The Real Dragon Chapter 5925

  Charlie wade couldn’t help but ask her, “Do you think this represents my age?”

  Lin Wan Er nodded, “Most likely.”

  Charlie wade asked again, “Maybe it’s some sort of coincidence?”

  Lin Wan’er shook her head, “Put it outside, it’s possible; here, it’s impossible.”

  Charlie wade pursued, “Why do you say that?”

  Lin Wan’er said seriously, “My lord, you have to understand that everything here is prepared for you, the reason why they invited my slave in is only because my slave happened to accompany my lord, if my slave had not accompanied my lord along with me, then they would have definitely met with my lord directly.”

  Charlie wade was suddenly a little nervous.

  He felt that Lin Wan’er had a point.

  However, he couldn’t understand what kind of person the other party was that he would be so concerned about himself.

  From the moment that little nun took the initiative to speak to the two of them at the bottom of the mountain, Charlie wade had always wondered what these people were really about, and by now, this doubt was getting stronger and stronger.

  At this time, Lin Wan’er suddenly remembered something and spoke, “My lord, when my slave came in, I had not seen anyone entering or leaving this room, there are tables and chairs in this room, as well as this string, so I think someone should have stayed here at that time.”

  Charlie wade nodded, “Then I guess it must be the mastermind behind them.”

  Saying that, Charlie wade held the string in his hand and twisted it for a moment, then said, “I don’t know why they are covering up, but it does feel like what you said, it doesn’t look like an enemy, as for what they are really coming from, we can only wait for them to show up on their own initiative next time.”

  Speaking here, Charlie wade looked at Lin Wan’er and asked her, “You say, since they are doing all this just because they don’t want me to move on, then if I go out of this door and continue to the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, will they appear again to stop me?”

  Lin Wan’er was horrified and asked, “Gongzi …… you …… are you serious?”

  Charlie wade said, “For the time being, we are just discussing the feasibility of this option.”

  Lin Wan’er said in a tangled voice, “Your Excellency, theoretically it should be like this, but Pina ray still doesn’t suggest that your Excellency try …… it.”

  Charlie wade looked at the string in his hand and smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m just saying it off the top of my head, I’m not that uneducated yet.”

  After saying that, he put the string away and said to Lin Wan’er, “Let’s go to the backyard and take a look, if there is nothing unusual, then depart back to Aurous Hill!”

  Lin Wan’er finally put her heart down and accompanied Charlie wade to the backyard of Qingzhaoan.

  This nunnery’s backyard was not big, there were only a few tiled rooms, it looked like it should be a place where the nuns lived and lived in the nunnery.

  However, this place had been vacant for a long time, and it seemed that no one had lived here for a long time.

  This also further proved Lin Wan’er’s guess that the two nuns she had met with were not real nuns.

  Charlie wade even suspected that this Qingzhao Nunnery had all been abandoned for many years, and it was just that they had temporarily activated it this time in order to stop themselves.

  The two didn’t find any more valuable clues in the backyard, but they did see a path that went down the mountain from the back outside the back door of the backyard.

  It was thought that they had evacuated from this mountain path.

  Since more than an hour had passed, Charlie wade could not see any clues along this path, and in the spirit of respect for these people, he did not move to go after them to find out what was going on.

  Looking at the winding path, Charlie wade sighed softly and said to Lin Wan’er, “Let’s go, let’s go back to Aurous Hill.”