Always Been Yours Chapter 1479

Wen Shiyu nodded his head to show that he understood.

Feng Shenye also listened very carefully.

When they returned, they had just entered the living room when Pei Xin Yi greeted them with Little Bao’er.

“How was the review?”

Pei Xin Yi asked with concern.

Wen Shiyu didn’t hide, and gave a general description of the doctor’s instructions, “The injuries are all healed, just need to take good care of them later.”

“It’s good that your injuries are healed, just take your time with the recuperation later, there’s no rush.” Pei Xin Yi advised.

Little Bao’er also spoke playfully, “From now on, I will urge Mummy to drink the tonic soup on time every day.”

Wen Shiyu cried and laughed as she listened.

These days, in order to nourish her body, there was no stopping the nutritious soup, chicken soup and ginseng soup at home.

At the same time, it also caused her to turn pale at the smell of all these things.

Later in the evening, after the family had a warm lunch, Feng Shenye went to the office.

Wen Shiyu was at home practising her violin and taking care of the children at the same time.

During a break in the middle of the day, she received a call from her teacher.

“Shiyu, you went for a check-up today, what did the doctor say, is your body okay?”

Sofia asked with concern over the phone.

Wen Shiyu responded with a smile, “It’s already well, I’ve started practicing my violin now.”

“Since you’re practising, why don’t you come over to Vienna and practise, just so I can coach you, and then you can try to manage the second group.”

Sofia suggested.

Wen Shiyu also knew that her teacher was thinking of her, and agreed at once.

The two then set a date for their return, spoke for a while longer, and hung up.

That evening, when Wen Shiyu waited for Feng Shenye to return, she announced that she was going to Vienna.

“I’ve already spoken to the teacher and will go there in three days.”

Feng Shenye wasn’t much surprised because he had expected it.

On the contrary, it was Little Bao’er who was reluctant to leave.

“Mummy, can I come with you? I don’t want to be separated from mummy.”

He looked at Wen Shiyu pitifully.

Wen Shiyu didn’t know how to reply and turned her head to look at Feng Shenye.

Feng Shenye shook his head and refused, “No, you stay here with me and wait for your mommy’s side to settle down, then you can come with me.”

Hearing this, little Bao’er immediately became unhappy.

“Bad daddy!”

Feng Shenye also ignored him and turned his head to look at Wen Shiyu, his voice gentle as he said, “I won’t go over with you here for now, I’ll bring Bao’er over to keep you company after I’ve arranged all the company’s affairs.”

“It’s okay, you’re busy with your own, when you have time, you can come over again.”

Wen Shiyu smiled and nodded her head.

She did know that Feng Shenye was very busy these days.

After all, the second and third houses were in trouble, and the branches under their names were without a head, so they all needed Feng Shenye to make adjustments.

The news of Wen Shiyu’s upcoming trip to Vienna was soon brought to the attention of the Feng family elders.

Although Pei Xin Yi and the old man disapproved of the move, they could not say anything as Feng Shen Ye supported it.

Then again, this time it was just Wen Shiyu going over alone and would not take the children with her.

On the day of departure, Feng Shenye personally sent Wen Shiyu to the airport.

During that time, little Bao’er stayed in Wen Shiyu’s arms, his delicate little face full of sadness.

When he arrived at the airport, Feng Shenye helped Wen Shiyu cut the broken hair on her cheeks and admonished, “Take good care of yourself after you go over there, don’t be too busy and let me worry.”

Wen Shiyu nodded her head to indicate that she knew.

After a flight lasting more than ten hours, Wen Shiyu arrived in Vienna.

Outside the airport, the butler was already waiting on the street with orders.

After getting into the car, Wen Shiyu sent a message of safety to Feng Shenye and her brother respectively.

After a day of rest and recuperation, she went to the orchestra with gifts for her teachers and her brothers and sisters.

Once inside, Wen Shiyu immediately received greetings and concern from many people.

“Little sister is back, has your body healed?”

“If you’re not well yet, don’t force yourself.”

Hearing these words of concern, Wen Shiyu’s heart warmed.

She shared the snacks she had brought from home with these members and went to the teachers and siblings with her gifts.