Ling’s father was filled with confusion.

“Elder brother Zhao, we are friends, but your son-in-law doesn’t treat me as a friend ah, he’s not willing to pay back the money you owe for you, so I can only be impolite to you.”, Master Mang said in a cold voice.

When Zhao Ling’s father borrowed that ten billion, it was true that he didn’t ask for interest for seven days, but after the seven days had passed, the interest rolled up quickly, and in a week’s time it had rolled up to fifty billion.

Immediately after that, Master Mang waved his hand, and the two big men in black behind him directly rushed up and pressed Zhao Ling’s father onto the table, and the man in the suit next to him immediately took out his mobile phone and filmed it.

“Master Fierce, what is this for,” Zhao Ling’s father was anxious.

“Chopping off one of your fingers to teach your family and son-in-law a lesson.”Master Fierce said in a cold voice.


Zhao Ling’s father’s face suddenly changed drastically.

“Don’t, Master Fierce, we’re friends,” Zhao Ling’s father was so scared that he begged for forgiveness.

“Friends huh, I’m only doing this for money, do you really think I would take trash like you as a friend you deserve it” Master Fierce sneered.

Now that the purpose had been achieved, Master Fierce was naturally not afraid to tear his face off.

“What,” Zhao Ling’s father’s face muscles violently twitched.

At this time, the big man in black directly chopped down with a knife.


Accompanied by Zhao Ling’s father’s pig-killing screams, his little thumb was directly chopped off.

“Send the video over.”Master Mang said with a stern face.

On the other side, Lin Yun was already on his way to the airport.

At this time, Lin Yun’s mobile phone MMS alert sounded, and Lin Yun picked up his phone to see that it was the video of Zhao Ling’s father’s finger being chopped off.

Below the video there was also a sentence that if he didn’t take the money to ransom the man within five days, what would fall to the ground would be a human head.

“Threatening me?” smiled Lin Yun and shook his head.

The last thing Lin Yun was afraid of was being threatened.

Moreover, Zhao Ling’s father’s behaviour had made Lin Yun feel angry, chopping off one of his fingers was just the thing to teach him a lesson.

At this time, Lin Yun’s mobile phone rang again, it was Zhao Ling calling.

“Lin Yun, I just received the video of my dad’s finger being chopped off, they they won’t really take my dad’s life.”Zhao Ling said anxiously.

“Don’t worry Zhao Ling, I’m rushing to Ao City to save your dad, just wait for my good news.”Lin Yun said.

“You’re going to Austrian city Lin Yun, this this is too risky, I can’t let you risk your life in Austrian city.”

Zhao Ling looked worried, she was afraid that something would happen to Lin Yun if he went to Austrian city, after all, they didn’t have any roots or connections in Austrian city.

“Put your mind at ease, I can handle it, trust my abilities.”Lin Yun said with a smile.

“Then then you must be careful, you mustn’t be alright,” Zhao Ling still looked worried, as well as blaming herself.

She knew that Lin Yun was taking such a risk for her sake.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”Lin Yun laughed.

A few hours later, Lin Yun arrived in Ao City.

When Lin Yun arrived, Lone Wolf was already waiting for Lin Yun at the airport.

“Brother Yun.”

The two met and started with a bear hug.

“Lone Wolf, I haven’t seen you for a while, you’re looking more and more rosy, looks like you’re doing well with your girlfriend.”Lin Yun smiled and joked.

Lone Wolf revealed a few awkward looks even after hearing this “Brother Yun, this is clearly the effect of my cultivation.”

“Just kidding with you, let’s get going,” Lin Yun said with a smile.

Immediately after, the two of them directly took a taxi to the Blue Sky Casino.

The entrance to the Casino.

“You two handsome guys, look at you, you look so new, first time here, right?”

As soon as the two rabbit girls saw that the hand Lin Yun was carrying was a Patek Philippe, their attitude towards Lin Yun was exceptionally enthusiastic.

“Tell your fierce master that I, Lin Yun, have come to ransom someone.”Lin Yun calmly said.

After the rabbit girl heard this, she hurriedly reported through the intercom.

Upstairs in the chairman’s office.

“What? He’s here,” Master Fierce looked a little surprised.

Immediately after, Master Fierce laughed “It’s quite fast, I don’t know if he has enough money with him.”

“Master Fierce, this is Ao City, not the imperial capital, nor is it Xichuan Province, if he didn’t bring enough money, then he came here, he won’t be able to leave” laughed the man in the suit next to him.

“Go and bring him up, let me meet the infamous Yun Yao Group Chairman.”Master Fierce smiled.

“Alright Master Fierce, I’ll go now.”The man in the suit nodded and answered.

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