Always Been Yours Chapter 1122

As soon as the online story is cleared up, whatever the masterminds behind it are trying to do will be greatly diminished.

The heated debate on the internet continues.

Many netizens felt that Wen Shiyu was too kind-hearted.

“If this were me, I would have already left this kind of old immortal alone.”

“It feels like Wen Shiyu is just too kind to be taken advantage of by this dead old woman, you can’t be so kind in the future.”

There were even quite a few netizens shouting at Wen Shiyu to be strong and that she better leave that old Wen family woman alone.

Finally the topic somehow turned to the person behind the curtain.

The netizens were all furious at the thought of being used as a gun.

“I don’t know which people with evil intentions are setting up a pregnant woman like this!”

“I suspect that this person most likely knows Wen Shiyu, otherwise things couldn’t be so coincidental!”

“Don’t say that, I think so too, there must be someone who is jealous of Wen Shiyu’s current success and wants to ruin her reputation and ruin her, such tactics abound in the entertainment industry.”

“But I still admire Wen Shiyu the pair of siblings, in that kind of a bad hand, they not only take care of themselves very well, now is a very good mix, the brother opened a company, become a real name of the young entrepreneurs, the sister does not forget the original heart, the pursuit of dreams, now is a young musician abroad!”

“Yes, from what Wen Shiyu’s fans abroad say, Wen Shiyu has a promising future, and even countless bigwigs in her circle are very optimistic about her.”

“Even a big shot like Sofia has made an exception and accepted Wen Shiyu as a student, so you can imagine how outstanding Wen Shiyu is.”

“But for such an outstanding person, there are still people who slander and defame her, I don’t know what kind of ulterior motives the person behind her has!”

“I really hope the police will do their best to find out who is behind this!”

“I hope +1, if they find out, I will definitely bring a basket of rotten eggs to take revenge, how dare they calculate on my head and make me wrong a good person!”

“That’s right, this is playing us, the majority of netizens, for fools.”

Looking at the situation on the internet, Mu Wanxian’s face turned green with anger.

Especially when she saw those netizens saying that she was jealous of Wen Shiyu, she became even more furious.

“What does Wen Shiyu have to be jealous of me?”

“I am the Miss Mu family’s eldest daughter and I need to look at a musician who wants nothing, what a big joke.”

“So what if I counted on you, who told you to be stupid!”

Mu Wanxian angrily disliked the netizens’ comments, and was even more upset that this matter had developed contrary to what she expected.

“D*mn it, how did things turn out like this?”

She was so angry that she swept all the papers on the table in front of her onto the floor, still not relieved.

She was especially furious when she thought that it was actually the family of that reporter who had exposed the truth online, and she was even more furious that she vomited blood.

She was sure that Feng Shenye’s arm was behind this matter.

But she couldn’t figure out why she hadn’t noticed the difference in advance when she had clearly sent someone to keep an eye on the family member.

At that moment, she called her a*sistant, fuming and questioning, “Didn’t I tell you to keep an eye on that reporter’s family, why would she run to the police station?”

“General manager, you said not to cause any trouble, so I just arranged for someone to keep an eye on it in secret.”

The a*sistant explained aggrievedly.

After hearing this, Mu Wanxian was dumbfounded, but in her heart she was getting more and more nasty and stifled, with a feeling of lifting a stone to smash her own feet.

Because at that time, she was worried that directly supervising the reporter’s family would attract Feng Shenye’s attention, but she didn’t expect that she would still let someone exploit the loophole.

Mu Wanxian felt angry that she had been clever but had been wrong, but what made her even more anxious at the moment was that she was being watched by the police because of this incident.

Now she particularly regretted having the video screen of the kidnapped journalist posted on the internet.

After all, she had imprisoned the journalist only to ground him, intending to release him once the matter had pa*sed.

But now that things have gone so far out of hand, it has gotten completely out of her control, making her a bit untenable.