The Real Dragon Chapter 5323

  ”Good idea.” Charlie wade couldn’t help but praise it, and his heart couldn’t help but think of his great uncle An Chongqiu.

  If one followed Ito Nana-chan’s method, even though one knew that one knew that one’s great uncle was using a fake identity, when the second Spring Return Dan Auction was held next year, one would have to send an invitation to one’s great uncle according to the rules, and at that time, one did not know if one’s great uncle would still appear at the Spring Return Dan Auction.

  After all, one had already set the rules for the Spring Return Pill, all successful bidders had to take the pill on the spot.

  In that case, even if Great Uncle was invited to attend, he would only be able to bid for himself, and given how filial the An family was towards the old man, he would probably give up this opportunity by then.

  Thinking of this, Charlie wade wondered if he should open a back door and send an invitation for him to come to the auction as well. That way, he would definitely have the strength to bid for the entire Spring Return Pill that would be the grand finale, and his physical condition could be greatly improved.

  However, in that case, he would have to earn at least one to two hundred billion dollars from his grandfather, and Charlie wade felt that even if he took the money, it was still a bit hot.

  So Charlie wade simply stopped thinking about it and decided to wait until next year when he actually decided to start the Spring Return Pill auction before he thought about it.

  The two sisters, Zara Banks and Xion Banks, had been listening silently. At this time, Zara Banks’s heart was already filled with jealousy, she could see that Charlie wade had a preference for Cai Cai Zi, but she did not expect that Cai Cai Zi could also advise Charlie wade.

  Although Xion Banks was also jealous, she was in a better state of mind than Zara Banks. In Zara Banks’s heart, Charlie wade was her benefactor and her beloved, while in Xion Banks’s heart, Charlie wade was not only her benefactor and beloved, but also her master.

  The reason why she said “master” was because Xion Banks had decided to be loyal to Charlie wade for the rest of her life, so Charlie wade was like an ancient emperor to her, the object of her loyalty.

  It was because of this knowledge that she did not expect any development between herself and Charlie wade.

  As the saying goes, without hope, there is no disappointment.

  In this respect, she was much more open-minded than Zara Banks.


  Ito Nana-chan put aside the flower arrangement for the time being and said to Charlie wade while everyone was taking a lunch break, “Charlie wade-kun, Odo-san is already waiting for your big visit at Tomson Ichiban, should we leave now?”

  ”Sure.” Charlie wade agreed readily and said, “Take my car.”

  ”Good!” Nanae Ito nodded and instructed the maid she had brought with her to go to her hotel room to rest first, while she herself took off the apron she had put on when arranging the flowers and prepared to go with Charlie wade to meet her father, Yohiko Ito, at her new home.

  At that moment, Isaac Cameron came over and said to Charlie wade, “Young master, young master Banks will land in Aurous Hill in about forty minutes.”

  Zara Banks, who hadn’t said much, heard this and hurriedly asked, “Mr Cameron, my brother is arriving soon?”

  ”Right.” Isaac Cameron nodded and said, “Landing in forty minutes.”

  Zara Banks looked towards Charlie wade and asked with an expectant face, “Mr. Wade, can I pick him up at the airport?”

  ”Of course you can.” Charlie wade agreed readily and spoke, “You should go to the airport now, and after picking him up, go see Auntie Deana first, and after noon, I will visit Auntie Deana at her home.”