I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 485-486

Chapter 485

There was no image on the disc, nor was there any label, nothing.

So Rongshu couldn’t tell what kind of a disc it was.

But she was not discouraged, so she took the disc to her study and used the optical drive that came with her laptop to open the disc, and inside was a folder.

Rongshu used her mouse to click on that folder and found that a video was actually stored inside.

The first thing that appeared on the computer screen was a young, yet pale and sickly face.

Looking at that face, Rong Shu’s pupils dilated, then unbelievably covered her mouth, tears slipping down her face, her voice trembling with emotion, “Mom ……”

The person on the screen was Rong Hao’s original wife, Ms. Lina Fan.

It was the same mother who had died of illness when Rongshu was five years old.

Shaking, Rong Shu reached out her hand and touched the face of the woman on the screen.

Even though she knew that she was not really touching the woman, she was still unwilling to take her hand back, her fingertips still resting on the woman’s face and eyes, refusing to put them down for a long time.

The woman on the screen was in a hospital room, she was also wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown and her head was bare, without a single hair on it.

Rongshu knew that this was how her mother had looked when she was five years old, when she had been checked for cancer and hospitalised.

Looking at her mother moving in the screen, Rongshu’s eyes spurted with tears once again.

Twenty-one years had pa*sed.

It had been twenty-one years since she had seen her mother, the one who still moved.

“Mom, I miss you so much ……” Rong Shu’s hand holding the mouse was trembling nonstop, her voice choked with sobs.

As if she heard Rong Shu’s thoughts in general, Fan Lina was looking at the camera with a gentle smile, “Shu Shu, it’s mommy, maybe by the time you see this video, mommy will no longer be around, but mommy wants to tell you that mommy will always be watching you from heaven and growing up with you.”

“Mom ……” Listening to her mother’s words, Rongshu could no longer suppress them and fell on the table and cried out.

The video continued as Fan Lina coughed a few times, her face worse and whiter, and her voice much weaker, “Shushu, here mommy wants to say sorry to you, because your father and I have been hiding from you, not telling you, your true identity, I hope you can forgive us.”

Rongshu lifted her head, biting her lower lip tightly, her eyes tearing up as she watched the video, not saying anything.

Fan Lina coughed a few more times, and then Rong Shu saw that a hand reached over off camera, holding a gla*s of water.

She could tell at a glance that it was a man’s hand and that on the thumb, there was a black mole.

That was …… dad’s hand!

So Daddy was in the video too!

Rongshu’s expression became even more excited.

Wasn’t it true that she would be able to see her dad later too?

Just as she was thinking, Rong Shu heard a gentle, yet concealed sad male voice ringing out from the video, “Honey, drink some water.”

It was really Daddy!

Rong Shu’s body trembled with excitement.

In the video, Fan Lina inclined her head and smiled a little off camera, “Thank you husband.”

She took the gla*s of water and took a sip, her cough improved a little, and then put the gla*s down before she faced the camera and said, “Shu Shu, when mommy and daddy knew that you knew you weren’t our biological daughter, they would definitely be sad and unable to accept it, and they would even think that we brought you home as a stand-in for our biological daughter because we lost our biological daughter, right? Right?”

Rongshu clenched her hand.

Sure enough, in this world, the ones who knew her best were her parents.

Fan Lina smiled weakly, “Shu Shu, you mustn’t think that way, mum and dad are telling you that you were indeed adopted back because our daughter died, but definitely not as a stand-in for our daughter, and the love we have for you is not because we transferred our love for our biological daughter to you, and your name is not inherited from our biological daughter, your name , your father and I, scoured the dictionary and named you specifically for you.”

Specifically for her?

Rongshu’s back straightened slightly, and her dull eyes gradually glowed with light.

So, she wasn’t the child’s double, was she?

Yes, what Rongshu cared most about was not the fact that she was not her parents’ real child.

Because her parents treated her as if she was their own, it really didn’t matter if she had this bloodline or not.

What she really cared about was the fact that she was the double of that child.

She wondered if the reason her parents treated her as if she was their own was because they loved her as if she were that child.

After all, she had been carried to the Yung family when that child had just died, and at that time Mum and Dad were in a period of grief, and her presence could easily have made Mum and Dad transfer their love for that child, to her.

But now her mother’s words told her that things didn’t seem to be what she thought they were.

She was not a stand-in for that child, and they loved her, not because of that child, but because it was her they loved.

And the name, too, had not been inherited from that child, but had been given to her specifically by Mum and Dad.

As if she knew what Rong Shu was thinking, in the video, Fan Lina spoke again, “Shu Shu, your father and I’s real daughter is called Rong Nuan, your name is Rong Shu, you are mum and dad’s second daughter, you were never Nuan’s substitute, the reason we didn’t tell you at first was because we were worried that if you were small, you would not be able to figure it out even more, but seeing this video of you growing up, dad and mum trust you, you’ll figure it out, right?”

“Yes ……” Rong Shu nodded with a choked voice.

Fan Lina added “Shushu, mommy and daddy hope you don’t keep drowning in the sadness of knowing your identity, mommy and daddy want you to come out sooner, although we don’t have blood, but mommy and daddy love you, you are mommy and daddy’s real daughter.”

“That’s right.” At this time, Rong Hao, who had never shown himself, also suddenly probed and appeared in the video.

Looking at Rong Hao’s face, which was much younger than six years ago, the tip of Rong Shu’s nose was sore, and the tears that had been easily stopped were about to flow out again, “Dad ……”

“Shushu, mommy and daddy love you very much, so you must not dwell on whether you are our own, in our hearts, you are the same as Nuan, also, daddy also wants to say sorry to you, I hope you will forgive daddy in the future, but daddy does not regret doing so, maybe one day in the future you will understand that you will be taught badly by them if you follow them. ” Rong Hao suddenly lowered his eyes and said with words in his mouth.

Rongshu narrowed her eyes slightly, a hint of suspicion flashed in her eyes.

What did dad mean by that?

What do you mean by following them will become bad, and this them, who is it?

Before Rongshu could think about it, Rong Hao and Fan Lina suddenly waved their hands in unison at the camera.

“Okay Shushu, it’s time for your mum’s check-up, daddy has to take your mum for a check-up, so that’s it for the video, bye!”

“Bye Shushu, mommy loves you!” Van Lena did a flying kiss to the camera before the video ended and jumped back to the cover.

Tears slid down Yung Shue’s eyes, wetting both cheeks, her voice filled with sobs as she lightly opened her red lips, “Goodbye mum, goodbye dad, I love you too.”

She knew that this video, apart from being a way for her parents to comfort her, to tell her not to think too much and to be open about who she was, was also a video of her mother saying goodbye to her forever.

Chapter 486

She was five years old when her mother died. At that time, she didn’t understand what cancer meant or what death was, all she knew was that her mother was sick, very sick, and had been in hospital and wouldn’t come home.

She wanted to go to the hospital to stay with her mother, but her grandfather suddenly came to the house and took her away, saying that her mother wanted her to spend the summer with him and that she would be out of the hospital by the time the summer was over.

However, after she stayed with Grandpa for a month, she didn’t see her mum come back, only that she had gone from being such a tall person to a tiny box.

It was only later, when she was a little older, that she knew what death was. At that time, she cried out, regretting in her heart why she had followed her grandfather and not insisted on staying with her mother in the hospital, so that she wouldn’t end up not even seeing the last of her mother.

But now, in this video, she heard her mother saying goodbye to her.

And her dad too. Six years ago, his suicide was so sudden that she didn’t get to see him one last time either.

But the good thing was, the goodbyes her mum and dad said to her, and the goodbyes she said to her mum and dad, all came true in this video.

Rongshu clicked her mouse and exited the disc, then held it carefully, treasured and cherished in her arms, no longer hiding her inner grief, and let out a loud cry.

After crying for an unknown period of time, she probably got tired of crying and fell straight to her desk, falling asleep.

The next day, Rongshu was awakened by the doorbell.

She opened her eyes and sat up straight, only to find that her back was aching badly, as well as her neck, which seemed to be somewhat unable to turn freely.

After putting the CD away carefully, she got up and rubbed her neck as she walked out of the study and towards the entrance of the living room.

The door opened and Lu Qi was holding a stuffed animal, smiling at her with a row of white teeth, “Good morning, baby!”

Seeing how silly he was smiling, Rongshu couldn’t help but smile a little too, “Good morning, come in.”

Lu Qi stood still, as if he was frozen in place.

Rongshu frowned slightly, “What’s wrong with you? What are you doing frozen?”

Lu Qi finally came back to his senses and looked at her in surprise, “Baby, you’ve changed back to your usual appearance?”

“Mm.” Rongshu squeezed the corners of her mouth and said back.

Lu Qi became curious, “Baby, how did you change back to your previous appearance? Have you accepted the change in your identity?”

Rongshu mewled, “Yes, I’ve accepted it.”

“How come so soon?” Lu Qi took her wrist and pulled her to the sofa in the living room, then held her shoulders down and made her sit down, then said, “Baby, tell me quickly, how did you accept it?”

He knew she would accept her change of status sooner or later, after all, things had already been settled.

What else could she do?

But he hadn’t expected her to accept it after only one night, he had thought it would take a long time.

Rongshu drew a wet towel from the coffee table and wiped her eyes.

It was probably because she had cried a few times last night and hadn’t bothered to remove her make-up and wash her face before going to bed, so her eyes were extremely dry and uncomfortable at the moment.

As she wiped her eyes, she returned, “In the box that my aunt gave me was a disc, in there, it was a recording of Mom and Dad when they were alive, they knew that sooner or later I would know that I wasn’t born to them, so they were afraid that I would think too much about it and that I would be sad, so they specially recorded the video to comfort me and tell me that even if I wasn’t born to them, I was still their daughter and they loved me.”

When she said this, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Lu Qi looked at her and nodded in a daze, “So that’s how it is.”

“So I’m relieved.” Rongshu looked up to meet his eyes, “They treat me like their own daughter, if I were to veto them just because I know I’m not their own, then I don’t deserve to be human.”

Lu Qi also sat down, “It’s right that you think that way, you don’t know, I was worried sick about you last night, and my mother, she didn’t sleep all night, after all, she was the one who told you who you really were, you didn’t walk out, she hated it with shame in her heart and wondered all the time if she had done something wrong.”

“Sorry A Qi, let you and auntie worry, auntie side, I’ll give her a call later.” Rongshu poured herself a gla*s of water and said shyly.

“Okay.” Lu head, then thought of something and shoved the stuffed animal in his arms into her arms, “This is for you.”

“What are you giving me this for?” Rongshu looked down at the cute little bear in her arms and asked in confusion.

Lu Qi scratched his head, “I was worried that you hadn’t come out yet, so I wanted to buy something to comfort you, but I didn’t think it was appropriate to buy anything, so I ended up choosing one of these, so don’t mind.”

Rongshu snorted, “Why yes, I like it very much, thank you Ah Qi.”

Even though she didn’t really like these kinds of toys.

But for other people’s kindness, she would never disappoint.

Hearing that Rongshu liked it, Lu Qi grinned, “Right baby, have you eaten breakfast yet?”

Rongshu shook her head, “Not yet.”

“Then I’ll go buy it, you wait for me at home.” Lu Qi said and stood up.

Rongshu nodded slightly, “Okay, go ahead, I’m also thinking of taking a bath and putting a compress on my eyes.”

Even if she didn’t look in the mirror, she knew that her eyes must be very red and swollen right now.

Because when she opened the door just now, Lu Qi was obviously shocked to see her, but she just didn’t say so explicitly.

After Lu Qi left, Rongshu went to the bedroom bathroom to take a shower.

When she had just finished, Lu Qi came back with breakfast.

After eating breakfast, the two of them went out together and separated outside the neighborhood, one driving back to the Lu family and the other driving to Tian Sheng.

When both cars disappeared out of sight, a figure came out of the shadows, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and was saying something to the other end of the phone.

Fu’s Group, a*sistant Zhang nodded, “I know, you come back first.”

With those words, he put the phone down and knocked on the door of the president’s office.

“Come in.” A somewhat suppressed voice from Fu Jingting came from inside the door.

a*sistant Zhang pushed the door in and saw Fu Jingting sitting behind his desk with his eyes slightly closed, leaning against the back of his seat, one hand stroking his heart, his brow locked, seemingly in great distress.

Seeing this scene, a*sistant Zhang’s face tightened and he quickened his pace to go over,, “Mr. Fu, what’s wrong with you?”

Fu Jingting opened his eyes, took his hand off his heart and waved his hand, “I’m fine.”

“Are you really alright? I see your face doesn’t look right, is it your heart ……”

“Okay.” Fu Jingting pursed his lips and interrupted him with slight impatience, “What’s wrong with you?”

Seeing that Fu Jingting was clearly not feeling well, but did not say so, and did not want others to ask about his physical condition, a*sistant Zhang sighed helplessly, “It’s news from Miss Rong’s side, Miss Rong went out this morning, her state is no different from usual, she should have come out of the collapse of learning her identity.”

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, “So soon?”

At this point, he and Lu Qi’s perceptions were surprisingly consistent, both knew that Rong Shu would come out.

But neither expected that it would be so fast.

a*sistant Zhang nodded, “Yes.”

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, “It seems that someone said something to her, otherwise she definitely couldn’t have been so quick, given her character, she would have been confused and self-doubting for a while before she slowly figured it out.”

“Then why don’t I go and check to see who it is ……”

Fu Jingting raised his hand, “No need, that’s it, it’s good that she came out, other than that, don’t bother.”

“Yes.” a*sistant Zhang responded.