The Real Dragon Chapter 6212

Chen Zhimin replied, “That’s right, it’s that simple.”

Zarna Bo was puzzled as he replied back, “For something that can be accomplished so simply, why does Lord Ying need to have the two of us work together? With your abilities, you can handle it alone.”

Chen Zhimin replied, “What you said is if everything goes well, if there are unforeseen circumstances in the middle, with my subordinate’s ability, I may not be able to do it without fail, the British Lord must have asked you to come here for an additional insurance policy.”

Zarna Bo’s heart was more or less unsettled.

He still didn’t quite believe that this mission could be accomplished so simply and successfully.

So, he then admonished himself in his mind, “Be sure to keep an eye on that surnamed Zhou, and also be careful and cautious of the surroundings, there must not be any slip-ups or mistakes!”

A few minutes later, a helicopter descended from the sky and landed steadily on the tarmac on the top floor of Manhattan Hospital.

Inside the cockpit of the helicopter, besides the pilot, there was also Chen Zhimin.

Chen Zhimin had arrived at the roof of the Manhattan Hospital together in the helicopter after driving ahead to meet up with the pilot as per Charlie wade’s request.

Just after the helicopter landed, Chen Zhimin said to the pilot, “The helicopter doesn’t need to be switched off, you go first, I’ll just wait here.”

The pilot asked with a puzzled face, “Mr Chen …… you …… you know how to fly a helicopter?”

Chen Zhimin said indifferently, “Nonsense, if I didn’t know how, why would I let you go first?”

The pilot was not a member of the Broken Clearance Society, he was just a pilot for a ventilation company under the An Family, and the company he worked for, as well as the helicopter he flew, were all properties of the An Family.

Moreover, this navigation company had always been under Chen Zhimin’s management, so the pilot dared not disobey him even more.

So, the pilot quickly said, “Okay Mr Chen, then I’ll leave first, call me anytime you have something to do.”

After saying that, he took off his noise-cancelling headphones and waved his hand to Chen Zhimin under the roaring sound of the helicopter, pulled open the hatch and jumped down.

The roar of the helicopter’s engine made the 17th floor’s Zarnabo hit the ground running.

Knowing that there was a possibility that Zhou Japheth would be leaving this place soon, he focused all his attention on Zhou Japheth in ward 1701, fearing that there would be any further changes in this person.

At this time, the FBI had also packed up their equipment and were preparing to evacuate one after another.

Charlie wade knew very well that Zarna Bo’s aura was mainly all about monitoring Ward 1701 and Zhou Japheth inside the ward, and with limited energy, it was simply impossible to monitor many people at once, so he swaggered away from Ward 1708 and went to the emergency clinic first, and then, still in the same old trick, disguised himself as a doctor, and came up from the emergency clinic and went directly to Ward 1701.

When he was almost at ward 1707, Charlie wade could feel that Zarna Bo was monitoring himself with his aura, but he wasn’t worried because he had already crossed paths with Zarna Bo before, and he shouldn’t be able to arouse his suspicion.

Thus, he stopped at the door of ward 1707 and gently snapped the door.

Uncle Zarna quickly opened the door from the inside and asked Charlie wade vigilantly, “Is something wrong doctor?”

Charlie wade said, “Hello sir, Mr Chen asked me to send the patient from 1701 to the rooftop, he explained to me that he wanted me to say hello to you first, saying that the helicopter was already ready on the roof, so that you could follow along.”

Zarna Bo frowned and asked, “What else did he say?”

Charlie wade shook his head, “Nothing else was said, why don’t you give him a call and ask, I’m just passing a message to you on his behalf.”

Uncle Zarna looked at Charlie wade and saw that he did not look like he was lying at all, so he assumed that this was all Chen Zhimin’s arrangement.