I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1374

“It’s not ugly.” Rongshu shook her head, “If I hadn’t just taken a closer look at you, I wouldn’t have noticed that you’ve put on weight at all, so you haven’t become ugly at all.”

Fu Jingting had a smile in his eyes, “Then if I’ve become ugly, should you dislike me?”

“How could I?” I’m not that kind of person, besides, you haven’t become ugly, but I have heard that men tend to get fat in middle age, bald, fat, beer belly and so on, you ……”

“No!” Seeming to know what Rong Shu was going to say, Fu Jingting hurriedly shook his head down, indicating that it was absolutely impossible for him to become that way.

Moreover, he couldn’t tolerate himself turning into that, just thinking about it made him feel wicked cold.

Looking at the man’s face of avoiding the image in his mouth, the look harrumphed, “In that case, then you should take good care of yourself in the future, don’t let yourself become like that oh.”

“Of course.” Fu Jingting lifted his chin, a face of a*surance.

He would never allow himself to become like that.

“Alright, let’s not talk about that, you should eat now.” Rongshu stood up and headed for the washroom.

By the time she came out after using the washroom, Fu Jingting had almost finished eating.

She walked over, gathered up the dishes and went to the kitchen to clean them.

It was at this time that Lin Tianchen came over to check on Fu Jingting, once a day, to do a simple check-up.

When he was done, he suddenly thought of something and looked at Rong Shu who came out of the kitchen and said, “Gu Yaotian’s wife came to the hospital again this morning.”

“She came to find you guys to save Gu Yaotian again?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes.

Lin Tian Chen did not deny it, “She is the one who does not want Gu Yaotian to die the most, so there is no way she will give up any chance of saving him, I reckon ah, she will come to the hospital for the rest of the day, even if she does not come to my hospital, other hospitals will definitely go.”

“It doesn’t matter where she goes, as long as Gu Yaotian is really not saved.” Rong Shu walked over and said with a faint expression.

Fu Jingting’s eyes flickered for a moment, “In Gu Yaotian’s case, there is really nothing that can be done, right?”

Lin Tian Chen pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, “That’s right, that old man’s body, it won’t be able to support him for long at all, not to mention the lack of a suitable kidney source, even if there was, it would be impossible to walk off the operating table, unless there was that little miracle happening, but something like a miracle, if it could happen that easily, it wouldn’t be called a miracle.”

Therefore, Gu Yaotian was bound to die.

“I know, after that no one from the Gu family needs to care.” Fu Jingting looked at Lin Tianchen and said.

Lin Tian Chen shrugged his shoulders and didn’t say anything more.

After that, he stayed for a while longer before he was called away by the nurse, saying that a patient had registered for his number and he had to go.

After he left, Rong Shu went back to Fu Jingting’s bedside and sat down, “How is the Sangsheng Group doing now?”

“Many of Sangsheng Group’s industries have been suspended. The authorities have found some evidence about the collapse of the mine, so they have ordered the suspension of most of Sangsheng Group’s industries. Many of the shareholders of Sangsheng Group have realized the danger and have started to sell their shares, ready to cash out and withdraw their shares, while Gu Yaotian has been lying on his sickbed unable to do anything.”

“Dumping shares?” Rongshu mocked, “But I guess no one is buying their shares, right?”

Fu Jingting nodded, “That’s right, Sangsheng Group was thoroughly investigated by the top for a while, and it has long been a big deal in the business world, everyone knows that Sangsheng Group is in trouble this time, and they won’t even bother to buy Sangsheng Group’s shares, in case Sangsheng goes bankrupt, the shares will be of no use, so they won’t take the risk, and now Sangsheng Group’s shareholders are selling off the shares in their hands at a very low price, and no one dares to buy them.

“What is the price of the sell-off?” Rong Shu suddenly asked.

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, “You want to buy?”

Without waiting for Rong Shu to answer, he added, “If you want to buy it is also fine, San Sheng Group should have been yours too, if you want to buy it, I will ask the top to be lenient and leave San Sheng behind, not letting San Sheng go completely bankrupt, at least some clean industries can be left behind and fused into Tiansheng.”

Rongshu didn’t pay attention to the man’s later sentence, only curious about the man’s earlier sentence.

She looked at the man, “Why are you saying that the Sansheng Group should have been mine in the first place?”

A dark light flashed in Fu Jingting’s eyes, but it quickly disappeared again as he explained in a light voice, “Gu Yaotian harmed the Rong family, so naturally, it should be compensated with San Sheng, that’s why I said it was yours.”

Rong Shu nodded, “In that case, I’ll consider looking into it, speaking of which, I am indeed more interested in some of Sangsheng Group’s properties.”

“What industries, tell me about them, I’ll help you analyse whether Tiansheng is suitable or not.” The man asked.

Rongshu readily agreed.

The two of them after that talked about dividing up Sangsheng.

Sangsheng was still under investigation and had not really been liquidated yet.

If Gu Yaotian were here at this moment, he would probably be angry with them on the spot.

“These few properties you have your eye on are not bad, since you want them, I will have Zhang Cheng compile a copy of the share data in the hands of all the shareholders of Sangsheng Group, you look at the data and then go and contact these shareholders, this way, you are not afraid of them raising their prices, you also have a way to press their prices and buy the shares at a price lower than the lowest price now.” Fu Jingting said with a slight nod.

Rongshu smiled, “Then it will be hard on a*sistant Zhang again.”

“He’s just getting paid to do something.”

“Be that as it may, but he is the one running the errands, so it’s indeed hard work too.” Rongshu said as she saw that it was almost time and handed the man’s medicine over to him, “Well, it’s time to take today’s anti-rejection medicine.”

Fu Jingting didn’t pretend to dawdle, he took the medicine and dropped it straight into his mouth, swallowing it down with a drink of water.

The next morning, a*sistant Zhang compiled the data on the shares that Rong Shu had asked for, not just the data, but also the information on the share holders, especially their personalities and some of the handles they had that were not known to the public.

With these things, Rong Shu could more easily take hold of the shareholders of Sangsheng Group and buy the shares over at the lowest price.

Although the means of using other people’s handles to achieve an end is so somewhat unseemly, but don’t forget, this is the business world.

The business world is like a battlefield, and it makes sense to use unconventional means to achieve some goals.

So in the afternoon, Rong Shu went to meet with the shareholders she had chosen as her best bets and bought out their shares.

All this was done so stealthily that Gu Yaotian’s group did not even notice.

Soon, she became the second largest shareholder of Sangsheng Group after Gu Yaotian.

Once Gu Yaotian stepped down, she could rely on Fu Jingting’s relationship with the top to completely dismantle the Sangsheng Group, leaving only the few properties that she had her eye on.

Thinking of this, Rong Shu’s mood was about to soar.

As time pa*sed, the seven days of the New Year pa*sed and the employees returned to their respective jobs one after another.

Rongshu also went back to work at Tiansheng.

She hadn’t been in the office for long when she received a call from the receptionist, “Hello Chairman, I have a gentleman here to see you.”

“Sir?” Rongshu frowned suspiciously, “Which gentleman? What’s his name?”

Was it Cheng Huai?

But that wasn’t right, the receptionist knew Cheng Huai.

If it was Cheng Huai who was coming, the receptionist would have directly said that it was Cheng Huai who wanted to see her, and not a gentleman.

So this gentleman, for sure, was someone the receptionist did not know.

Who could it be?