Always Been Yours Chapter 1236

But for the moment, with or without, the person was coaxed into submission.

“I’m serious this time, you believe me.”

Meeting his little wife’s sincere eyes, Feng Shenye finally revealed a smile.

“Alright, I’ll believe you once more.”

He took the person up in his arms and lowered his head to kiss the pink lips.

The two of them were mushy.

Little Bao’er put her hands on her cheeks next to her and said despondently, “Hey, daddy and mommy are sending out dog food again, luckily little uncle is not there.”

Meanwhile, the advertising side was editing the video of the ad shot earlier.

Almost every frame was perfect.

“Director, it’s so right for the higher ups to find Miss Wen to shoot this public service, I bet this public service will wow everyone after it’s thoroughly shot!”

The editor praised Wen Shiyu on the computer as he edited.

Many of the staff members next to him also nodded in agreement.

“And Miss Wen is also kind and polite to us, unlike some big-name stars who are gentle on the surface but sarcastic in private.”

“I’ve decided, I’m going to fan Miss Wen too, with her face and talent.”

“I also quite like Miss Wen.”

The crowd joked and laughed.

The director listened as he reported the progress of the shooting from above.

Soon there were new instructions from above.

In order to create momentum for the PSA, the director was asked by the top to deliberately put some small footage on the internet to generate buzz.

That night, in order to attract the attention of netizens, the director deliberately put the news headline with Wen Shiyu’s name.

For the sake of the authenticity of the advertis*ment for public service, Wen Shiyu appeared on the screen with her skin really superb

Originally, Wen Shiyu’s popularity on the internet was not low. When netizens saw the news, they clicked into the webpage one by one and were all amazed by Wen Shiyu’s pure and vegan face.

“Love it love it, how can my goddess be so beautiful!”

“This vegan face is simply stunning, it’s even whiter than mine with makeup on, am I wearing a lonely?”

Netizens also laughed when they saw the comment and flirted with it below.

“Not only did you put on loneliness, we all put on loneliness.”

“Am I the only one who wants to know what brand of makeup the goddess is using?”

“No, you’re not alone.”

Just like that, a group of netizens plus fans swarmed to the bottom of Wen Shiyu’s Weibo, all kinds of cute.

“Goddess, tell us what kind of skincare products you’re using or I’ll roll on the floor and not be able to afford it.”

“I’m so cute, goddess you must not be able to bear to see my skin deteriorate after staying up late every night, right?”

“Goddess, I’m sour, this skin of yours is more delicate than a girl in her teens like me.”

It was only after Wen Shiyu had finished her dinner that she realised she was on Weibo’s hot search again.

Only when she looked at the netizens and fans staying, she cried and laughed.

Feng Shenye sensed her happy mood and came closer, “What are you looking at, laughing so happily?”

“Look at these fans and netizens, they’re simply too cute.”

Wen Shiyu handed over her mobile phone and pointed at the news on the internet and laughed: “I don’t know how these people were brought to the wrong building, shouldn’t they be focusing on matters of public welfare, why are they focusing on my skin problems instead.”

Feng Shenye roughly scanned the news, thinking it wasn’t a big deal, and drew away his phone.

“Don’t mind them, you should rest.”

With that, he led Wen Shiyu upstairs to her room.

Little Bao’er couldn’t let go of his mommy, so he followed behind.

When they got into the room, Feng Shenye let Wen Shiyu go to bed, “Don’t stay up too late, you have to get up early tomorrow to shoot a commercial.”

“But it’s only nine o’clock.”

Wen Shiyu still wanted to play with her phone for a while and interact with the fans.

She thought the fans were really funny, how could there be such cute creatures.

Feng Shenye was helpless and pa*sed a look to Xiao Bao’er.

Little Bao’er understood in a second and climbed up on the bed in three or two clicks and hugged Wen Shiyu’s arm, saying in a milky voice, “Mommy, you need to rest early so that you don’t work too hard, you don’t want Bao’er and Daddy to worry.”

Wen Shiyu naturally saw Feng Shenye’s wink to his son and was helpless and sweet at that moment.