The Real Dragon Chapter 5982

Charlie wade looked at Kaoli Purt and said very seriously, “Kaoli Purt, if you fired your gun, you still have two paths to choose from, the first path, I will arrange for someone to send you out of the United States overnight, and like you said, don’t ever come back.”

Saying this, Charlie wade gave a slight beat, and his tone was raised a few points, continuing, “As for the second path, it is to stay here and kill more people who deserve to be killed!”

With a blank expression, Kaoli Purt asked Charlie wade, “Mr Wade, what do you mean by the second path?”

Charlie wade said with a serious expression and firm tone, “Stay here, I will help you form a new Hua Gang, and from today onwards, anyone who insults you, kill them! Anyone who insults your hands and feet, or your compatriots, you will also kill them!”

Kaoli Purt’s entire body froze on the spot, after hesitating for a few seconds, his eyes gradually became resolute and he nodded heavily, “Mr Wade! I choose the second one!”

Charlie wade reminded, “Once you choose the second one, I’m afraid you’ll never be able to turn back in your life, are you really sure you want to choose that?”

Without thinking, Kaoli Purt said, “Mr Wade, I’m sure!”

After that, he glanced at Darwin and said seriously, “Brother Darwin is a good man, but he is not suitable to lead the Chinese gang, I have been in Chinatown all these years, I have seen the Chinese gang getting weaker and weaker, my compatriots getting older and more scattered, and the foreign devils getting more and more aggressive, so my heart is really not willing to do so! If I have the opportunity to lead the Chinese gang, I will do my best to make the Chinese gang develop and grow, so that it will become an existence that no one dares to mess with in New York or even in the whole of the United States!”

Charlie wade nodded and looked at Chen Zhaozhong, asking, “Uncle Zhong, what do you mean?”

Chen Zhaozhong sighed lightly and spoke, “Since Kaoli Purt has already made his own choice, then my subordinate will naturally support him, I understand Kaoli Purt’s character, he is decisive and dry in his work, he is bold, he is indeed more suitable to lead the Hua Gang than David, and with the young master’s help, my subordinate is also confident that Kaoli Purt will be able to open up roads and bridges in every situation with the young master’s help!”

Charlie wade nodded slightly.

He could see that Chen Zhaozhong did not want Kaoli Purt to follow this path.

However, he believed that Chen Zhaozhong must also be able to see the same as himself, and could see that deep down, Kaoli Purt had already made a choice long ago.

So, he looked at Darwin, who had an awkward expression, and asked, “What does Mr Darwin mean?”

Darwin coughed twice and stammered, “Nowadays, members of the Hua Gang are dead and fleeing, Mr Wade wants to support Kaoli Purt to become the boss of the Hua Gang, but with only him as a bare-knuckle commander, I’m afraid that it will be difficult to develop 。。。。。。”

Charlie wade said in a cold voice: “Mr Darwin, looking down on yourself and singing about others will only reduce you to a self-pitying whiner, it will lower your horizons, pull down your pattern, and reduce you to a worthless piece of trash, think about it carefully, if Kaoli Purt fails, what’s in it for you? Can it let you walk out of the hair salon with confidence and boldness? Can it make you become a big brother of the Chinese gang again and reign supreme in Chinatown?”

Charlie wade said this, and without waiting for Darwin to reply, he continued, “I’m telling you, it won’t! If Kaoli Purt fails, you will either never leave your lover’s hair salon for the rest of your life, or you will be able to return to Chinatown for the rest of your life! And you will never, in this lifetime, have another chance to turn over a new leaf!”

With that, Charlie wade looked at him and asked rhetorically, “What if Kaoli Purt succeeds? If you take a step back, you will still be able to continue living in Chinatown in a dignified manner, if you take a step forward, you might even be able to become the core backbone of the Hua Gang, which is the lesser of the two, which is better or worse, I believe you have your own considerations!”

When Darwin heard this, he was ashamed in his heart.

He really didn’t think highly of Kaoli Purt, not to mention, Charlie wade