The Simulator Chapter 352

As soon as the war cat appeared, Blood Righteousness knew it was going to be a disaster.


It turned out that Blood Potential was being targeted.


As a former neighbour, Blood Righteousness knew that Blood Power had always been strong and acted without scruples.


Not only did it snatch the territories discovered or developed by other Blood Ancestors, it also sent Blood Beasts to intervene in the land area outside of the Blood Lake, and privately executed some of the War Cats’ soldiers who dared to approach the Blood Lake.


This time, the Battle Cats seized the opportunity and took advantage of it.


Blood Righteousness took aim. The War Cats clan had sent out experienced veteran cats this time, not comparable to those new and auxiliary soldiers in the past, and looking at that situation, they were going to lay their hands on Blood Righteousness.


“Dammit! You actually dare to unite with the battle cats to shade me!”Blood Potential’s jaws were gaping and he gritted his teeth.


Blood righteousness didn’t make a verbal argument, and immediately brought his men to evacuate the blood lake.


It wants to go, but the blood potential can’t draw manpower to stop, before the great enemy, to protect the territory is important.


At this juncture, the nomadic and commanding experience accumulated over the past few years played a role. The minions were resolute in carrying out their orders and reacted quickly, and the group quickly left the battlefield and retreated to the back of the hillock.


Blood righteousness began to count the manpower.


This time, although he had taken the other side by surprise and suffered considerable losses, he had also suffered a large number of casualties. In total, they lost 2 Blood Servants and 41 Blood Beasts.


But the enemy ended up worse.


Blood Righteousness looked out over the mountain.


One after another, the Battle Cat clan made a complete entrance.


Those old cats all drilled out from under the soil, from the cracks in the rocks, and from the trees. They quickly changed shape and became walking upright, holding curved swords and short spears.


The new recruits at the back were holding longbows, keeping their bone arrows taut on the bowstring, ready to strike at any time.


The Blood Potential, which had only just suffered a heavy blow, gathered its men and women, and it did not have any stage fright in the face of the Cat Clan that surrounded it on all sides.


Blood Potential shouted, “Which legion are you from?”


An old cat with a scar on his nose let out a laugh and said, “Third Army Corps, Fifth Brigade.”


Blood Potential was silent for a moment, “This is the jurisdiction of the Second Legion, why would a war cat from the Third Legion appear?”


“It’s simple.”


The old cat said, “Because the Second Army Corps had some internal problems, so we, the Third Army Corps, were ordered to come over and deal with some of the trouble in the precinct on their behalf, to avoid them from being embarrassed.”


Blood Potential said coldly, “So there’s nothing to talk about?”


“We came only to carry out our mission, we don’t know anything else.”


The old cat smiled and said, “Please forgive me.”


It waved its hand.




The Blood Potential group also dived into the Blood Lake very quickly.


Normally, the cat race’s strength was on land, and once they came to the blood elemental’s home turf like the Blood Lake, they would face a life and death threat at any time if they dared to go into the water.


Blood Righteousness focused on the battlefield situation, it was certain in its heart that this brigade of Battle Cats must have come prepared and would never retreat so easily.


So, how would the war cats attack?


The next action of the veteran cats made Blood Righteousness have a few doubts.


Under the command of the veterans, the war cat recruits and auxiliaries on the periphery began to move in droves, and they used ropes to bring in a group of dark brown creatures shaped like bison.


The creature had a broad, wrinkled nose – or mouth – and no eyes; its entire body relied on feet protruding from under its stomach to move.


How could a bloodsucker get so big?


Bloodright couldn’t see it, but was greatly impressed.


It had herded bloodsuckers with its men for the past few years, and it knew a bit about the creatures.


There is a limit to the size of bloodsuckers, and once their bodies are stretched taut, they will burrow into the bottom of the blood pool’s sludge to sleep until they finish digesting and are hungry before surfacing to suck.


The bison sized bloodsuckers – or bloodsucking cows – at the moment, however, one by one, they poked their thick mouthparts into the blood lake, greedily sucking the blood element in the lake water.


In addition, the war cats also used an extreme means.


A large amount of livestock faeces was dumped into the blood lake by the wheelbarrows they pushed, causing the entire blood lake to be surrounded and mingled with filth, provoking a large amount of mosquitoes and flies.


This scene caused Blood Yi to suck in a breath of cold air, what a ruthless cat!


The faecal attack was rapidly diluting and muddying this red lake. Due to instinctive reasons, both blood servants and blood beasts would clean the blood lake to ensure that the blood element was pure, so that the power of the Blood Will could be fed back to every Blood Clan.


Not only were the war cats polluting the blood lake, but they were also feeding the blood clans shit!


Not only are the little brother blood servants and blood beasts eating it, but the blood potential is also inevitable as long as it is still in the lake ……


Blood Righteousness thought hard, but could not find a solution.


Only by getting rid of the polluters on land could the blood lake be prevented from being polluted.


From this perspective, nomads like himself were not easily threatened, the big deal was to settle in a different small pool.


The blood potential that had been operating the local area for many years didn’t have such a choice, it finally couldn’t stand the humiliation and chronic death, and led the blood servants and blood beasts to launch a frantic counter-attack, charging at the bloodsuckers and war cats on the shore in a tragic charge.


As if the battle cats had anticipated all this, a rain of arrows rustled down, swiftly shooting down one blood beast after another. The old cats entered into combat shifts, wielding various blades, killing the bloodsuckers and blood beasts as they continued to attenuate.


Under the protracted siege of the battle cats, the Blood Will died in battle after fighting off two of the old cats. Its corpse returned to the Blood Will and turned into a blood elemental that merged into the earth.


Blood Righteousness, who had watched the battle from a distance, had gained much experience.


It hadn’t dealt with many battle cats, and this was the first time it had seen the life and death attack and defence between the battle cats and the Blood Ancestor, so it couldn’t help but feel a few worries in its heart.


Facing the Battle Cat clan, the initiative of the Blood Ancestor clan was still a little too poor.


On top of that, there was also an essential difference between the two clans: while the Blood Ancestors found it hard to trust each other, the Battle Cats worked closely together internally.


They had a base camp such as the Cat Mound, where the marshals and counsellors of the three legions of the Battle Cats cooperated with each other, and decided on the strategy of the entire clan through the Cat Mound meeting.


And between the Blood Ancestors, usually nothing happens already considered to be an iron brotherhood.


Suddenly, Bloodright realised that something was wrong.


It was too quiet on the upper post, not even hearing the birds and insects chirping.


“Alert, there are enemies!”


It shouted, “Occupy the terrain, don’t scatter!”


The Blood Servants and Blood Beasts under its command immediately moved to surround Blood Yi.


“Don’t be nervous.”


A war cat jumped down from a nearby tree, it was the Three Flowers Clan, with three colours of black, white and red on its body, and its amber eyes looked very calm.


The Three Flowers Clan wore a soft leather armour with a small knife slung at its waist, and a leather hat with two green feathers on it.


It opened its arms, signalling that it meant no harm, “It’s just me, of course, there could be my partner hiding behind.”


Blood Righteousness coldly gazed at the other party.


The visitor could switch forms and was also an old cat.


“My name is Cat Grass, captain of the Second Squadron of the Fifth Brigade of the Third Army Corps, first time meeting, mixing things up.”


Cat Grass said, “I know your name is Blood Yi, the leader of the other Blood Pool next to you, but it seems that the Blood Pool was destroyed in the earthquake, what a pity.”


Blood Pool interrupted the other party, “You’re trying to stall us and wait for the subsequent war cats to come, aren’t you?”


It was not the least bit panicked in its heart.


Blood Yi had suffered a lot in these years, constantly going back and forth between hope and despair, and had learnt a lot of skills. For example, it now knew how to enter the underground from a stream or pool of water and transfer all the way through the underground dark river.


As long as I don’t have a ground, then I’ve gained absolute freedom!


“There is no such thing.”


Catgrass’s face was as usual: “The fifth brigade’s mission is to assist the third and fourth brigades in eliminating the Blood Ancestor Blood Potential gangs, and has not been given any other orders, and acting across jurisdictions inherently requires caution …… I’m trying to say, do you want to consider coming to my jurisdiction?”


“My precinct is in the northern snowy region, where there is a glacial forest that looks like a claw-shaped glacier called the Cat’s Claw Forest, and nearby is my precinct.”


“Not long ago, the Blood Ancestor in the Blood Lake there died because of the Daylight Tide, and the location became vacant. It’s a very large blood lake, and although it’s frozen into a pile of ice, you guys should be able to use it if you go over there and clean it up.”


Catgrass spread her claws, “Since there’s always a Blood Ancestor in a blood lake, why not find one that’s a bit more compliant? According to my observation, you’re not a one-dimensional person like Blood Potential, you’re able to endure hardship, and your temper isn’t too bad, so you might get along well with me.”


“You think I’ll fall for that? Laugh it up.”


Blood righteousness led the team to leave without looking back.




Lu Yao, who saw through everything, had a trace of praise in his heart, not bad, seeing through the ambush at a glance.


The cat grass is indeed delaying the footsteps of blood righteousness, the old cat behind is approaching here, in a closed circle. If it wasn’t for the fast withdrawal of blood righteousness, the end would not be much better than blood potential.


Lu Yao ate dried sweet potatoes and continued to pay attention to Blood Righteousness’s movements.


This young Blood Ancestor led a gruelling nomadic life, freely starving and weakening.


It has led its team to brave the parched Deadly Desert, has been hunted and rounded up by its own kind between the mountains, and has also tried to gain a foothold in the bloodsucking insect infested jungle …… only to fail in all of these endeavours.


In the end, it drifted north to the cold, snowy mountain region with men it had lost along the way.


“Before, there were many brothers outside, they all watched, give me a face …… here brother I give the cat grass captain you are not, it is all a misunderstanding.”


“Then, in the future, we will trouble the cat grass captain to take care of it.”


Blood Righteousness said to Cat Grass, a pleasing smile popping up on his head.


Lu Yao almost choked on the dried sweet potatoes.


The three-flowered cat, on the other hand, froze, an exclamation mark lighting up on its head.


Clouds of thoughts floated out of its head, “This guy actually threw himself into the net …… first to stabilise it, and then find a suitable opportunity later to take it for military credit.”


In this way, Blood Righteousness moved to Catgrass’s precinct, led the team into the local blood lake hole that had only been attacked by the daylight tides, and began a new life that was hard to tell the evil from the good.

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