The Real Dragon Chapter 5118

  ”It’s not hard work.” Charlie wade smiled faintly and spoke, “Auntie Li, then let’s see you tomorrow!”


  Five o’clock in the afternoon.

  Charlie wade, who had changed into a suit, and Claire, who was wearing a long white evening dress, arrived at the Rhode Island School of Design together.

  It was summer vacation time for American college students, so there were no young students to be seen on the large campus, but there were many faculty members shuttling through, and even many media reporters and famous designers in the design field.

  The Rhode Island School of Design attaches great importance to the master cla*ses each year, so the school’s auditorium was specially used to hold the closing ceremony for the master cla*ses.

  When Charlie wade and Claire arrived at the auditorium, it was already full of people.

  Many of the designers who had attended the master cla*s had invited their friends and relatives, and even their bosses, mentors and partners in the design field to support the ceremony.

  The ceremony was actually a salon for the elites in the industry to show off their status and make friends with powerful people in the industry.

  In contrast, Claire, who was only accompanied by her husband and had little background in the industry, looked a bit out of place here.

  When it was time to sign in, Claire found an inconspicuous corner on the large sign-in board and wrote down her name.

  As soon as she handed the signatory pen to the hostess, an oriental-faced woman walked up next to her and wrote a large English signature: emilywang.

  Emily Wang, it seemed, should be of Chinese descent.

  Only, what irked Charlie wade a little was that this Emily had signed her name extra large, and that last letter g was thrown in an exaggerated arc, even drawing Claire’s already signed name on.

  When Claire saw his signature being drawn on by the other party, he was slightly stunned, but didn’t say anything, while that Emily Wang, at this time, looked at Claire with a surprised face and said with a smile, “Aiya Claire, I didn’t even see you just now, when did you come?”

  Claire smiled and said politely, “I just arrived.”

  Emily nodded and said with a smile, “I have good news for you, I have become a senior partner of aecom construction company, and our boss is also here today, I will introduce you to him later, you can have a good chat with him, maybe you will have a chance to join aecom too!”

  Claire smiled faintly and said, “Thank you Emily, but I don’t plan to look for a job, I’m thinking of returning to China after finishing school.”

  Emily said with a serious look on her face, “Go back and continue to run your little decoration company? To be a designer is to join the best design company in the world, become a senior partner, and then take the full project design of Fortune 500 companies, or even the Olympic Games or World Cup, that’s what we came to do the master cla*s for!”

  As she said that, she saw a few people walking not far away and said in a rush of surprise, “My boss is here! Introduce you all to each other!”