The Real Dragon Chapter 5352

“F*ck you!”

  At this moment, Greg Tian Shi’s mouthful of teeth almost gnashed!

  He didn’t expect that this brat in front of him would be so cheap, so cheap that it would make one’s heart burst with murder!

  It was obvious that he had spared his life and let him off the hook, but instead of appreciating it, she had even spoken such disrespectful words to him, which was simply ‘tolerable!

  However, the more Charlie wade provoked him, the more he did not dare to make a move with Charlie wade.

  It wasn’t that he was afraid of Charlie wade, it was mainly because he was afraid of causing a law and order incident here, or even a criminal case.

  Once that happened, the police would be involved, and although he was an eight-star martial artist, he definitely wouldn’t dare to blatantly go against the police in a metropolis like Aurous Hill.

  In his mind, it was easy for him to beat Charlie wade to death, just by punching him, he would be able to crack his brain.

  However, how to end the fight afterwards became very troublesome.

  Once he became a wanted criminal in Aurous Hill, how could he find the whereabouts of the Spring Return Pill here without worrying?!

  Moreover, the reason why he wanted this Ji Shi Tang of Simmons was because after asking around, he learned that Simmons of this Ji Shi Tang was the most famous national doctor in Aurous Hill, and there were also rumours that he had once cured a paraplegic patient with a miraculous medicine, which was very miraculous.

  At that moment, he realised that if this was true, then it was likely that Simmons also had the same elixir as Stephanie.

  However, he had come over several times before in the guise of a patient to try it out, only to find that although Simmons was very good at Chinese medicine, he was not proficient in the way of alchemy, so it was impossible for him to make that kind of elixir that turned decay into magic.

  So, he moved his own twisted thoughts.

  He wanted to use a provocative method to force Simmons to compete with himself in medical skills, and then set him up to lose Ji Shi Tang to himself.

  In this way, if there was another capable person behind Simmons, then he might be able to lure the capable person out.

  If Simmons did not have a capable person behind him, then he could make a name for himself in Aurous Hill if he beat him in medicine and took over his Jishi Hall.

  With fame, he would also have the capital to quickly gain a foothold in Aurous Hill.

  And he knew very well that the top talents in both directions, be it medicine or metaphysics, would become the object of competition among the powerful and noble.

  Once he had replaced Simmons, he would certainly become a sought-after divine doctor in the eyes of the powerful and noble in Aurous Hill, and this would also facilitate his quick integration into the upper echelons of Aurous Hill’s society, as well as facilitate spying.

  It was precisely for this reason that Ji Shi Tang became the first battle he was determined to win in his eyes.

  And although the Charlie wade in front of him was arrogant, Greg Tian Shi did not think that Charlie wade would be the capable person behind Simmons, but only saw him as a clown.

  Right now, this clown was bouncing around in front of him, so he was really annoyed, but he couldn’t beat him up, so he said with a black face, “Kid, do you know that no one has ever dared to talk to me like you in my life?”

  Charlie wade bristled, “You’re a husky with a chicken feather duster up your ass, what the f*ck are you pretending to be, if you want to act tough, go to the Xuanwu police station across the road, don’t f*cking annoy me here.”

  ”You!” But when he heard that the police station was across the road, he could only force himself to resist the urge. To be fair, even if you don’t scorn my strength, looking at my age, you still have to give me some face!”

  Charlie wade grinned, “You’re barking like a wild dog in front of me early in the morning, and you want me to give you face, I don’t know who the hell you are?”

  After saying that, Charlie wade added: “Come on, introduce to me your surname, your name, where you come from and where you are going!”

  ”I ……” Greg Tian Shi’s fists were clacking with anger and his body was shaking like a Parkinson’s patient, he gritted his teeth and said, “My name is Greg Abbott! My name is Greg Abbott! In North America, everyone respects me as Greg Tian Shi!”