The Real Dragon Chapter 6091

The whole room is not a place to sit and lie down, the ground is damp and cold, not even a piece of grass mat, not to mention the mattress, the poor environment so that the man can only sit curled up on the toilet barely sleep.

At this time, the man heard the sound of movement, dishevelled and powerless to raise his head, when he and Charlie wade’s eyes relative to the moment, he was instantly like a lightning strike, wide-eyed, his body can not stop trembling.

Charlie wade looked at his tortured face and recognised him as Zhou Japheth, the manager who had worked at Jiqing Hall!

At this moment, Charlie wade had mixed feelings in his heart.

He hurriedly stepped forward, holding Zhou Japheth’s two hands with both of his hands, and said in a low voice, “Mr Zhou …… Oh no, Uncle Zhou, are you alright? Let me bring you out of here!”

Zhou Japheth instantly burst into tears, looked at Charlie wade and choked, “Young Master …… you …… you know all about it?!”

Charlie wade nodded, “I saw the photo of you and my father together, that’s why I came to the United States to look for you, and have found my way here.”

Zhou Japheth said in shame, “Young Master, previously in Aurous Hill, not only did I not be honest with you about my identity, but instead, I also designed to falsely accuse your father in law and speak out against you, so please don’t blame me ……”

Charlie wade busily said, “How could that be, although I don’t know the exact hidden meaning of the matter, but I believe that you must be doing it for my own good, Uncle Zhou, I can get the Nine Metaphysical Heavenly Scriptures must have benefited from your arrangement, in the end, I have to thank you for that.”

Zhou Japheth hurriedly shook his head and said, “Young master, I am only following your father’s arrangement during his lifetime, to bring the Nine Xuan Heavenly Scriptures to Aurous Hill for you, all of this is your father’s preparations for you, I am also thanks to your father’s promotion and care, only then was I able to live to this day, you don’t need to be thankful to me.”

Charlie wade’s heart was even more horrified, although he also doubted whether he was able to obtain the Nine Xuan Heavenly Scriptures was related to his own father, but he had never found any direct evidence.

And now, Zhou Japheth’s words were considered to have helped affirm this speculation for himself.

At this moment, Charlie wade had countless questions that he couldn’t wait to ask Zhou Japheth, but looking at the environment that the two of them were now sticking out, and then looking at the steel collar on his neck, Charlie wade immediately stepped forward to tear the collar away, and then helped Zhou Japheth, saying, “Uncle Zhou, I will take you out first, and don’t worry, I will make the Rothschild family pay for the debt of blood in the future! I will make the Rothschild family pay in blood!”

Zhou Japheth busy said: “Young master, this matter is ultimately my fault, the Rothschild family so to me, is also I deserve, and I can not leave here, if I leave, the Rothschild family will not let go of my family, I can not drag them …… “

Charlie wade was shocked in his heart, and quickly asked, “Uncle Zhou, how exactly did you and the Rothschild family form a grudge? I heard outside that it was you who stole from them?”

Zhou Japheth let out a bitter smile and said, “It was me who stole their stuff, but technically speaking, this stuff of theirs was also stolen and robbed ……”

Saying that, he looked towards Charlie wade and said seriously, “Young Master, you must have a lot of questions that you have been confused about for a long time that you have not been able to get answers to, since you have sought out this place today, then I will answer them for you one by one, and after I have finished answering them for you, there is still one thing that I am asking for!”