I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1278

Anyway, she just couldn’t imagine Fu Jingting getting back together with Rong Shu because she had feelings for her.

Moreover, she couldn’t accept such a possibility either.

Seeing Liu Linlin’s look of I am definitely right, Rongshu said she didn’t even want to explain.

It was useless, it was useless to say anything to people who were immersed in their own world, they wouldn’t believe it and they wouldn’t listen to it.

So it was better not to explain.

“So, since you think that’s the case, what do you want to do about it?” Rong Shu ruffled the slightly curly hair around her ears and posed a little.

Liu Linlin gritted her teeth and said, “Of course it’s to reveal this false face of yours in front of brother Jingting and get the handle back on brother Jingting.”

“Not a bad idea.” Rongshu clapped her hands and applauded for her, “And then what? Get the handle back, rescue your Jingting brother from the fire, and then use your Jingting brother’s handle yourself to threaten your Jingting brother to stay with you, am I right?”

Liu Linlin’s face changed slightly, “How do you ……”

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, her eyes flashed and she hurriedly changed her words, “What are you talking about? Who wants to use Jing Ting brother’s handle to threaten him, do you think I am you? I’m not as mean and shameless as you are. Of course I’ll give the handle to Jingting’s brother to handle, I won’t use it for anything else.”

She said this with her mouth, but her heart was in turmoil, her heart thumping and drumming.

So close, so close to being exposed.

She had never expected that this woman, Rong Shu, would have such sharp instincts, and had instantly spoken her mind.

She did intend to use it to threaten Brother Jingting after she got her hands on his handle.

Anyway, if Rong Shu could threaten successfully, why couldn’t she herself?

Although doing so by herself might attract Jing Ting’s brother’s ill feelings, but it didn’t matter, as long as she was with Jing Ting’s brother and became Jing Ting’s brother’s girlfriend in all honesty, she had plenty of time and work to coax Jing Ting’s brother properly.

She believed that as long as she put her heart and soul into it for a long time, Jingting’s brother would definitely be impressed and fall in love with her.

At that time, all the ill feelings and dislikes she said she faced would be a trivial matter worth nothing.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, the more she looked forward to it, and Liu Linlin couldn’t help but have a smile on her face.

However, she was still somewhat sensible at this moment, and after laughing for a while she hurriedly collected her expression and thoughts so as not to reveal too much.

Little did she know that Rong Shu had seen everything she was thinking.

In particular, Liu Linlin’s unfinished sentence just now made Rongshu feel ridiculous.

She had originally thought that this Liu Linlin was miserably in love with Fu Jingting.

Now, it seemed that she didn’t really love her much.

If she really loved someone, would she be willing to use any leverage to threaten them?

So it can be seen that Liu Linlin actually does not simply love Fu Jingting much, what she loves is just the benefits that Fu Jingting can bring together, but Liu Linlin likes to use true love to cover up her vanity.

Rong Shu eyes flashed with a hidden sneer, and did not bother to demolish this woman, but instead followed the woman’s words and clapped again, perfunctory praise: “so ah, Miss Liu is really great, so we now go to see your brother Jing Ting?”

Liu Linlin’s face froze in expression.

Going to see brother Jingting now?

How could this be possible!

She didn’t have any leverage right now, so going to see Brother Jingting wouldn’t be of any use at all.

Moreover, she had still sneaked out.

Liu Yuanyuan’s eyes kept darting around vaguely.

Seeing that she had chickened out, Rongshu gave a disdainful Qi cry.

The first thing that she did was to say that she was a mockery of herself and looked down on her, although this was indeed the case, but Liu Linlin’s self-esteem has always been strong and she could not accept it at all.

Her looks were originally delicate and doll-like cute, and when she smiled, it was as if she was an angel.

However, when she showed this kind of malicious expression, she looked like one of those scary and frightening dolls in horror movies, making people’s hair stand on end.

Although Rong Shu was not that uncomfortable, she wrinkled her pretty eyebrows in disgust, “What, Miss Liu is looking at me like that and wants to eat me?”

“I’m telling you, if you’re smart, you’d better take the initiative to hand over Brother Jingting’s handle, maybe then you can still hold on to your dog’s life, I don’t believe you don’t know how Brother Jingting is, he will never let anyone who threatens him, and you dare to threaten, but you can get away with it until now, but it’s because the handle is in your hand. If you do not hand it over, then you will be asking for it.”

Rong Shu could not hold back any longer and covered her lips and burst out laughing.

Liu Linlin’s expression grew harder and harder, “What are you laughing at?”

“I am laughing, Miss Liu’s words are indeed quite funny, you have said that Fu Jingting will not spare anyone who threatens him, I have threatened him and still managed to be intact until now, because the handle is still in my hand, since this is the case, then why don’t I continue to threaten and be foolish enough to take out the handle? That is not looking for death? And besides, Miss Liu, you intercede for me? That’s even funnier, we two already have a grudge, how can an enemy see the good in an enemy, so you pleading for me is more than enough to fool fool fools, not me.”

Rongshu smiled and wagged her finger at her, “And you said yourself that you might be merciful to plead for me, this might mean no, otherwise why didn’t you just say you would plead for me and add a might? So Miss Liu, the handle it, I will not hand it over, much less into your hands.”

“You ……” Liu Linlin glared in anger.

How could she have imagined that Rong Shu would be so treacherous, not only refusing to hand over the handle to her, but actually jumping at the words in her words, making it seem as if she was uneducated.

At the corner of the corridor not far from the two of them, Su Man was also about to go to the washroom when she saw Rong Shu just as she came out of the corner.

Although she only saw Rong Shu’s back and not the front, there was only one bright red and delicate dress, plus she was familiar with Rong Shu’s figure to the extent that she knew it even when it turned into dust, so she was able to determine at a glance that the back was Rong Shu.

She also did not expect to be so unlucky that she could meet this woman even when she went to the washroom.

Su Man clutched the armrests of her wheelchair with both hands, her face filled with disgust.

But what was Rong Shu doing?

Su Man retreated slightly behind the corner and only slightly poked out half of her head to look towards Rong Shu.

Just now she was looking straight ahead, so she could only see Rong Shu’s back.

But this time the angle had changed and she was looking obliquely, so she finally saw something else, a person too.

Rongshu was talking to that person.

That person was a waiter?

Su Man was suspicious.

She didn’t understand what Rongshu had to say to a waiter?

That waiter, was there anything special about him?

With the notion that if Rongshu cared about anything, she would have to observe it carefully so that she could know herself and her enemy and win a hundred battles, Su Man was finally willing to give more attention to that waiter, wanting to see what the waiter had that was worthy of Rongshu’s attention, to talk for so long.

As a result of this look, Su Man’s expression began to change.