The Real Dragon Chapter 5113

  There are many direct flights from Vancouver, Canada to New York, USA, and Charlie wade plans to return home from New York, so he can meet the three of them in New York first.

  The time soon arrived on Friday.

  Claire finished all the cla*ses at noon and returned to the hotel. Once she entered the room, she couldn’t hide her excitement and said to Charlie wade: “Honey, our cla*ses are all over!”

  Charlie wade smiled and asked her, “How did you feel after the whole master cla*s?”

  ”Very good!” Claire could not help but sigh: “The heritage of the top design schools, as well as the thinking of the top design masters, it is difficult for a small designer like me to learn to understand on their own, it is like those who study cla*sical music, you have to go to the top cla*sical music schools like Curtis, Juilliard, in order to realize how big the gap between yourself and the world’s top. “

  Said, Claire self-deprecating smile, said seriously: “In fact, I feel, I such a small student, suddenly came to this kind of top hall, not at all like to learn something, but more like to pilgrimage.”

  Charlie wade smiled gently and encouraged: “Do not think so, I have always felt that you have the talent to become a world-cla*s designer, only now is still young, has not yet ushered in the thick and thin time, the masters of various industries are generally in the age of 40 or 50 years old before they start to make a fortune, you are still so young, must not look down on yourself, maybe when you are forty years old, you will be able to Become the world’s top female designers, at that time, I will really lie flat at home to eat my wife’s soft rice.”

  Claire couldn’t help but laugh out loud and said shyly, “I’m afraid that before I become a world-cla*s design master, you’ll already be a world-cla*s feng shui master.

  Charlie wade laughed: “If Bill Gates asks me to read feng shui, then I really have to think about it.”

  Claire curiously asked: “Why, husband, Bill Gates asked you to look at feng shui and you have to consider?”

  Charlie wade laughed: “Who came all the way to the United States to serve him ah, if he buys a villa in Aurous Hill, maybe I can even go and give him a couple of looks, the United States forget it.”

  Claire couldn’t help but laugh out loud and said, “You, you said you were fat and you’re really panting!”

  After saying that, Claire remembered Elaine, and asked her: “By the way husband, how is my mother in New York in the end ah, these days I send her video calls, she always does not answer, must be converted to voice before willing to talk to me a few words, I always think she is not hiding something from me.”

Charlie wade thought: “Of course she has something to hide from you, you certainly can not imagine, she broke her leg again, right now this Bedford Hills ghost, is in the hospital in New York to recuperate, if you video, will not leak the stuffing?”