I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1413

“Gu Yaotian and Rong Hao grew up in the same courtyard, so naturally they became best friends, and their friendship remained unchanged until high school. After that, the two became two examples of diametric opposites in the mouths of the older generation, and Gu Yaotian’s parents even compared Rong Hao to him the most, and over time, Gu Yaotian became jealous of Rong Hao.”

Listening to Fu Jingting’s words, Li Zhaodi gradually understood what was going on, her lips trembled, “So dad and Miss Rong’s adopted father, broke up on that?”

“That’s right, the two broke up on that, but not long after, the Rong family had an incident, completely bankrupt, and withdrew from the ranks of the gentry in Hai City, and the Gu family was no better, although not bankrupt, but also extremely shrunken a*sets, and only became an ordinary rich family.”

Three words immediately came to Li Zhaodi’s mind, those ten years.

If it was that decade, it would not be surprising if the two families had accidents at the same time.

“After the two families had their incidents, the Rong family and the Gu family never crossed paths again, knowing that the back face Rong Hao used his talent to start his own business again, creating the Tiansheng Group, bringing the Rong family back to the ranks of the gentry in Hai City, at that time Rong Hao’s scenery was endless, and it was even more of a heavy blow to Gu Yaotian who could only rely on his parents to grow Sangsheng up again and then inherit it, making Gu Yaotian felt even more inferior to Rong Hao, so Gu Yaotian, out of jealousy and hatred, stole Tiansheng’s secrets and forced an employee to commit suicide by jumping off a building, causing Tiansheng to almost go bankrupt, and it was only in order to fight back that Rong Hao stole Xiao Ye Zi.”

Speaking of this, Fu Jingting gazed at her coldly, “So it’s already obvious who is at fault for all this, isn’t it? If it wasn’t for Gu Yaotian’s own inability to tolerate people, Little Yezi wouldn’t have been stolen. It was he who caused Little Yezi to be stolen and caused Little Yezi to be caught between the two families and in pain. ”

“No, it’s not like that.” Li Zhaodi shook her head violently, “Mr. Fu, it’s not like that, even if dad is at fault, but he really loves Miss Rong, just based on this, dad he is not an absolute bad person, you can’t do this.”

“And really can.” Fu Jingting dropped these words, turned around and walked towards the door of the ward.

To him, Li Zhaodi was a person with a brain problem, no matter what Gu Yaotian had done to Rong Shu and what harm he had caused, she thought that Rong Shu should just save Gu Yaotian.

The reason was that the fact that Gu Yaotian was Rong Shu’s real father was enough.

How ridiculous.

In this world, there are many parents who do not love their children, and there are many parents who abandon their children.

Should the abandoned child one day meet the biological parents who come to his door, and the biological parents say to that child that they need that child to donate a kidney, should that child also donate?

All in all, he would never let Rong Shu save Gu Yaotian’s life.

For the sake of Rongshu afterwards, Gu Yaotian would have to die.

The fact that he did not support Rongshu in sending Gu Yaotian to prison with her own hands was already the last act of kindness and filial respect that he and Rongshu, as daughter and son-in-law, could show to Gu Yaotian.

If Gu Yaotian still had a conscience, he should have refused to let Rong Shu save him because she was his daughter.

However, Gu Yaotian should not know that Rongshu is his daughter yet.

Should we tell Gu Yaotian and see how he reacts?

If Gu Yaotian really chose not to let Rongshu donate her kidney and die himself to fulfill Rongshu as his daughter on the grounds that Rongshu was his daughter and he had feelings for Rongshu, then he would still think highly of Gu Yaotian for a day.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

“Mr. Fu.” Fu Jingting walked out of the ward.

The bodyguard immediately saluted him.

Fu Jingting hmphed, “Keep the person under watch, wait until the madam is better afterwards, then decide what to do with her.”

“Yes.” The bodyguard responded.

Fu Jingting didn’t stop and walked straight away.

Rongshu was still awake, and when Fu Jingting returned to the ward, he also lay down on the bed and slept with her in his arms.

They hadn’t slept much last night, and now that they were relaxed, their bodies naturally felt incredibly exhausted.

This time, it was dark.

a*sistant Zhang brought over some of the documents that Fu Jingting had to sign in person and gave them to Fu Jingting to sign.

After Fu Jingting finished signing, a*sistant Zhang put away the documents and said to Fu Jingting, “By the way, Mr. Fu, Mrs. Gu’s side found out that Li Zhaodi was missing and had already called the police, but I had greeted the police in advance, and although they promised to help Mrs. Gu look for Li Zhaodi on the surface, they didn’t take any action in private.”

After all, it’s not like people are really missing, so why would the police need to look for them?

Fu Jingting lifted his chin slightly, indicating that he knew, “What about Gu Yaotian’s situation?”

He asked.

a*sistant Zhang thought for a moment, “The person I sent over to ask around said that he was admitted to the ICU, already on a ventilator, not in a good condition, and Mrs. Gu is in tears all day.”

“Got it, have someone tell Mrs. Gu that I have something to see her tomorrow.” Fu Jingting ordered as he narrowed his eyes.

a*sistant Zhang immediately guessed what was going on and said in surprise, “Mr. Fu, you wouldn’t be thinking of ……”

I also want to know how they will react after learning that Rongshu is their daughter, if they have fatherly and motherly love for Rongshu, they should know what Rongshu will face, then they will also make the most correct choice, but if not that’s better, I will let Gu Yaotian speed up the progress of death, I absolutely won’t let them continue to live and prolong my wife’s suffering.”

a*sistant Zhang nodded his head, thinking the same, he was no longer surprised, “But this matter, does madam know about it?”

“I haven’t told her yet, I want to know how Gu Yaotian and his wife will react before I decide to tell her.” Fu Jingting returned indifferently.

“Okay Mr. Fu I understand, I’ll arrange it now.” a*sistant Zhang offered his farewell.

After he left, Feng Ma also came over, “Young master, Mrs. Lu and Mr. Lu are here, they are accompanying Young Madam in the ward, Young Madam is very happy to see Mrs. Lu.”

When Fu Jingting heard this, his eyebrows also gentle down, “This is a good thing, let’s go, go back and take a look.”

The two of them walked out of the lift room and arrived at the ward, before they even entered, they heard the sound of their happy laughter in the ward.

When Fu Jingting went in, what he saw was that Mrs. Lu didn’t know what she had said to Rong Shu, who covered her lips and laughed extremely happily ever after, while Lu Qi, which stood to the side with a black face, sullen, and also looked at Mrs. Lu with eyes v. control.

Fu Jingting saw this scene, probably guessed, what Mrs. Lu said to Rong Shu, nothing more than Lu Qi’s embarra*sment it.

“What did Auntie say to Little Yezi that made her so happy?” Fu Jingting walked over, put his arm around Rong Shu’s shoulders, sat down on the edge of the bed and deliberately and knowingly said, “How about telling me about it too?”

He glanced at Lu Qi.

As expected, Lu Qi’s face became even uglier, and he jumped up directly, pointing at Fu Jingting’s nose and scolding him, “Fu Jingting, what’s your business here, why are you here to join in the fun?”