The Real Dragon Chapter 5932

  Charlie wade asked her, “Is Miss Lin in a hurry to return to Aurous Hill?”

  Lin Wan Er shook her head and said, “My slave is not in a hurry, the main thing that keeps my slave tied up in Aurous Hill is the mother of Pu Tea, but my slave watered it before she left the house, and it rained in Aurous Hill yesterday, so I think that it does not need any extra tending.”

  Charlie wade said without thinking, “Then I will work hard for Miss Lin to accompany me on a trip to Eastcliff.”

  Seeing Charlie wade inviting herself to go with him, Lin Wan’er’s heart was a burst of joy, and she hurriedly said, “My slave is at your command in everything!”

  Ten minutes later, the plane that Charlie wade and Lin Wan’er were travelling on, received permission to change its route.

  The plane shifted thirty degrees to the north in the air and flew towards Eastcliff.

  And Charlie wade also used the satellite phone on the plane to call the Wade family’s housekeeper, Stephen Thompson.

  The phone was connected, and Stephen Thompson’s voice came out, “Hello, who is it please?”

  Charlie wade spoke, “Butler Stephen, it’s me.”

  Stephen Thompson said respectfully, “Young Master, I see that this phone is a satellite phone from the Wade Family’s plane, are you on the plane?”

  ”Right.” Charlie wade said, “I’m on my way to Eastcliff, I’ll land in about two hours, it’s hard for you to arrange for a vehicle to pick me up at the airport.”

  Stephen Thompson busily said, “Okay young master, I will arrange a fleet of vehicles and personally pick you up at the airport then, in addition to informing the old master and the others.”

  Charlie wade said, “There is no need to make a fuss, you are the Wade family’s head butler, it is too ostentatious for you to pick me up, so you don’t need to come over personally, just arrange for a car to be parked at the airport for my convenience, I want to go to the Wade family’s old mansion, so just inform the old master, and other people don’t need to be notified.”

  Stephen Thompson said without thinking, “Okay young master, I’ll inform the old master, are you staying at the old mansion at night? Or are you staying back at the manor?”

  Charlie wade hmmmed and said, “Just stay at the old mansion, prepare two guest rooms, I have a friend with me.”

  Stephen Thompson respectfully said, “Alright! What else do you command, young master?”

  Charlie wade said, “No more, that’s all.”

  Stephen Thompson said, “Alright young master, I’ll wait for you at the old mansion.”


  At the same time.

  The plane that had taken off earlier had already landed at Eastcliff Airport.

  The wheels of the aircraft had just touched the ground, and the fake mistress from earlier immediately reported to the middle-aged beauty, “Madam, their plane changed direction in the air, and according to the information from the air traffic control side, they temporarily changed their route and flew to Eastcliff instead.”

  ”Flying to Eastcliff?” The madam frowned and muttered, “Why did they suddenly change their route in the air?”

  The False Master asked in a rush, “Could it be that we’ve been exposed?”

  Madame pondered for a moment and said gruffly, “Exposure shouldn’t be, all the surveillance on the return journey has been done to circumvent it, no one can trace our route from Qingzhaoan to Yongzhou Airport.”

  Saying that, she suddenly remembered something and spoke, “It is estimated that they are going to the Wade family’s old mansion!”

  After saying that, she hurriedly asked, “Is Stephen Thompson in Eastcliff?”

  The False Master said, “My subordinate hasn’t liaised with Butler Stephen recently, ma’am wait a moment, my subordinate will confirm with him.”

  After saying that, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called Stephen Thompson.

  As soon as the call was made, Stephen Thompson’s cautious voice came over, his voice was low and very respectful as he asked, “Sister Dawn, why are you suddenly calling me?”

  The False Master spoke, “Butler Stephen, Madam asked me to ask if you’re in Eastcliff at the moment.”

  ”Subordinate is!” Stephen Thompson busily said, “I wonder what Madam wants?”

  False Master Tai said, “Butler Stephen wait a moment.”

  After speaking, she looked towards the middle-aged woman and spoke, “Madam, Butler Stephen is in Eastcliff at the moment.”

  The madam nodded and said, “Good, change the itinerary later, we won’t go to Aurous Hill first today, we’ll go to Yonghe Palace immediately after we get off the plane, and tell Butler Stephen to meet me at Yonghe Palace in an hour.”

  False Master said respectfully, “Subordinate obeys!”

  After saying that, she asked Stephen Thompson on the phone, “Butler Stephen has heard everything, right?”

  Stephen Thompson said extremely respectfully, “My subordinate has heard!”

  After saying that, Stephen Thompson gave a slight beat and lowered his voice, “Sister Dawn, please convey to Madam that Young Master is already on his way to Eastcliff!”