I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 523-524

Chapter 523

Fu Jingting originally saw Lu Qi call over, the heart is still a little uncomfortable.

But this time hearing her words, the mood was instantly better.

The reason she took the initiative to tell him who the caller was was because she didn’t want him to misunderstand anything, right?

Although, she herself did not even know this.

“Answer it.” Fu Jingting slowed down his pace, “It should be that he saw the news about Gu Manyin’s suicide, so he specially called you.”

“I think so too.” Rongshu nodded, answered the phone, and turned on the amplified sound.

As expected, Lu Qi’s loud voice came out, “Baby, did you see the news on the internet that Gu Manyin committed suicide, is this true or not?”

“True!” Rongshu opened her mouth and returned, “The police called me, Gu Manyin did jump to her death, I am now at the scene.”

“Hiss ……” Lu Qi sucked in a breath of cold air, “It’s actually true! I thought that the media deliberately put out fake news, used to cheat the heat, but I did not expect Gu Manyin really committed suicide!”

“Yes, this is indeed something that no one expected.” Rongshu rubbed her brow.

Lu Qi asked again, “Baby, how is the situation at the scene?”

Listening to his voice baby, Fu Jingting’s brow immediately wrinkled into a Chuan character.

It seems that we have to find a chance to make Lu Qi change his mouth.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

“Really, then I’ll come over and keep you company.” Lu Qi said.

Fu Jingting’s thin lips pursed.

This Rongshu saw, shook her head at the other end of the phone, “No A Qi, Fu Jingting is here with me, so you don’t need to come over.”

At that word, Fu Jingting’s thin lips instantly changed from a straight line to an upturned arc.

Seeing this obvious change in his expression, Rong Shu somehow, actually felt a little funny, the bottom of the eyes also did show a trace of laughter.

And Lu Qi is not happy, his voice has become a little sharp, “What? Fu Jingting is also at your place? It’s so late, how come you’re with him?”

“My grandmother asked him to take me back, I drank at night and couldn’t drive, so I agreed, after that I got a call about Gu Manyin’s suicide, so he and I came over together.”

Here, Rong Shu saw the elevator in front of him, and then said, “Okay, A Qi, I’m going into the elevator, what’s going on tomorrow.”

The words fell, she hung up the phone, and then walked into the elevator.

Seeing her come in, Fu Jingting then put down his hand blocking the elevator door, “Why didn’t you tell him that the one who jumped to his death was not the real Gu Manyin?”

“There’s no need.” Rongshu shook her head, “the jump is not Gu Manyin this thing, only the three of us, and Dr. Lin know, the police do not know, so the less people know the better, and a little later Lin Tianchen after identification, to determine the body is indeed not Gu Manyin, the police will also know, at that time, the police will block the news, and will not let us spread, so tell A Qi, and There is no point.”

“You’re quite considerate.” Fu Jingting complimented.

Rongshu smiled, “Thank you.”

“No need.” Fu Jingting returned a sentence, then thought of something else and looked at her with a deep gaze, “Also, just now I was very happy.”

“Hey?” Rongshu froze for a moment, “Happy about what?”

Fu Jingting laughed a little and didn’t speak anymore.

Rongshu tilted her head, feeling that he was a bit baffled.

But since he was not willing to say, then naturally she would not force it.

Soon, the appraisal room arrived.

Lin Tianchen was still in the appraisal room and hadn’t come out yet.

When Rongshu and Fu Jingting arrived, the only person outside was Officer Chen, who was walking around anxiously there.

“Officer Chen.” Rongshu opened her mouth and shouted.

Officer Chen stopped, “You’re here.”

“Officer Chen, what’s wrong with you?” Rongshu opened her mouth and asked the person.

Officer Chen was a little hesitant, but then thought of Rongshu as Gu Manyin’s plaintiff, so he no longer hid it and said what had hurt his head, “Here’s the thing, when Dr. Lin entered the identification room just now, he told me something that made me feel shocked and angry.”

“The one who committed suicide was not Gu Manyin.” Fu Jingting lightly opened his thin lips and said.

“Right, right, right.” Officer Chen hurriedly nodded, then looked at him and Rong Shu in surprise, “How do you know?”

“When Lin Tianchen did the preliminary autopsy, he already sensed that something was wrong.” Fu Jingting explained in a light voice.

“So that’s how it is.” Officer Chen dawned, put down the suspicion in his heart, his face serious sigh, “Now Dr. Lin is doing dna comparison, if the final results come out, the suicide is really not Gu Manyin, then this matter is serious, Gu Manyin ran away, to find her, it will not be an easy task, she has a grudge against Miss Rong, I’m afraid will retaliate against Miss Rong, and at the same time is also beating our Police face!”

But it is not a slap in the face.

Gu Manyin can leave under the surveillance of their police, but also made a double, and their police are unaware of it, the outside world will certainly say that their police incompetence.

The reputation of their police in the outside world, as well as the credibility and reliability of the public heart, will definitely be greatly affected.

The top, too, will not let them off the hook.

“So, if the corpse is really not Gu Manyin, we must quickly find Gu Manyin and bring the person under control.” Officer Chen clenched his fist and said with a gloomy face.

Rong Shu nodded, “That’s right.”

If we don’t catch Gu Manyin quickly, then it will be even harder to catch her in the future.

And Gu Manyin will definitely retaliate against her, and because Gu Manyin is hiding in the shadows and wants to strike at her, then she is absolutely defenseless.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Rongshu looked at him, her face could not help but redden, then hurriedly looked away, did not speak.

She held her heart beating fast in her chest, her eyes were full of bewilderment.

It’s strange, it’s just an ordinary sentence, why should her heart beat so fast?

And, when you look at him, what exactly are you panicking about?


He knew that if he didn’t change the subject quickly, she wouldn’t know how long she would have to stay in her shell.

“Officer Chen, there are visitation records about Gu Manyin for this month, as well as surveillance, you all have them, right?” Fu Jingting asked, narrowing his eyes.

Officer Chen nodded, “Of course I do, and then when I knew that the corpse might not be Gu Manyin, I thought that someone had helped Gu Manyin, so I immediately had someone go and organize this information, and I believe that I will bring it over soon.”

“Very good.” Fu Jingting returned with satisfaction.

Rongshu also looked at Officer Chen in surprise.

It was just a ten-year old police officer with such a strong strain.

As they spoke, the door of the appraisal room opened and Lin Tianchen came out from inside with the results.

When the three saw him, they immediately walked over.

“How is it?” Fu Jingting took the lead and asked.

Officer Chen and Rong Shu also stared at Lin Tianchen.

Lin Tianchen handed over the document in his hand, pushed his gla*ses and said in a deep voice, “As I said at the beginning, the corpse is not Gu Manyin.”

Although already know the result, but also prepared for the heart, but really heard not Gu Manyin, but still let people can not accept.

Especially Officer Chen, his brow wrinkled can pinch a mosquito.

Because Gu Manyin is under the watchful eye of his officers, he, as the captain, is directly responsible.

If you can’t find Gu Manyin in the end, then he will have to take off this police uniform.

Chapter 524

“Do you know the identity of the deceased?” Fu Jingting asked with a cold face.

This is the most important question at the moment.

Lin Tianchen pushed down his eyes, “It’s not clear at the moment, I intercepted the fingerprints of the corpse and then looked it up in the fingerprint database, no match was found, so the identity of the deceased, you need to check it yourselves.”

“Definitely not very good search.” Rongshu said, biting her lower lip.

She had seen the corpse’s face with that glance earlier.

The corpse’s face was completely unreadable, and now Lin Tianchen couldn’t even find out the identity of the deceased based on his fingerprints, so it was even harder to find the identity of the deceased.

Just then, a police officer flew over with a stack of information, “Captain, Gu Manyin’s visitation records have been tallied.”

The moment these words came out, everyone’s eyes fell on the information in this officer’s hand.

“Give it to me.” Fu Jingting’s long legs crossed and took the information first.

The first thing you need to do is to get to know the person you are talking to.

The information is not thick, only two pages.

The first page is all about Mrs. Gu’s visitation records, occasionally interspersed with Gu Yaotian’s, nothing worth examining.

Fu Jingting immediately turned this page over and looked at the second page.

This page, still similar to the first page of content.

But seeing the last few records at the end of the page made Fu Jingting and Rong Shu frown.

“Gao Meiling? And Meng Ke?” Rongshu was surprised, “How come they came to see Gu Mangyin?”

And the timing, it also happened to be these two days.

Fu Jingting’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Officer Chen, these two people must have problems, most likely, they helped Gu Manyin.”

“I understand what Mr. Fu means, I’ll arrange for someone to bring them here in a moment.” Officer Chen said as he took the information he handed over.

Fu Jingting gave a hint, then looked at the police officer who had just been there, “Is there any surveillance of Gao Meiling and the girls coming to see Gu Manyin?”

“Yes.” The police officer nodded his head.

Lin Tianchen opened his mouth, “Go to my office and watch it, there are computers and projections.”

The people naturally agreed.

When they came to Lin Tianchen’s office, the police officer connected his computer and projected it onto the big screen.

Fu Jingting walked to the sofa and sat down, and patted the seat beside him, and said to Rong Shu, “Come here, sit here, it looks good here!”

The corners of Rongshu’s mouth twitched.

It’s not like watching a movie, it’s still about a good position.

Although she thought so, she still walked over and sat down beside Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting saw her so obedient, the corners of his lips curled up high.

And people around, can feel that he is in a good mood.

The video started to play, the first thing that played was the scene where Gao Meiling and Meng Ke came to visit Gu Manyin for the first time.

Rongshu saw that Gao Meiling and Meng Ke entered Gu Manyin’s ward, came out only after half an hour, and then left straight away.

During this period, nothing happened.

Fu Jingting frowned and asked, “How come there’s only the surveillance outside the ward, not inside?”

Officer Chen sighed and explained, “This is the case, although Gu Manyin is a criminal, but her right to privacy is not deprived, so our police can only install monitoring outside, and not in her ward, so for everything in the ward, we do not know.”

Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips and didn’t say anything more.

Soon, the second video began to play.

This was the last visitation monitor of Gao Meiling and Meng Ke.

This time, Rongshu found the problem.

That is, Gao Meiling face is very bad into Gu Mangyin ward, and her side of Meng Ke is also very strange, wearing a hat mask, and the whole time low, a timid and frightened look.

Seeing this, Rong Shu’s back was obviously straightened a lot, and her expression was also a lot more serious.

Fu Jingting is also the same, staring at the video does not know what is thinking.

In the video, after Gao Meiling and Meng Ke entered Gu Manyin’s ward, they didn’t come out after half an hour, like the first video.

Instead, the two came out less than ten minutes after entering.

After that, these two never came to visit Gu Manyin again.

“The situation is now clear.” Lin Tianchen looked at the video and smiled coldly, “It was when Gao Meiling went to see Gu Manyin for the first time, Gu Manyin must have threatened Gao Meiling with something and made Gao Meiling help her, that’s why the second time, Gao Meiling went to see Gu Manyin, her face was very unpleasant.”

“So, in that case, the one who jumped instead of Gu Manyin was Meng Ke?” a*sistant Zhang exclaimed.

Fu Jingting lightly opened his thin lips, “No.”

“No?” a*sistant Zhang was surprised.

Rongshu nodded, “I also think not, Meng Ke at least is also a luxury girl, how Gu Manyin dare to let Meng Ke jump instead of her, so the second video, with a hat mask Meng Ke, is definitely not the real Meng Ke, but just borrowed Meng Ke’s identity information registered by others.”

“That’s right, Gu Manyin or Gao Meiling, should have promised that person something, so that person is willing to die, so the last and Gao Meiling out of the ward, is Gu Manyin, and the person who jumped instead of Gu Manyin, stayed in the ward.” Fu Jingting tapped his finger on his knee and said in an icy voice.

Officer Chen was angry and hammered his fist on the wall, his face was very ugly, “They are taking human life as a child’s play!”

“So now, Officer Chen you can have someone bring Gao Meiling and Meng Ke here, as for Gu Mangyin ……”

“Wanted all over the city!” Lin Tianchen spat out four words.

Fu Jingting nodded, “She should still be in Hai City now, we must find her out as soon as possible.”

“You’re right, I’ll ask my superiors for instructions.” Officer Chen took out his cell phone.

Fu Jingting gave a hint, “It’s getting late, then we’ll leave first.”

The next job was all for the police.

As for them, they didn’t need to keep an eye on it all the time.

“Okay, I will contact you immediately if there is any news.” Officer Chen nodded and responded.

Fu Jingting stood up and extended his hand towards Rong Shu, “Let’s go, go home.”

Rongshu looked at his hand, did not put her hand on it, stood up by herself, “You said it wrong, you sent me back to my home, not home!”

The word home, how misleading it sounds.

If you don’t know, you’ll think it’s back to both of their homes.

Fu Jingting saw that Rong Shu did not allow herself to support, helplessly smiled and put down her hand.

The three of them said goodbye to Lin Tianchen, walked out of his office and headed for the elevator.

Soon, the three of them got out of the elevator and came to the hospital lobby.

The three members of Gu Yaotian’s family were also in the lobby.

Gu Yaotian was sitting on a cool chair in the hall, his head was bowed, and his body exuded an aura of sadness.

Mrs. Gu, on the other hand, was sitting beside him, covering her face and crying unstoppably.

Even Gu Man’er, holding her cell phone, her eyes red, was holding back something.

Seeing this, Rong Shu raised her eyebrows, “It couldn’t be that Gu Yaotian’s condition has gotten worse, right?”

“How are you sure? Isn’t it because of Gu Manyin?” Fu Jingting inclined his head to look at her.

Rongshu nudged her mouth towards Gu Man’er, “If it was because of Gu Mangyin, she certainly wouldn’t show such an expression, so only the fact that Gu Yaotian’s condition has worsened is possible.”

“Very reasonable.” Fu Jingting lifted his chin.

Over there, the three Gu Yaotian heard the sound of footsteps and raised their heads, and after seeing the three Rong Shu, their faces were all shocked.

They thought that Rong Shu was the only one who came.

They didn’t expect Fu Jingting to be there.

It is also true that now Fu Jingting is focused on Rong Shu, where Rong Shu is, he will definitely follow.