The Real Dragon Chapter 6157

Charlie wade nodded with a sudden realisation and laughed, “No wonder you’re so desperate at your age, still staying up late at the front line.”

“Where where where ……,” Steve said awkwardly, “I’m also forced to do nothing, if I lose my position as the first heir, then my son won’t be eligible to inherit the family business, for his future, I also have to put up a fight.”

Charlie wade asked again, “Then why did you choose to stare here? Instead of looking for various and departments to co-operate with to set up barriers to stop them, just like the others?”

Steve truthfully said, “It was my father who revealed to me that the chances of finding the Four Directions Treasure Block here are the greatest, so that’s why I came over ……”

Charlie wade nodded and smiled, “I’m not going to lie to you, the Four Directions Treasure Block that you are looking for is in the Zhou Family! And I, for one, am here to fetch the Four Directions Treasure Block.”

Although Steve had guessed this layer, he was still stunned by Charlie wade’s words.

He didn’t expect that Charlie wade would dare to break into the encirclement of hundreds of people by himself, and the fact that he could silently feel his way here to put himself under control was enough to show that his strength was beyond imagination.

Then when he thought that the Four Directions Treasure Block was indeed in the Zhou Family, his heart was first a little vaguely excited, but then it was a deep regret and chagrin.

He knew very well that he was unlikely to get rid of Charlie wade, and it was still unknown whether he could survive. If he had known that the Four Directions Treasure House was here, he might as well have brought a hundred excavators to dig up the ground in the first place, and in case he could find the Four Directions Treasure House in front of Charlie wade, then he would have completed his task.

But now, not only did he have a brush with completing his mission, he might even take his life with him.

Charlie wade saw Steve’s dishevelled and remorseful expression and couldn’t help but laugh, “Steve, you don’t seem to be in a good mood?”

Steve was shocked and hastily said, “No no, you’ve misunderstood ……”

Charlie wade smiled, said with great meaning, “Steve, in fact, there is no need for the two of us to have to become enemies, think about it, if you still have the luxury of being able to get the Four Directions Treasure Block until now, then the two of us are enemies to the death, but think about it in a different way of thinking, if I quietly take the Four Directions Treasure Block away from you today, it would be a good thing for you instead. “

“Good thing?” Steve was a bit staggered all of a sudden, because of being overly nervous, his thinking ability and speed of judgement had regressed a lot from normal.

Charlie wade smiled at this time and said, “Didn’t your father say? Whoever is able to bring back the Four Directions Treasure Block is the first successor, but think about it in another direction, what if no one is able to bring back the Four Directions Treasure Block? Then wouldn’t you still be the first heir?”