I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1371

Rong Shu took a deep breath, “It’s about the matter between you and Secretary Tong.”

When those words came out, Lu Qi’s pupils contracted visibly for a moment.

About what happened between him and Tong Xi?

What do you mean?

Could it be that she knew something?

Lu Qi’s hand holding the milk tea cup could not help but slowly tighten up.

Seeing this, Rongshu sighed lightly, “Ah Qi, you’re getting nervous.”

Lu Qi pursed his lips and did not say anything.

Rongshu said again, “You’re nervous about whether I know something, right?”

Lu Qi jerked his head up to look at her, the shock in his eyes not being hidden in any way.

“It seems I guessed right.” Rongshu smiled lightly, “We grew up together, you know me and I naturally know you, so I can easily guess what you are thinking by a look, an expression or even an action of yours, and you agree to do the same, you can easily know what I am thinking, we know each other best.”

Lu Qi was silent for a moment and eventually spoke up, “So what? What do you want to tell me about me and Secretary Tong?”

Rong Shu took another sip of milk tea, “Now that things have come to this point, I won’t hide it from you, in fact, I know everything that happened between you and Secretary Tong.”

“What?” Lu Qi’s face changed greatly, “You know everything?”

“That’s right.” Rongshu nodded her head.

“Tong Xi told you?” Lu Qi’s face was ugly, and there was clearly a bit of anger in his voice.

Rong Shu shook her head, “Of course not, how could you think that? A Qi, everything that happened between you and Secretary Tong, I will know, not necessarily what Secretary Tong told me, so you can’t blame everything on Secretary Tong all of a sudden without proof, it’s not fair to her, I will know, it’s entirely because the two of you are not lifting right.”

Lu Qi didn’t say anything, he just looked at her, the meaning in his eyes was clear, he hoped she would continue to talk further.

Rong Shu rubbed her temples, and did continue on, “Secretary Tong is your college cla*smate, and has also been your chief secretary for many years after graduation, the relationship between you has always been very good, is subordinate, and even more friends, so many years together, even if there is no love, there is also a deep friendship, with your character, it is felt that you will not suddenly have a bad feeling and dislike for Secretary Tong. dislike and dislike, unless something happened between you that you can’t accept.”

“And then what?”

“The relationship between you and Secretary Tong deteriorated too quickly, one day it was normal, the next day the relationship dropped dramatically, especially your dislike for Secretary Tong, not to mention Secretary Tong herself, even I felt alarmed when I saw it, and Secretary Tong herself was in a trance during that time, often out of it, you both behaved too obviously towards each other, without the slightest concealment So I was then curious as to what was going on between you, I asked you and I asked Secretary Tong, but ……”

She paused for a moment, “but neither of you told me what happened between you, you are both my friends, how could I not be worried when you were suddenly like this, so I kept an eye on you, but two months have pa*sed and I still don’t know what happened between you.”

Speaking of this, Rong Shu let out a bitter smile, “No matter how I asked you guys, you both always kept your mouths shut, you would even directly reveal your disgust towards Secretary Tong, and Secretary Tong would also reveal a sad look, this side made me even more worried, so I was ready to secretly investigate what happened between you guys, but before I could find someone to investigate, the matter of Secretary Tong’s pregnancy was exposed to me The woman will have a dry heaving reaction in the two to three months of her pregnancy, and it was because of this that I guessed that Secretary Tong was pregnant, so I asked her directly, and she knew that she could no longer hide it, before she told me everything.”

The company’s handsome face was filled with a mocking sneer, “So in the end, it was she who told you everything, what? She wants to get concern sympathy from you and then let you come out to me to make me forgive her?”

Rongshu frowned, “Ah Qi, how can you think like that? How can you speculate on Secretary Tong so maliciously? Secretary Tong never asked me to do so, she would tell me because I guessed about her pregnancy, so she couldn’t hide it and told me, not that she felt like telling me in the first place, and she didn’t ask me to intercede for her with you, if she had asked me to do so, how could I have waited until now to come to you to talk about this?”

Lu Qi also knew that his words just now were too unreasonable, so this time when he was lectured by Rong Shu, he did not retort.

Rong Shu took another sip of milk tea and calmed down a little before continuing.

“Secretary Tong told me about what happened between you two, that’s why I knew that it would suddenly turn out like this between you, to say the least, it was also my fault that that incident happened between you two, that day you confessed your love to me, I rejected you, you were sad to leave, but we grew up together, I treated you like a brother, seeing you leave like that, I was also worried that you would do something stupid, but it was not good to myself to go after you, it would only look like I didn’t love you yet I wasn’t willing to let you go, so I then asked Secretary Tong to go to you and ask her to watch you and not let you do something stupid, after all, Secretary Tong is your friend and has also worked together with you for so many years, I was relieved to have her watch you.”

“But that woman went against your wishes and looked at me and saw me coming to bed.” Lu Qi clenched his fist and said coldly.

Rongshu shook her head helplessly, “Ah Qi, admittedly this matter Secretary Tong is at fault, she did not drink and came to your bed is her fault, but you dare to tell me clearly that you are not at fault either?”

Lu Qi was stunned, wanting to say that he was right, but for some reason, he could not say it.

Rongshu looked at him like this and smiled faintly.

“Look, you can’t even say anything yourself, which means that in your heart, you also know that you are at fault. Medical science shows that a person who is really drunk can’t do anything, while you were able to do something like that with Secretary Tong, which means that you weren’t really drunk at all, at least you were still conscious, and you might even have recognized who the woman you were with was, but what about you? You didn’t push Tong away, did you? So that night, you and Secretary Tong were completely willing on both sides, then you can’t blame all the fault on Secretary Tong alone, you were at fault too.”

“I ……” Lu Qi’s thin lips twitched, wanting to retort, but there was no way to do so.

Rongshu saw that his milk tea was cold, picked up the teapot and added a little hot one to him, “Secretary Tong loved you, that’s why she didn’t reject you when you pulled her, but you could have pushed her away when you recognized her, but you didn’t either, that thing happened between you, not only were you both willing, it also showed that you actually weren’t that resistant to Secretary Tong either right, you still had some feelings for her in your heart You still have some feelings for her in your heart, otherwise why would you want to be with her? Afterwards you loathed her and blamed her for everything, thinking that she was the one who climbed into your bed that night, but it was just a sign of your cowardice and not wanting to recognize the reality.”

“I didn’t.” As if stimulated by something, Lu Qi’s face turned white and he jerked up to retort.

Rongshu sat calmly in her chair and just looked up at him, “You did, because you had just confessed your love to me and the next moment you were in bed with another woman, you couldn’t accept yourself like that, you felt that you had done so, betraying me, betraying your own emotions, but you didn’t want to admit that you were at fault, so you blamed everything on a girl, thinking that she was the one was seducing, seducing you, deliberately leading you to make the mistake of betraying me, so you hated her, you loathed her.”

“It’s not like that, it’s not like that!” Lu Qi shook his head violently and shouted.