Always Been Yours Chapter 1311

The media reporters at the scene, all captured the scene on film.

It only felt as if Wen Shiyu on stage was emitting light all over, making it impossible to take one’s eyes off the stage.

After the song was over, there was thunderous applause.

Wen Shiyu gave her salute and then stepped off the stage.

Once she went down, the smile on the corner of her mouth instantly disappeared and became a little hard to bear.

The performance just now sounded beautiful and perfect to the uninitiated, but she knew that she was playing with a stagnant tune and a distinct lack of touch.

Sofia saw the look of frustration on her face when she came over.

“It’s okay, you can get your touch back slowly when you get better, it’s your body that’s important now.”

“I understand.”

Wen Shiyu nodded her head and collected her loss.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

Under the arrangement of the hotel staff, the guests all moved to the restaurant to be seated.

After the table opened, many people toasted with the old man.

There were also many people around Feng Tian Yi, father and son.

The atmosphere was harmonious, with everyone talking and laughing.

The screen on the stage was also showing pictures of Wen Shiyu and Erbao.

These had all been taken in the morning.

Wen Shiyu couldn’t drink, plus her body hadn’t fully recovered, and the celebrities and noble women at the scene were extremely discerning, none of them bothered much.

Even so, after eating, she was a little tired.

Although Feng Shenye had been dealing with the guests, his attention was all on Wen Shiyu.

When he saw Wen Shiyu showing her tiredness, he immediately nodded to the others and said, “My wife is tired, I’ll take her upstairs to rest first.”

Saying that, he pushed Wen Shiyu, and the already sleeping Erbao, and directly left the banquet hall and went to the hotel’s presidential suite to rest.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, many of the celebrities and noble women present were envious.

“Mr. Feng really does treat Miss Wen like the rumors say, he loves her to the core of his heart.”

“I really envy Miss Wen, to be loved wholeheartedly by Mr Feng.”

“If my future husband was half as good as Mr Feng, I would be satisfied.”

After entering the room, Feng Shenye put Erbao on the bed and helped Wen Shiyu wash up.

When she finished washing up later, Wen Shiyu was lying on the bed, drowsy and looking very tired.

Feng Shenye was so distressed that he leaned down and kissed her forehead, saying softly, “Sleep when you’re tired, I’ll just go and meet the guests this afternoon.”


Wen Shiyu nodded gently and fell into a deep sleep not long after.

When she woke up again, the full moon feast had already ended successfully.

In the room, Feng Shenye was holding the second baby next to him and playing with Little Bao’er.

Wen Shiyu felt her heart was stuffed with warmth and happiness as she watched the image of the three father and son interacting.

Perhaps her eyes were too hot, and Feng Shenye turned back with some awareness.

“You’re awake.”

As he spoke, he had already walked over with Erbao in his arms and said with concern, “Is your stomach hungry?”

Wen Shiyu nodded, “A little.”

“Then I’ll ask the hotel to send some food over.”

Feng Shenye went to make a phone call.

Little Bao’er also came over at this time and looked at Wen Shiyu with concern, “Mommy, are you still tired? Do you want Bao’er to give you a ma*sage?”

“Thank you Bao’er for your kindness, but mommy is not tired anymore.”

Wen Shiyu rubbed the little one’s black hair, her heart was soft and warm because of his words.

Soon, the hotel brought a light chicken congee with two small dishes, which looked appetizing and had a good nutritional value.

As Wen Shiyu ate, she talked to Feng Shenye about what had happened after she went to bed.

Feng Shenye gave a general description.

“The banquet went well, and when it was over, Mom and Dad saw that you were sleeping soundly, so they couldn’t bear to wake you up and went back first.”

Wen Shiyu nodded her head.

When she finished eating, she put the bowl aside and couldn’t wait to extend her hand to Feng Shenye, “Quickly give Erbao a hug, I haven’t held him all afternoon.”

Feng Shenye naturally wouldn’t refuse and handed over the little one in his arms.