Always Been Yours Chapter 1339

“Hey hey, I succeeded in confessing my love mummy.”

Gu Shihan joyfully pounced and hugged Mrs. Gu.

Next to him, Gu’s father looked at his happy daughter, but his heart was sour and he felt like he had been robbed of his greatest treasure.

At that moment, he blew his beard and glared and coldly grunted, “That boy has the sense to be smart, some day bring her back to me to see if she is as good as you say.”

“No problem, I’ll talk about it when I get a chance.”

Gu Shihan smiled and nodded his head.

On the other hand, Wen Shiyu was in a very good mood when she returned.

There would finally be someone to take care of her brother for her in the future.

She might even have little nephews and nieces born in the future soon.

Just thinking about it made her happy.

When Feng Shenye saw that Wen Shiyu was happy, he was in a good mood too!

The rest of the day seemed to go back to the quietness of the past.

During the day, Wen Shiyu took Bao’er and Erbao with her, and when she had nothing else to do, she went to the piano room to practise her violin.

In the evenings, when Feng Shenye returned, the family would go for a walk in the garden or go shopping, and the days were plain and happy.

In the blink of an eye, Wen Shiyu had been discharged from hospital for a month.

On this day, they went to the hospital for a review.

When the doctor saw the examination results in his hand, he smiled and congratulated, “Young lady has recovered well, next you can do some rehabilitation training to recover your legs.”

Hearing these words, Wen Shiyu and Feng Shenye looked at each other and smiled, in a good mood.

Then Feng Shenye asked, “How is this rehabilitation training arranged and what needs to be done?”

“The rehabilitation training should be done every day, when the time comes, young lady will choose a time and then come to the hospital for contact every day regularly, the time will increase from half an hour at the beginning to an hour at the back.”

The doctor explained roughly to the side.

Wen Shiyu and Feng Shenye listened very carefully, and then chose a time slot to come to the hospital for a review.

After this was set, Wen Shiyu came to the hospital every day afterwards.

Feng Shenye also accompanied her rain or shine.

Apart from being uncomfortable at the beginning, Wen Shiyu slowly adapted to the rehabilitation training.

Although she can still only do half an hour, she feels that her legs are getting more flexible every day, and she is happy and full of energy.

The only thing that made her heart ache was seeing Feng Shenye busy with the company every day and taking the time to accompany herself to the hospital.

She couldn’t bear to see Feng Shenye working so hard, so she stopped him on this day.

“I’ve already run through the hospital these days, so don’t follow me there again and go to work properly.”

Feng Shenye was originally reluctant, but he couldn’t say no to Wen Shiyu and finally had to agree.

After that, when Wen Shiyu went to the hospital, she was accompanied by a driver.

This phenomenon was discovered by Su Shan’s men who had been watching her.

Soon, Susan also got the news and smiled sinisterly.

“Wen Shiyu ah Wen Shiyu, finally let me find the opportunity, you want to get back on your feet, it’s just a dream!”

I don’t care what you use, within three days I want you to create an accident for Wen Shiyu, so that she will never play the violin again in her life!”

This b*tch has made her a cripple now, so she wants her to become a cripple like herself and never get up again!

The man next to her nodded and took orders, “Don’t worry Miss, Jason will not spare anyone who has hurt you, but this has to be planned carefully.”

He was one of Walter’s best men, and he listened to Susan.

But he had always been a steady hand, so he had a different view of Susan’s proposal.

Knowing his character, Susan said coldly, “So what are you thinking?”

“With Missy having struck once before, Feng Shenye and Wen Shiyu will definitely be secretly on guard, so creating an accident may not necessarily achieve the effect you want, so my suggestion is to set your sights on the hospital.”

Jason spoke out what was in his mind, “In the hospital, their wariness is definitely not as heavy as outside, which greatly increases our chances of success, and with so many people in the hospital with mixed identities, we have more chances to make a move.”