I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 189-190

Chapter 189

In his heart, he thought so, but did not dare to say so on his lips.

a*sistant Zhang cleared his throat and said, “Yes, I’m sending it to you.”

Fu Jingting handed over his phone.

After receiving it, a*sistant Zhang immediately sent it to him.

The rest of Fu Jingting’s eyes saw the phone on the table ringing, his eyes dropping slightly, “Alright, you can go out.”


a*sistant Zhang went out and Fu Jingting was the only one left in the office.

He picked up his phone and tapped on WeChat, seeing the photos sent by a*sistant Zhang.

There were two of them, and the other one he hadn’t seen yet.

Fu Jingting clicked on that photo.

In the photo, Rong Shu was still in the same background, but the pose had changed.

She was holding the long hem of her skirt with one hand and placing it in mid-air with the other, as if she was going to fly away in the next second.

It was nice to look at, but he didn’t like it.

Fu Jingting tapped that photo at length, wanting to delete that photo.

However, his finger was placed over the deletion, but he hesitated to tap it down.

In the end, he gave up.

“Jingting!” Suddenly, Gu Manyin’s somewhat nervous voice came from the doorway.

Fu Jingting frowned and hastily exited WeChat, putting his phone back to where it was just now, “Come in.”

On the other side, Rong Shu and Chen Xingnuo finished buying shoes and came out of the shoe shop.

Chen Xingnuo touched her stomach, “Mr. Rong, let’s go eat something, I’m a bit hungry.”

Rong Shu also felt a little hungry and looked at the time, it was almost 1pm.

“Okay, let’s go to the fifth floor, it’s all restaurants there, my treat, just as a thank you for accompanying me out today.” Rongshu put down her wrist and smiled.

Chen Xingnuo nodded, “I’ll be polite then.”

“No need for you to be polite, let’s go.” Rong Shu took her arm.

The two of them had just taken two steps when Chen Xingnuo suddenly stopped and pointed at a shop across the street, “Mr. Rong, isn’t that Gu Manyin’s mother?”

Hearing this, Rong Shu followed and looked, and she really saw Mrs. Gu.

She should have just come out from her maintenance, her whole body was glowing, she didn’t look like a fifty year old woman at all.

“Today is really not a day to go out, one foot meeting the annoying Gu Manyin and the next Gu Manyin’s mother, what a small world.” Chen Xingnuo sighed.

Rongshu smiled, “Well, after all, everyone is in Hai City, it’s normal to run into each other easily.”

Perhaps it was because the two of them were looking at each other too obviously, without the slightest hint of concealment, Mrs. Gu on the opposite side noticed it and looked over.

Seeing that it was Rong Shu, Madam Gu’s brow furrowed and her face had an expression of displeasure.

Rong Shu was not angry either, instead she nodded at her and smiled.

Mrs Gu coldly looked away and walked towards a shop in front of her, not responding at all.

Chen Xingnuo rolled her eyes, “See, like mother, like daughter, no wonder Gu Manyin is like that, so it’s all taught by the mother.”

“Well, there’s no need to care about that, aren’t you hungry, let’s go.” Rongshu said as she withdrew her gaze.

Chen Xingnuo gave a hint and walked with her towards the escalator.

What the two didn’t expect, however, was to meet Madam Gu again when they came down after eating.

But this time, Madam Gu didn’t notice them and left straight away after coming out of the dt jewellery shop.

And when she left, her face did not look too good, as if she was very lost.

Rongshu couldn’t help but remember the last time she came to the dt shop with her daughter’s necklace for advice, and the person in the shop behind her, told Mrs. Gu about her daughter’s necklace.

As a result, Mrs. Gu suspected that Gu Man’er was still alive and had started looking for her.

Just now, Mrs. Gu came out of the dt shop with a lost look on her face, could it be because of Gu Man’er?

Thinking about it, Rong Shu narrowed her good-looking eyes, “Xingnuo, how about doing me a favour?”

“What is it?” Chen Xingnuo sipped her milk tea and looked at her.

Rong Shu said in a low voice, “Help me go to the dt shop and ask what Mrs. Gu is doing there.”

“Why ask that?” Chen Xingnuo looked curious and puzzled.

Rong Shu’s eyes flashed, “Something is wrong, it’s very important, help me.”

“Okay okay, you can hold it for me, I’ll ask.” Chen Xingnuo handed her the milk tea.

After Rongshu took it, Chen Xingnuo went to the dt shop.

About a few minutes later, she came back.

Rongshu handed the milk tea back to her, “How was it, did you get it?”

“I got it.” Chen Xingnuo took the milk tea and nodded, the people in the shop said that Mrs. Gu had gone to ask if they had seen, recently, the woman with a necklace come by.”

“True enough.” Rongshu pursed her red lips.

Mrs. Gu and the others hadn’t found Gu Man’er, so they had come to the shop to try their luck.

“Mr. Rong, what exactly are you playing dumb about?” Chen Xingnuo was itching with curiosity.

Rong Shu smiled, “It’s nothing, it’s just that Madam Gu is looking for her eldest daughter.”

“Eldest daughter?” Chen Xingnuo was surprised, “She has other daughters?”

“Well, there is also the eldest daughter Gu Man’er, Gu Man’yin is the younger sister.” Rongshu nodded back.

Chen Xingnuo suddenly understood, “So that’s how it is, but why are you so concerned about this matter, Mr. Rong?”

“Because her eldest daughter, is somewhat related to the Rong family.” Rong Shu pinched her brow, “Alright, let’s not talk about that, let’s go back first.”

Chen Xingnuo nodded her head.

Back at Repulse Bay, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon.

Rongshu put the things she bought on the sofa, took her phone and went back to her room, dialing Cheng Huai’s number.

When Cheng Huai saw that she had called, he was surprised and delighted.

After all, it was very rare for her to contact him once.

“Calling me all of a sudden, did you miss me?” Cheng Huai’s hangdog voice came out.

Rongshu knew his character and liked to say some flowery words, so she didn’t get angry listening to it, instead she smiled a little, “Come on, be serious, I have business.”

“Even if you have serious business, you can still answer me first and say that you miss me.” Cheng Huai sighed.

Rongshu cried and laughed, “Fine, fine, I miss you, that’s okay, right?”

Although she knew that this ‘I miss you’ was perfunctory and fake, it was to make him happy.

Yet he was still really happy.

“It’s barely okay.” Cheng Huai pretended to be okay.

Rongshu laughed lightly.

Cheng Huai coughed lightly twice, “Say, what is the business of finding me?”

“I met Mrs. Gu today, and Mrs. Gu was inquiring about Gu Man’er’s whereabouts, so I wanted to ask you, how are you doing with Gu Man’er’s investigation?” Rongshu sat on the edge of the bed and asked seriously.

Cheng Huai smiled, “You’re quite timely in asking, I really did find out a little something.”

“Oh?” Rong Shu’s back straightened, “What is it?”

“First of all, the first thing is that Gu Man’er really isn’t dead, she’s really still alive. In order to confirm this, I even went through the files and found an old police officer who was in charge of this case at that time. That old police officer told me that the one your father threw into the river back then wasn’t Gu Man’er at all, but a toy doll.” Cheng Huai said back.

When Rongshu heard this, she narrowed her eyes, “I was really right, I had guessed this before, what my dad threw into the river was something else.”

“That’s right.” Cheng Huai nodded his head.

Rongshu clenched her hands on the phone, “What about Gu Man’er? Where is Gu Man’er now?”

“I don’t know about that, although your father didn’t throw Gu Man’er into the river, he did kidnap Gu Man’er, where Gu Man’er was sent by him, no one knows about this matter except your father, and that old police officer doesn’t know either.” Cheng Huai spread his hands and said back lovingly.

Rongshu’s eyebrows tightened, “How can this be, the trail is broken again.”

“Yeah, so it’s not an easy task to find Gu Man’er.” Cheng Huai scratched his hair.

Rong Shu bit her lip, “You just said the first one first, which means that you also found out the others?”

Chapter 190

“That’s right, I found out that Gu Manyin is also looking for Gu Man’er.” Cheng Huai replied with a hint.

Rongshu raised an eyebrow, “What’s wrong with that, isn’t that normal, Gu Mangyin is her sister, it’s not strange at all for her to be looking for Gu Mangyin.”

“No, no, no.” Cheng Huai wagged his finger, “She’s not looking for Gu Man’er because of sisterly love, but to send Gu Man’er far away, never to appear in Hai City, never to appear in front of Gu Yaotian and his wife.”

“Why?” Rongshu stared in amazement.

Cheng Huai skimmed, “What else could it be, selfishness, there is only one child in the Gu family, she is the only heir to the Gu family and the Sansheng Group, but if Gu Man’er comes back, she will no longer be the only one.”

“I see, Gu Man’er has threatened her position.” Rongshu lifted her chin in a dazed manner.

Cheng Huai snapped his fingers, “Bingo, that’s it, and I heard that Gu Yaotian disbanded an elite team, guess what that elite team is for?”

“What for?” Rongshu tilted her head.

Cheng Huai replied, “That elite team was specially prepared by Gu Yaotian for Gu Manyin. Gu Yaotian planned to let Gu Manyin join the strength of Sangsheng Group after Gu Manyin and Jing Ting held their engagement party again after the year.

Rongshu’s eyes flashed slightly, “Gu Yaotian doesn’t want Gu Manyin to inherit Sangsheng anymore.”

“Yes, only this answer can explain Gu Yaotian’s act of disbanding that elite team, I guess ah, Gu Yaotian wants to train Gu Mangyin, Gu Mangyin knows this, that’s why he is so eager to find Gu Mangyin in advance and send Gu Mangyin away.” Cheng Huai rubbed his chin and said.

Rong Shu mockingly hooked her lips, “Even if it doesn’t involve the inheritance of Sangsheng and the Gu family, I believe Gu Manyin will do the same, think about it, Gu Man’er was separated from Gu Yaotian and his wife at such a young age, if they find them back, Gu Yaotian and his wife will definitely take extra care to make up for Gu Man’er, and may even neglect Gu Man’er because of this, do you think Gu Man’er can stand it? ”

“What you said is also true.” Cheng Huai nodded, and then a fine aura flashed in his eyes, “Rongshu, I suddenly have a good idea.”

“What good idea?” Rongshu became interested.

Cheng Huai coughed lightly, “It’s not easy to say over the phone, let’s come out and talk.”

Rongshu looked at her wristwatch, it was almost six o’clock and it was getting dark outside, so she was about to refuse.

Cheng Huai on the other end of the phone seemed to have guessed it and spoke before her, “I have to go abroad tomorrow and I don’t have time, so if I want to talk, it’s only today, and I can’t delay what I want to talk to you about, if I delay too long, it’s meaningless.”

At these words, Rong Shu bit her lip and finally agreed, “Okay, where can we talk?”

Hearing her agreement, Cheng Huai clenched his fist in excitement, but his mouth remained calm, “How about the First Playground?”

It should be good to go there for a date.

I heard that girls liked to go to places like that.

“A playground?” The corners of Rongshu’s mouth twitched, “If you want to talk, just find a cafe or something, why do you need to go to that kind of place?”

Cheng Huai’s eyes were sheepishly intent on going elsewhere, “It’s mainly because my cousin and sister-in-law had to go on a business trip and left their son with me, and the boy is clamoring to go to an amus*ment park, so …… Rongshu, please help, please please.”

Rongshu listened to his pitiful plea and rubbed her brow, “Fine, go then.”

A winning smile suddenly appeared on Cheng Huai’s face, “Good, then I’ll come and pick you up.”

“No need, it’s quicker for me to drive there myself, meet me at the entrance of the playground.” Rongshu smiled.

Cheng Huai hmmm’d twice and ended the call.

He put down his phone and flew downstairs to the living room, picking up his little nephew who was playing with a puzzle on the sofa and giving him a fierce kiss, “Doudou, let’s go, uncle will take you to the playground.”

Doudou child wiped his face in disgust, “I’m not going, what’s so fun about playgrounds, might as well play with puzzles at home.”

Hearing this, Cheng Huai, who was previously satisfied with Doudou’s quietness and carefree nature, was now disgusted by this carefree nature.

He hugged the little one as he headed out, “No, you have to go, for the sake of your uncle my life event, you give sacrifice for uncle.”

“…… No!” Doudou wailed and shouted.

Rongshu didn’t know that Cheng Huai was actually playing another purpose in finding her to go out and talk.

After she hung up the phone, she drove to the amus*ment park.

When she arrived at the amus*ment park, it was already almost eight o’clock.

Rongshu parked the car and had just unfastened her seat belt when she heard a knock on the car window.

She swung it down and a cute little face appeared in front of her, shouting sweetly at her, “Auntie.”

Rongshu was stunned for a moment by the child’s cry of aunt, then she touched the child’s face and smiled, “Little one, you’ve mistaken me for someone else, I’m not your aunt.”

“I am not mistaken, you are my aunt.” The little friend said as she took her hand.

Rongshu blinked and didn’t pull her hand out, letting the little one take it.

The main reason was that the little one was so pretty, white and chubby, and she liked the look of him.

The little one’s hand was also soft and comfortable, just like a sponge, so she couldn’t take her hand away.

The human cubs were so cute.

Would the child inside her belly be as cute as this little one?

Rongshu couldn’t help but think as she touched her stomach with her other hand.

But soon, she took her hand away again, her eyes regaining their calm.

No, she couldn’t think about it any longer.

Otherwise, the idea of aborting this child would be shaken.

Closing her eyes, Rongshu took a deep breath and dropped her gaze back to the little one’s face, “Little one, where is your adult?”

“Over here.” Suddenly, a tall figure appeared behind the little one, squatting down and smiling at Rong Shu with a mouthful of white teeth.

Rongshu was slightly surprised, “Cheng Huai?”

“Uncle.” The little one let go of her hand and looked up and shouted at Cheng Huai behind her.

When Rongshu heard this, she instantly understood everything, “So the little friend is your nephew.”

“That’s right, isn’t it cute?” Cheng Huai picked the little one up, “His name is Doudou.”

“Very cute.” Rongshu nodded her head.

Doudou hugged Cheng Huai’s neck, “Auntie is pretty too.”

Rongshu squinted at Cheng Huai, “Did you tell her to shout that?”

“No, he shouted it himself, because I asked you out, he thought you were my girlfriend, I corrected him, but I didn’t know he just wouldn’t change his words, I couldn’t help it, you don’t mind.” Cheng Huai said with an embarra*sed face.

Doudou let out a laughter in his heart.

What do you mean he shouted it himself, it was obviously this bad uncle who made him shout it like that.

If it wasn’t for that limited edition Transformer set, he wouldn’t have taken the blame.

“Don’t mind.” Rongshu shook her head, then opened the door and got out of the car, smiling gently at Doudou, “Doudou, I’m not your uncle’s girlfriend, so you can’t call me aunt.

“No, I want to call you auntie, hug!” Doudou let go of Cheng Huai’s neck and reached out to her for a hug.

Rongshu was a bit bewildered, so she grabbed the little one’s armpits and carried him over.

Forget it, Auntie is Auntie.

It wouldn’t hurt to be called a few times by a little kid.

“Rong Shu, you’d better put him down, you’re still pregnant with the baby.” Cheng Huai said as he looked at Rong Shu’s stomach.

Rongshu kissed Doudou’s face, “It’s okay, Doudou isn’t heavy, and I like him a lot.”

Not far away, Fu Jingting saw this scene and his thin lips pursed up.