I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1344

Rongshu sighed, “It’s so many years too late, but it’s not too late, Liu Lao is still alive and not beyond the age where he can no longer be held criminally responsible, he can still pay the price he deserves for what he did.”

“Yes.” a*sistant Zhang strongly agreed with her, “I just finished talking to Mr. Fu about this matter, and he said the same thing.”

“Liu Lao has now been taken to the police. Has he been taken to the police station?” Rongshu inquired.

“Yes, after the hypnosis ended yesterday, Elder Liu knew he had explained everything and knew he couldn’t resist, so he did nothing and said nothing, resigned to his fate and was taken away by the police. The police took him away, but the police… The police did not make a big fuss when they took him away because he had helped the country’s economy to a certain extent in those days, but chose to keep a low profile, which was a kind of final face-saving for him.”

“What about the relative who helped him back then?”

a*sistant Zhang pushed his gla*ses, “That police . Captain Fang retired three years ago, probably because he knew he was bending the law in favour of his own interests and that he couldn’t hide it for the rest of his life, so he ran away to a foreign country three years ago and changed his nationality.”

“Changed his nationality?” Rongshu was slightly surprised.

Even if he changed his nationality, he is not a national anymore, but the laws he broke in his country will still be pursued in his country. The police have already contacted the emba*sy, which will communicate with that country and will send him back home, so Miss Rong need not worry.”

“That’s good.” Rong Shu nodded slightly, indicating that she knew, “But what sentence will Liu Lao get afterwards?”

“With his age here, the death penalty is definitely ruled out, and neither will life, ten years at most.” a*sistant Zhang returned mockingly, “For an old man like Liu Lao who thinks highly of himself and has a high self-esteem, not to mention ten years in prison, one year would be killing him, plus he is not particularly well in the first place, so maybe in less than ten years, he will die inside.”

Therefore, there was really not much difference between a death sentence and a life sentence.

Rongshu ruffled her hair, “I see, in that case, everyone from the Liu family is in, except for the Liu family’s distant relatives, right?”

“There’s still Mrs. Liu out there, she really hasn’t been involved in anything and doesn’t know much, so the police side deliberated and didn’t mean to arrest her, but her husband did steal . Taxes. Tax evasion. The amount of money involved is huge, and it is estimated that he will be sentenced to more than ten years.”

Rongshu smiled coldly, “This Liu family is really a nest of poisonous tumors, grandfather murder, son stealing. Taxes. Tax evasion. Taxes or commercial espionage, and the granddaughter is also guilty of intentional murder, it’s true that if you’re not from the same family, you don’t enter the same family.”

“Who says it’s not?” a*sistant Zhang shrugged his shoulders, “Liu Lao is unable to get out of prison, Mr. Liu should be able to hold on until he is released, but when he comes out, he will be seventy years old, at that time, Mrs. Liu may wait for him, maybe she has long since remarried, who knows, and Liu Linlin, she is an ironclad death sentence, this Liu family, is also considered to have really disappeared.”

“There’s no need to sympathise, since they dare to do this, they have to dare to accept such a downfall.”

“That’s right.” a*sistant Zhang nodded, then lifted his wristwatch and looked at the time, “Alright Miss Rong, it’s getting late, I’m going to find Mr. Shi Mo and send him to the airport.”

“Good, you go ahead.”

“I’m off then, Mr. Fu will trouble you to take care of Miss Rong, if there’s anything, you can call me anytime.”

After saying that, a*sistant Zhang bowed towards Rong Shu and turned to leave.

Only after his figure disappeared did Rong Shu withdraw her gaze and look inside the ward, just in time to meet the man’s eyes that were filled with sorrow.

She immediately understood that the dog man was jealous.

It was written clearly on that face that he was jealous that she had been talking to a*sistant Zhang for too long.

Rong Shu was a bit weepy, then hurriedly wrote on the writing board a good word that the dog man liked to hear, to coax him.

The current Fu Jingting was a childish man who needed to be coaxed at all times, otherwise he could get angry at you at the drop of a hat.

Sure enough, after Rong Shu wrote many kind words on the writing board to coax Fu Jingting, the dark sullenness on Fu Jingting’s face and the sulking in his eyes really disappeared, and his whole mood recovered.

Rongshu shook her head helplessly, amused.

Time pa*sed quickly, and a week had pa*sed.

Fu Jingting was finally released from the intensive care ward and was admitted to a normal ward.

At last, Rongshu did not have to wait outside the ward every day, and only had ten minutes to go in every day to keep him company.

Now, as long as she wanted to, she could stay by his side and talk to him twenty-four hours a day.

This could be said to be the best news in a while.

For Fu Jingting too, this is not true, after coming out of the intensive care ward, his whole person’s energy, too, is obviously much better.

And in these few days, there were quite a few things that happened.

First of all, the Wang family’s case, Liu Linlin, went to the court of first instance.

In fact, there are a lot of processes to go through in the middle, and there are many big cases that take less than half a year or more than a year or two to go to trial for the first time.

The fact that it took less than a month for Liu Linlin to go straight to the court of first instance obviously means that a lot of processes were crossed in the middle.

Of course this is definitely not an oversight on the part of the court, but a deliberate order from above to skip some processes and let Liu Linlin go straight to the court of first instance.

It was because Liu Linlin’s case was so bad that it had angered the whole country and all the rich big shots in the country.

Because of Liu Linlin’s rat turd, they all became synonymous with sin in the eyes of ordinary people, causing their companies to be in turmoil for a while, and also causing the top to increase their scrutiny of their companies, making them suffer.

So they all hated Liu Linlin.

So with the anger of the nation’s people and the pressure from these rich people combined, there was a lot of pressure from the top. In order to calm the people’s anger, so the top held several general meetings before deciding to skip some of the process and let Liu Linlin go straight to the court of first instance to give an early verdict and give the people an explanation.

Liu Linlin was sentenced to death for her crime, and after the verdict was handed down, it was immediately posted on the court’s official website, and the internet was full of praise.

Only Liu Linlin was full of discontent and appealed.

She didn’t understand how the fact that she had done nothing but give that fisherman a piece of advice and help him clear some obstacles, and hadn’t personally driven the car into the Wang family, had risen to the level of mastermind and had to sentence her to death.

In her case, she believed that as long as she had not killed anyone with her own hands, it would not be considered murder, and that she should not have ended up in this situation, so she insisted on appealing and the court accepted it.

But everyone except Liu Linlin knew that even the outcome of the second trial would not change, and that the original verdict of the first trial would be upheld, and that Liu Linlin’s end would still be nothing but death.

So when the netizens learned that Liu Linlin was appealing, apart from disdain and contempt, they did not react too aggressively, as her outcome would be the same no matter how she appealed anyway.

As for Mrs Liu, after learning of Liu Linlin’s first trial verdict, she fainted in the courtroom on the spot and was heard to have suffered some strokes, and is still in a small hospital, not waking up.

As for Elder Liu and Father Liu, now the police. The police are still sorting out their crimes and incriminating evidence and are not in a hurry to send them to court for trial yet.