The Real Dragon Chapter 6161

At this time, he suddenly thought of Canada, which was just over three hundred kilometres away from here in a straight line, so he said to Steve, “If I remember correctly, the straight line distance from here to Montreal, Canada should be less than four hundred kilometres, and your helicopter will surely be able to fly straight there in a single breath, so think about it, under what kind of circumstances would your father ask you to leave the United States immediately and travelling to Canada?”

Steve frowned and thought for half a day, shook his head and said, “I can’t think of anything, although we have some business in Montreal, but after all, it is not a large volume, and the affairs in Canada are assigned to my third brother in the family to take charge of, if there is something, my father would definitely let him go, not me.”

At this time, Royce, who was on the side, suddenly opened his mouth, “By the way dad, Nordic Empress Helena is going to visit Canada next week, didn’t grandpa remind me before that he hoped that I could develop a little bit with her? If I were to wait until Helena arrives in Canada next week, if I were to say in passing that I want to go over and meet Helena, he might agree.”

Steve hesitantly said, “That will have to wait until next week after all, and it’s still an open question whether he’ll let you go to Canada given the circumstances.”

Charlie wade asked curiously, “The Rothschild family is so strong, why would Howard want his eldest grandson to develop with the Queen of Northern Europe?”

Steve explained, “Sir you don’t know, although the Rothschild family has a strong influence in the United States, but in Europe, our reputation has never been too good, although the royal families in Europe basically have deep cooperation with us, but they are never willing to marry us, in the past one or two hundred years, we have repeatedly made requests for marriage to different European royal families, but we have all were rejected by them.”

Speaking here, Steve added: “However, Helena’s situation is relatively special, she was originally an outcast of the Nordic royal family, she did not expect a desperate turnaround some time ago, and directly boarded a plane to become an empress, and looking at the whole of Europe, unmarried empresses have and only have Helena one, for the Rothschild family, if they are able to marry a member of the European royal family, then as far as the level is concerned, Helena is the the highest one.”

“On top of that, our think tank analysed that Helena’s character should not be quite the same as the traditional European royals, and her values should be very different as well, other royals would find it hard to accept a marriage with the Rothschilds because of their traditional mindset, but Helena has abandoned many traditions, and her chances of acceptance would be much higher.”

“There is intelligence showing that after Helena ascended to the throne, the Nordic royal family members had several discussions with her on the issue of future marriage, and the Nordic royal family members hoped that Helena would follow the royal tradition and look for a prince who is willing to join the Nordic royal family and change his nationality to Nordic amongst the royals of other European countries, and then after the two of them get married, they would then seal each other with a title of prince and the offspring of the two can become heirs to the Nordic throne.”

“However, Helena seems to be a little deviant, she had clearly indicated to the royal family that she would not intermarry with other members of the royal family, and also clearly indicated to the royal family that she preferred to pursue true love and marry the person she truly loved, and if she couldn’t, then she was willing to practise non-marriage for the rest of her life, and the Think Tank had also judged based on this intelligence that for the Rothschild family, the success rate of a marriage with Helena’s marriage would have a greater chance of success.”

Charlie wade nodded thoughtfully and spoke, “If Helena leaves for Canada tonight, will your father take the initiative to ask Royce to go over immediately?”