The Real Dragon Chapter 6131

In everyone’s knowledge, Gustavo has been sentenced to life imprisonment, and no parole. This man will spend his entire life in a U.S. prison until he dies of illness or old age.

But who would have thought that suddenly, late at night after this hullabaloo, a selfie video of himself would be seen on the Internet.

The fact that a prisoner serving a prison sentence suddenly posted a selfie video on the Internet says two incredible things: one is that this guy can even use a mobile phone in prison, and the other is that this guy can even access the Internet while in prison.

This immediately made the American eating netizens come to twelve.

And what’s in Gustavo’s video is even more explosive.

At the beginning of the video, he was very angry and said to the camera, “Hello, I am Gustavo Sanchez from Mexico, at this moment I am in Brooklyn Prison in New York, the United States, I want to accuse the Rothschild family of treachery, over the river to break down the bridge here, it is because of the Rothschild this brazen family’s words are not trustworthy, backstabbing knife, today at noon, I almost died in Brooklyn Prison!”

By the time the video got here, all the viewers felt a burst of mind-blowing wonder and pleasure!

Unexpectedly, another big melon came in the middle of the night! And it was still a super big melon!

One of the world’s once toughest drug lords, hand tearing the world’s largest family in prison, this kind of drama can’t even be called an annual, three years and five years may not be able to take the turn of the opportunity to see some.

It is also because of the identity of the parties involved in the bombing, this video from the moment Gustavo showed his face, the viscosity and retention rate is incredibly high, almost no one will be at this time to close this video, everyone is in front of the computer or mobile phone screen, watching without blinking.

At this moment, Gustavo said angrily, “When the US government wanted to extradite me from Mexico to the US to stand trial, I was ten thousand times reluctant, and even wanted to escape from Mexico several times and go to other countries for refuge, it was the Rothschild family who found me and promised me that as long as I was successfully extradited to the US by the US government, they would surely arrange for me to be in a prison under their complete controlled prison, let me enjoy the same life treatment as outside the prison, and even promised me that after a number of years, they would help me to operate, modify the sentence of non-parole, and let me go back to Mexico to retire …….”

“It was because of this that I was placed in Brooklyn Prison by the Rothschilds, and in the beginning time, the Rothschilds did fulfil their promise and gave me relatively superior conditions, but I never dreamed that the famous Rothschilds would renege on their promise so quickly!

They hired assassins from the prison to launch a death attack on me, and I almost died in their hands!”

Speaking of this, Gustavo said in pain, “Ector, my good son! You must never, ever fall into the trap of the Americans! If dad dies, you must do everything you can to avenge dad’s death! And you must remember, the Sanchez family must not have any form of co-operation with the Rothschild family from now on, they are a group of treacherous and shameless people!”

Immediately after, Gustavo added: “And! All Sanchez family members must remember that unity and loyalty is the key to the Sanchez family standing! So no one, under any circumstances, can ever betray the family, this is our family’s high pressure line! Anyone who dares to touch this high pressure line, no matter who he is, the entire Sanchez family will definitely not let him go!”