I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 621-622

Chapter 621

Grumble grumble.

At that moment, the pot on the stove suddenly made this sound, it was the pot boiling, topping up the lid.

When Rongshu heard it, she hurriedly stopped what she was doing and looked at the stove top, “It’s the soup boiling.”

“How do I get it?” Fu Jingting asked.

Rongshu pointed to the turn off the fire button, “Turn off the fire, stir it with a soup ladle, and then just take the soup to one side.”

“Okay, I’ll do it.” Fu Jingting finished and walked over to the stove.

Rongshu suddenly thought of something and added, “You just stir it, I’ll bring it later.”

He could not carry the pot with one hand.

Fu Jingting knew he couldn’t carry it himself, so he didn’t reject her words and turned off the fire with a hint.

He then picked up the soup ladle to the side and went to remove the lid from the pot.

However, as he had little common sense, when he removed the lid, he did not avoid it a little, and the boiling hot water steam directly burned his wrist.

Fu Jingting immediately let out a stifled grunt, his brow wrinkling in pain.

When Rongshu heard this, she hurriedly went forward to check, “What’s wrong?”

Fu Jingting put the lid down with a calm expression, “It’s nothing.”

“It’s really alright?” Rongshu narrowed her eyes and looked at him with a skeptical expression, obviously not believing his words.

After all, she had really heard that muffled grunt just now.

Fu Jingting’s eyes flickered slightly as he turned his gaze to the side, not daring to meet her eyes, “It’s really nothing.”

“I definitely don’t believe it.” How could Rongshu not see that he was being faint-hearted, her red lips pursed, “Tell me quickly, what is wrong with you? If you don’t tell me, I’ll check myself.”

Seeing the woman’s serious expression and tone, Fu Jingting finally gave in and lifted his right hand, exposing his wrist for her to see.

When Rongshu saw that his skin, which had been quite white, was now red, she immediately understood what was going on and said in surprise, “You’ve been burned?”

Fu Jingting lowered his head and coughed awkwardly, admitting it.

Rongshu only felt confused, “How did you get burned?”

“Scalded by the water vapour.” Fu Jingting glanced at the pot on the stovetop and said back.

When Rongshu heard this, she was so angry and amused, “Come on, I can see now, apart from picking vegetables, you don’t know how to do anything else, just go out, don’t help me, I’m afraid if you keep helping, I’ll get busier and busier, and you’ll get more injuries.”

Fu Jingting lowered his head in shame, “I’m sorry ……”

He also didn’t expect himself to be so wasted.

He couldn’t even do the smallest thing in the kitchen well.

Rongshu could see how low Fu Jingting was feeling and understood how he was feeling.

After all, he had come to help out happily at the beginning, but ended up not helping much, but even getting more and more busy. He naturally felt bad in his heart, feeling sorry for her and letting her down.

But in fact, she didn’t feel disappointed.

He couldn’t do these things, so it was justifiable.

And the fact that he was able to offer to help already made her heart feel comforted.

“Well, don’t think too much about it, when your hands are better, I’m sure you won’t be like this.” Rongshu patted Fu Jingting’s shoulder comfortingly.

Fu Jingting took a look at his left arm and hope rose again in his heart.

Yes, it wasn’t that he couldn’t do anything well, but his hand was still not well.

And, what he couldn’t do, he could learn slowly.

I believe that in the future, he would be able to really, really help her in some things.

At the same time he found that cooking with her, or doing anything else, really made him happy and enjoyable, and he became extremely content inside.

“Come on, I’ll take you out to clean up some burns.” Rongshu added.

When she first started learning to cook, she hadn’t been burned a lot, so she knew exactly what it felt like when she was burned.

Right now, Fu Jingting’s wrist must be burning hot and painful.

Fu Jingting followed Rong Shu out of the kitchen.

Rongshu told him to sit down on the sofa while she went back to her room and brought out a family medicine box.

Rongshu put the medicine box on the coffee table, squatted her body, opened it and rummaged through it for the medicine she wanted to use.

“Hold out your hand.” Rongshu instructed the man as she unwrapped the cotton swabs.

The man obediently did as he was told and put his hand out, exposing his wrist.

Rongshu dabbed the cotton swab with sterile alcohol and disinfected the burned area for him first.

After disinfecting the area, she took out another bottle of chillant and sprayed a little on the area he had burned.

Once the chilling agent was applied, Fu Jingting instantly felt that his wrist was no longer on fire and was very comfortable, and his tightly furrowed brow was also relieved.

Seeing this, Rongshu smiled a little, then tore open another ice-cold patch and put it on his burned area, “There, don’t touch the water next, this ice-cold patch will last for several hours, in the morning, you will be fine here.”

Fu Jingting withdrew his hand and looked at his treated burns, his expression gentle as he nodded, “I know.”

“Then you can watch TV or something in the living room, I’ll go and make dinner, it’ll be ready soon.” Rongshu closed the medicine box and stood up.

It was already past nine o’clock now, and there was no time to delay any longer.

If we delayed any longer, it would be very late before we could have dinner.

Fu Jingting also knew that he could not follow him to the kitchen to help, lest he help again, so after Rong Shu said this, he sat on the sofa and did not get up again, “You go ahead, I will wait for you.”

Rong Shu hmmed and went back to the kitchen.

Soon, the sound of stir-frying came from the kitchen.

Fu Jingting took this opportunity to take out his mobile phone and dialed a*sistant Zhang’s number.

a*sistant Zhang had not rested at the moment and was working overtime in his study.

These days, Fu’s Group had to explore new areas, so things were very busy.

In theory, as the president and chairman of the board, Fu Jingting should be the busiest one, after all, to open up new areas, many aspects, he needs to make decisions as the decision maker.

However, on the contrary, Fu Jingting has become the most idle person in the Fu Group.

In order to keep Rongshu company, he had shifted many things to the people below him, and a*sistant Zhang was the one who got the most work.

So at this moment, a*sistant Zhang wasn’t even off work, he was still working.

When he heard the phone ringing, a*sistant Zhang rubbed his hair and put down the pen in his hand before grabbing the phone in front of him and taking a look.

It’s no good calling at this hour!

After spitting a few words at Fu Jingting in his heart, a*sistant Zhang answered the call with a smile on his face, “Mr. Fu.”

“You can find me a chef tomorrow.” Fu Jingting instructed.

a*sistant Zhang was confused, “A chef? Mr. Fu, are you planning to change the chef at Fu Gongguan?”

“No, it’s to find me a separate kitchen, I want to learn how to cook from him.” Fu Jingting lightly opened his thin lips and returned.

a*sistant Zhang almost choked to death on his own saliva, “What? Learn how to cook?”


The corners of a*sistant Zhang’s mouth twitched and twitched, “Mr. Fu, why do you want to learn to cook when you’re fine?”

“This is not something you should ask about, just do as you are told, and when you find him, have him come to my office every day at noon to teach me.” Fu Jingting said.

This was the only time he could learn this.

The rest of the time, he used to go to work, as well as spend time with Rong Shu.

Two hours at noon was also enough for him to learn. He was a good learner, and I believed that it wouldn’t be long before he would become a good man who could go up to the office and down to the kitchen.

When the time came, if he made a table for Rongshu, she would certainly be surprised, right?

Thinking about that situation, Fu Jingting couldn’t help but start to look forward to it in his heart.

When a*sistant Zhang heard Fu Jingting tell him to stop prying, he rolled his eyes speechlessly.

He still didn’t understand Mr. Fu?

If he suddenly wanted to learn how to cook, it must be for Miss Rong’s sake.

Apart from Miss Rong, who has the ability to make him learn these irrelevant things.

Chapter 622

Although he understood the key, a*sistant Zhang did not say it explicitly.

He pushed his gla*ses and said, “I know, Mr. Fu, I’ll make the arrangements.”

Fu Jingting gave a hint and cut the phone off.

Soon, Rong Shu had already prepared the meal.

Fu Jingting got up and went to the kitchen to help serve the dishes together.

Although he couldn’t do anything else well, he could still serve a dish without a problem.

At least the plates were not as slippery as the bowls.

Because of the limited ingredients, Rongshu made three dishes and one soup, all of which were basically cooked dishes.

Although it looked simple, Fu Jingting had no intention of disliking it at all. On the contrary, he felt that such home-cooked dishes were more enjoyable to him than the exquisite dishes made by star chefs that he usually ate.

Simply because he could feel the presence of emotion in these dishes in front of him.

Across the table, Rong Shu saw Fu Jingting staring at the dishes and not moving his chopsticks, thinking that he thought the dishes he prepared were too plain, and said with some embarra*sment “So what, tonight’s dishes are indeed a bit simple, you ……”

“No!” Fu Jingting shook his head slightly, “Tonight’s dish is very good.”

“Don’t you think it’s too plain?” Rongshu asked as she looked at him.

Fu Jingting smiled lightly, “Of course not, it’s best to eat lighter in the evening, and as I said, as long as it’s your cooking, I like it, let’s eat.”

With those words, he put some dishes into his bowl.

When Rongshu saw him start to eat, her expression relaxed.

Originally, she had thought that he was a bit disgusted with the food tonight, and was prepared to let him settle for a little.

Since he didn’t mind, that was fine.

“Next time, I’ll make you something nice.” Rongshu also picked up her chopsticks and prepared to eat.

When Fu Jingting heard this from her, a glint of light flashed under his eyes, “When is next time? Is tomorrow night okay?”

In this way, he would have a reason to stay again.

Rongshu didn’t know what was going through Fu Jingting’s mind, she looked at his expectant gaze, her red lips opened, unable to say no, and finally nodded her head, “Yes.”

Receiving her answer, Fu Jingting’s lips curled up in satisfaction, revealing a light smile.

After the meal, Rong Shu tidied up the dishes and threw them into the dishwasher, letting the machine clean them and preparing herself to take a shower.

When she had set the dishwasher and walked out of the kitchen, Fu Jingting stopped her, “Rongshu, where shall I sleep?”

Looking at his pyjamas and thinking that it was getting late, Rongshu finally dismissed the idea of asking him to hurry back, rubbing her brow and saying, “The usual place, the sofa.”

Fu Jingting’s eyes instantly turned bleak for a few moments.

When Rongshu saw this, the corners of her mouth twitched, “You don’t want to sleep in my room, do you?”

This was a small flat for her, just two rooms.

One was her bedroom and one was the guest room, the back of which she had turned into a study and could no longer sleep in.

So he was disappointed to sleep on the sofa, obviously wanting to sleep with her in the master bedroom.

Fu Jingting saw that Rong Shu had instantly guessed his purpose, raised his eyes to look at her, and asked in a low voice, “Is that okay?”

“Of course not.” Rong Shu glared at him.

She had already given him face by letting him stay.

He was so good, he still wanted to get an inch to sleep in her room.

Fu Jingting’s eyelids drooped grimly and he didn’t speak anymore.

When Rongshu saw this, the corners of her eyes twitched, “Don’t think I’ll be soft-hearted.”

He was just pretending to win her sympathy and make her go soft.

She hadn’t expected him to be so unconventional now, to play the pity thing.

In the past, this would not have been possible at all. She could not even think of such a side to this high-minded bully, but now, this side was really happening in front of her eyes.

At the same time, Rongshu knew very well in her heart that he would be like this because the person he was facing was her, so he was willing to change his old self and do something that would shock people.

Because this was his specialness to her, and only to her.

So her heart, it would be touched by it, moved by it.

Of course, touched is touched, but not yet back together, she will still stick to her principles and not let him sleep with her.

When Fu Jingting saw that even this part of his mind had been uncovered by Rong Shu, he was now truly gloomy.

Rong Shu went back to her room, carried the quilt and pillow out and put them on the sofa, “Alright, I’ll go and take a shower, you make your own bed, you know how to do that right?”

Fu Jingting gave a hint.

Rongshu nodded, “That’s good, you make it, I’ll take a shower.”

“Good.” Fu Jingting nodded his head.

Rongshu took her pajamas and went to the bathroom.

Fu Jingting pulled away the sofa and began to make the bed for himself.

As he made it, his gaze was fixed on Rong Shu’s room, an unknown look flickering under his eyes.

Although she had refused to let him in, it didn’t matter, he could just wait for her to fall asleep and sneak in like he did last time.

It was just a door, he couldn’t be protected.

Thinking this, Fu Jingting made the bed much faster.

Just after he had made the bed, a mobile phone suddenly rang behind him.

Fu Jingting turned around and saw that on the coffee table, Rong Shu’s mobile phone was vibrating.

He couldn’t help but frown.

It was so late, who was calling her?

Fu Jingting reached out, picked up Rong Shu’s mobile phone, and when he saw the caller ID, his eyebrows relaxed.

So it was him!

If it was this person, he was relieved.

This person was a monster, an emotionless monster, so he was quite relieved that Rong Shu had befriended this person.

In short, it was good that it wasn’t a love rival.

“Rong Shu, Lin Tian Chen’s call.” Fu Jingting shouted in the direction of the bathroom.

Rong Shu heard it and spoke back, “Answer it for me, it should be about Rong Yuan.”

“Okay.” Fu Jingting gladly answered.

She had asked him to answer the phone, not only did she trust him, but she had also announced his identity to the public.

He was very happy.

Fu Jingting answered the call and put the phone to his ear, “Hello.”

On the other end of the phone, Lin Tian Chen heard that it wasn’t Rong Shu’s voice, but a man’s. He couldn’t help but freeze for a moment, then brought the phone to his heel to see if he had made a wrong call.

However, after a glance, he realised that there was no wrong answer, it was Rong Shu’s. He put the phone back to his ear again, “Who is this?”

“It’s me.” Fu Jingting pursed his lips in displeasure.

This time Lin Tianchen heard his voice and his gla*ses slid down in surprise, “Fu Jingting? How come it’s you?”

“Why can’t it be me?” Fu Jingting’s thin lips were slightly hooked, his tone undisguisedly boastful and proud.

Lin Tian Chen raised his eyebrows, “It’s so late, you’re answering my call on your mobile phone’s mobile phone, you’re at Rong Shu’s?”

“That’s right.” The smugness in Fu Jingting’s tone intensified.

Lin Tian Chen pushed his gla*ses back and ventured a guess, “Fu Jing Ting, you and Rong Shu are back together?”

“Not yet, but soon.” Fu Jingting didn’t lie and answered directly.

He and Rong Shu were indeed getting back together soon anyway, so naturally there was no need to say anything panicky on this.

Lin Tian Chen let out a heave, “It seems that Rong Shu has forgiven you, should I say congratulations to you?”

“I don’t mind, you can say it now.” Fu Jingting folded his legs and returned in a lazy tone.

Lin Tian Chen rolled his eyes, “I was just joking, you still take it seriously? Okay, where’s Rongshu, give Rongshu your phone, I have something to say to her.”

“She’s not available right now, she asked me to answer the phone for her, if you have anything, just tell me, I’ll convey it to her later.” Fu Jingting picked up the tea on the coffee table and took a sip, saying indifferently.