Always Been Yours Chapter 1380

Especially Elletha, looking at Wen Shiyu, her eyes were red with jealousy.

She didn’t expect this woman to be so beautiful after putting on her make-up and changing into her dress.

Her own thunder was overshadowed by this woman!

Perhaps it was because Wen Shiyu was performing cla*sical music tonight, so her dress tonight, was more on the plain and simple side.

In this room of gorgeous people, she looked even more beautiful.

Because she had just given birth, Wen Shiyu’s figure was more voluptuous in certain areas, with a more curvy front and back, making her look incredibly sexy.

Sofia didn’t notice the difference in the others.

She was satisfied with Wen Shiyu’s state at this moment and nodded, “You are the finale, continue to keep this mood and wait patiently in the background.”

“I know.”

Wen Shiyu nodded obediently.

It was Elletha on the other side who, after calming down, curled her red lips wistfully.

Her gaze looked at the straps on Wen Shiyu’s gown with deep intent.

She then turned her head to signal her a*sistant to stand beside her and inquired in a small voice, “Is it done?”

“It’s done, I only left a little bit of articulation, when Wen Shiyu performs, that shoulder strap will break off.”

It turned out that this a*sistant had just left in order to go and find Wen Shiyu’s gown to tamper with.

The thought of Wen Shiyu’s gown coming off and disgracing her during the performance instantly made Elletha’s depressed mood better.

She would like to see how this Wen Shiyu would end up after messing up the celebration and offending the royal family of country J!

The more she thought about it, the more pleased she became. It was as if she could see Wen Shiyu’s bad luck, and the smile on Elletha’s lips grew wider and wider.

Wen Shiyu didn’t notice, and after sending the teacher away, she sat quietly in her exclusive seat and chatted with Feng Shenye.

Later in the evening, the celebration performance officially began.

The scene in the front ballroom was filled with countless aristocrats, freshly dressed in fancy clothes and mingling.

Hebrew wore a slim black suit and gown as he walked through the ballroom.

His sturdy posture, handsome features and distinguished lordship made countless celebrities come to him.

But Hebrew was not interested in these women.

However, Eliza, who was standing behind the stage curtain, took one look at Hebrew and could not take her eyes off him.


She murmured in a low voice.

In fact, she had come to the performance because she had the honour of meeting him once back then.

But who would have thought that just that one time would make her lose her heart.

Yes, back then she had fallen head over heels for Hebrew.

Especially as the man was also a nobleman, she felt that she was a good match for him.

After all, the only way to match her excellence would be to marry such a magnificent aristocrat.

Not to mention this Hebrew, handsome beyond compare.

Just as she was lost in thought, the teacher’s voice came to her ears.

“Elrosa, behave well in a moment and don’t be nervous.”

“I know, don’t worry teacher.”

Returning to her senses, Elletha nodded with a smile on her face.

Of course she had to behave well, because that was the only way to attract Hebrew’s attention.

And only by getting Hebrew’s attention would she have the chance to go up and strike up a conversation.

The performance continued on stage.

Eliza, however, kept her eyes only on Hebrew.

It was only when it was her turn to perform that she collected her thoughts.

“Next we have Miss Elletha performing ‘A Prayer by the Sea’.”

At the MC’s announcement, Elletha slowly walked onto the stage with her own instrument, her every move elegant and atmospheric.

The stage erupted in applause.

After the salute, Elletha began to perform.

Beautiful melodies poured out.

It must be said that Elletha really has the power.

As a result, the performance was amazing.

Many people in the audience were mesmerised.

But no one knew that she was actually doing two things at once.

While she was performing, her gaze intentionally or unintentionally darted over to Hebrew.

Unfortunately, Hebrew didn’t pay any attention to her.

Instead, he was searching the ballroom for something.

Hebrew looked around the scene, but didn’t see what he was looking for, and finally left with a frown on his face.