The Real Dragon Chapter 6121

In the Rothschild family, a young man said in the video conference, “Grandpa, the short video platform has been developing extremely rapidly for more than a year, and it has a large user base all over the world, and although it hasn’t been listed yet, the current market value estimate given by the capital market is already almost at the top and bottom of four hundred billion US dollars.”

“Four hundred billion?!” Howard asked in surprise, “Are you sure? A short video platform in the district can have such a high market value?!”

The other party nodded and said, “Now short videos are sweeping around the world, in this process, the short video platform in China is riding high, our old Internet companies have not been able to catch up with them, and now short videos have become the traffic entrance for all industries, as long as they are doing business, they are all trying to figure out how to get traffic and realise the traffic realisation through short video platforms, they have become the traffic entrance for e-commerce industries, virtual services, and the Internet, and they have become the traffic entrance for all industries. Their empowerment for the e-commerce industry, virtual services, and value-added services field is very powerful, $400 billion is actually all just a conservative estimate, and if they are given a little more time, they might be able to surpass Facebook’s $800 billion market value.”

“Sh*t!” Howard cursed angrily, “How could a company with such a large volume fall into the Wade family’s hands? The Wade family’s own volume is only one or two hundred billion US dollars at the end of the day, right?”

The other party said helplessly, “Grandpa, the internet industry is like this, as long as it stands on the wind, it can go up to the sky overnight, Facebook’s Zuckerberg you also know, didn’t he make the business to a market value of 800 billion US dollars?”

Howard couldn’t help but smack his lips and cursed, “Damn! What a treasure picked up by the Wade family! If the short video platform goes public smoothly and really reaches a market capitalisation of four hundred billion US dollars, won’t the Wade family directly become the number one family in China?!”

“Yes.” The other party gently nodded, “This is already a foregone conclusion.”

Howard said resentfully, “It seems that whether a family can rise or not is not determined by having one or two outstanding talents, Bruce wade was so powerful, but he also failed to bring the Wade family to the number one position in Huaxia, as a result, the current Wade family, acquiring a short video platform did it easily.”

Just when Howard was depressed, his eldest son received a phone call again, and then said to him with a tense face, “Father, public opinion is fermenting rapidly, the Washington side has set up an investigative task force, to immediately go to Brooklyn Prison to enter the investigation, and New York’s Bureau of Prisons and the FBI are going to take over Brooklyn Prison, and the team that is taking over has already left! “

Howard said with a dark face, “It’s getting bigger and bigger ……”

After saying that, he hurriedly said, “Is there any contact information for that Bruce Weinstein? I want to talk to him on the phone!”


At this point, Bruce Weinstein is sitting in his office, recording his third video.

In order to concentrate on recording the video, his mobile phone had been switched to flight mode, however, what he didn’t expect was that the landline phone on his desk suddenly rang.

He impatiently grabbed the phone and said in a rude manner, “What is it?”

Howard patiently introduced himself, “Hello Bruce, I’m Howard Rothschild, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, I’ve heard about you, and I’m deeply sorry about that ……”

Bruce cursed under his breath, “You’re a bad old man you’re sorry my arse! Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on in your head, don’t you just want me to change my words? Let me tell you, I will never give you this chance, this time, I will fight you all to the death, fish to death!”