Always Been Yours Chapter 1343

“Poor supervision is a dereliction of duty on your part, from today onwards, you will go on to become the Vice President!”

The dean could not retort and could only accept.

After the matter came to an end, Feng Shenye took Wen Shiyu and left the hospital.

However, he still explained Xu to continue to track down information about the imposter doctor.

On the way back, Feng Shenye held Wen Shiyu’s hand and said in a dark voice, “Before we find out who’s behind this, I want you to do rebuilding training directly at home from now on.”

“That’s fine.”

Wen Shiyu nodded her head in agreement.

She knew that Feng Shenye had made this arrangement because he was worried that he would fall into someone else’s calculations again.

Feng Shenye continued, “As long as you agree, I’ll have Xu go to the hospital later to hire a caregiver and a doctor, and they will be responsible for making a rehabilitation training plan for you at home.”

Wen Shiyu naturally had no problem with this.

And this incident, although it didn’t make a big deal at the hospital, the fact that a dean was relegated to vice president still alerted the rest of the Feng family.

After learning what had happened, that morning, Pei Xin Yi and her husband rushed to Di Jing Lan Yuan with unease.

“Shiyu, are you alright?”

As soon as they entered the living room, Pei Xin Yi looked at Wen Shiyu with concern.

Wen Shiyu felt her genuine concern and smiled sweetly, “I’m fine, because it was discovered early, so it didn’t leave any damage.”

“It’s good that it’s alright, I was scared when I heard the news.”

Pei Xin Yi patted her chest with a scared look on her face.

Seeing this, Wen Shiyu gave another good consolation.

Even so, Pei Xingyi, who had calmed down, could not help but be angry.

“What kind of person is it that is so vicious, to want to ruin Shiyu in such a way.”

“This matter, must be investigated clearly.”

Feng Tianyi looked towards Feng Shenye.

Seeing this, Feng Shenye’s eyes flashed with a cold light and he nodded, “Don’t worry, I will pursue this matter to the end.”

He would not let go of anyone who presumed to harm Wen Shiyu.

Later in the evening, Feng Shen Jin, along with Wen Jing Chen and Gu Shi Han, also came.

When Wen Shiyu saw the three of them, she curiously inquired, “Why did you all come together?”

“We ran into each other at the entrance just now.”

Wen Jingchen briefly explained, and then went straight to the point, worrying, “Sister, I heard that someone was trying to harm you at the hospital, have you caught them?”

Once these words came out, Feng Shen Jin and Gu Shi Han also both looked at Wen Shiyu with concern.

“Sister-in-law, are you alright?”

“Is Sister Wen hurt?”

Looking at so many people caring for herself, Wen Shiyu’s heart warmed up.

“I’m fine, you guys don’t need to worry.”

She calmed a few people down and then spoke generally about the hospital.

Wen Jingchen’s face was gloomy when he heard that someone had tampered with his sister’s rehab training.

Sensing his anger, Gu Shihan took his hand and persuaded, “Don’t worry, with General Manager Feng around, he definitely won’t let anyone bully Sister Wen.”

Wen Jing Chen was persuaded down by her and his face eased up a lot.

“I also want to help investigate this matter.”

“Okay, I’ll help you.”

Gu Shihan smiled sweetly at Wen Jingchen.

Sweetness filled the two of them.

And as Wen Shiyu watched them fall in love pa*sionately and have a great relationship, she was also happy in her heart.

It was so good that his younger brother had also found his home.

At this time, Feng Shen Jin looked grave and said, “Right now the person behind the scheme against sister-in-law has not been found, I suggest that in the future sister-in-law take a few bodyguards with her when she goes out, as well as fortify the protection at home, lest the other party cannot lay a hand on sister-in-law and turn around to deal with others.”

Hearing these words, Feng Shenye and Wen Jingchen both agreed.

And Wen Jing Chen thus remembered something, and took out two delicate boxes from the briefcase he had with him, one of which he handed to Wen Shiyu.

“Sister this is for you.”

“What’s this?”

Wen Shiyu asked, also opening the gift box and finding that inside was a watch.

The watch looked very delicate, and it even had diamonds on it, yet it was full of technology.

The first time Wen Shiyu saw it, she fell in love with it.