The Real Dragon Chapter 6167

Once Helena heard this, without asking for specifics, she said without hesitation, “Don’t worry sir, I will definitely do my best to strive to depart for Canada as early as possible, the quicker the better.”

With that, she looked at the time and added, “Mr Wade please wait for a moment, I’ll go and confirm with them.”

Generally speaking, for diplomatic level visits, the time is set very dead, after all, it involves the time schedule of both sides as well as security preparations and other aspects, it’s not that easy to change the time easily.

However, Helena’s current situation is special.

While she was the country’s monarch in terms of her treatment level, she was actually still primarily the first mascot of Northern Europe.

Coupled with the fact that she is not here to talk about anything important, but mainly to come over to show her face, folk walk around and take a look, and gain some goodwill for both sides, so it won’t take up too much of Canada’s top management’s time and energy, and it won’t be so troublesome to deploy them.

Moreover, this time Helena came to Canada, Canada is rushed to invite, even the itinerary, route, also very respect her personal wishes, so she in this matter, the initiative is much larger.

The reason why Helena has so much initiative is mainly because she has several great advantages.

The first advantage is that the face value is too high, looking at the entire European royal group, no one can be out of their right, even if it is the highest face value goddess in Hollywood in the past years, she is not inferior to any of them;

The second advantage, is young and upward positive energy burst, and the temperament of health and sunshine.

Looking at the circle of European and American celebrities, who does not have a little black history?

Drugs, cheating, promiscuity, beatings, sitting in jail, and even mixed with the triads, not to say that the entire European and American high society is a nest of snakes and rats, but at least it is also a full five poison.

But Helena is different.

She was born into the royal family and received an aristocratic education when she was young, and when everyone else reached the age of rebellion and began to trample on themselves, her parents passed away one after another, so much so that she had to be careful and prudent in order to fight for a limited space to survive in the cruel royal family.

This also means that she hasn’t even had a rebellious period.

Other princesses’ rebellious periods were spent falling in love, hanging out at nightclubs, smoking ciga_rettes and even having a bit of mari_juana, but she was the only one who hadn’t picked up any of her wistful habits, and she was even still a perfect girl.

Such an impeccably positive image can even withstand the scrutiny of the pedantic guardians.