I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 669-670

Chapter 669

A ring?

How could he be wearing a ring on his hand.

And this ring, there was something familiar about it.

It was hard not to be ……

Rong Shu’s expression froze and she hurriedly dropped the sleeve in her hand and held Fu Jingting’s left hand with both hands instead, spreading his ring finger so that she could see the ring he was wearing on his ring finger more clearly.

After looking at it for a while, Rongshu was finally sure that it was really their wedding ring.

When had he put it on?

Rongshu touched the men’s wedding ring on Fu Jingting’s finger, and her red lips pursed for a moment.

This ring, she had gone and bought it herself at that time.

When they got married, her grandmother had asked him to accompany her to buy the rings, but at that time, he had no feelings for her, so he refused to accompany her there, so she ended up going alone, choosing many pairs, and finally fancying this one, with their names engraved inside.

By the time the wedding came, the jeweller brought the rings over and they exchanged them, but after the wedding he took them off and never wore them again.

Although she was lost, she didn’t make sure he wore it.

Because she knew that he didn’t love her and that he had done her a favour by accepting her to put the ring on for him at the wedding and not disgrace her, so she couldn’t expect anything else.

Then six years down the line, she didn’t see him wear the ring again until that time before the divorce when, for some reason, he suddenly did it again.

Only he refused to let her get close, so she couldn’t see the ring specifically, so much so that she forgot what his man’s ring looked like.

If she hadn’t remembered that this men’s ring had the same main diamond as her lady’s ring, she wouldn’t have recognised it now, the ring he was wearing now, was their wedding ring at that time.

Rongshu looked at the sleeping man, and then at the ring on the man’s finger.

She probably knew how he had put the ring out again now.

Because of love, because they were going to be together again.

And it was a ring that he had been wearing for some time, I’m afraid.

When she had just looked at it, she had seen the ring marks on his ring finger, which were a little heavy.

It must have been on his hand when the cast hadn’t been removed.

It was just that his hand, which had been in a sling, she had rarely paid attention to, which was why she hadn’t noticed it.

And he hadn’t said anything about it either.

It was a good thing he had been able to hold it in!

Rongshu smiled emotionally and tucked Fu Jingting’s left arm into his sleeve, then buttoned up his pyjamas, took the quilt over and covered him up, leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead again, got up and headed for the door to his room.

Get a good night’s sleep.

When you wake up, you can’t get as drunk as you did today and get yourself all raggedy.

You should be spirited, and even if you are hiding too much pain in your heart, you must never show it again as you are doing now.

Otherwise, if others catch such a weakness and take advantage of it, the consequences will be unthinkable.

So Fu Jingting, you must not be capricious anymore.

When Rongshu reached the door of the room, she looked back at the man on the bed, then closed the door and went out.

When she came to the living room, she walked to the sofa and sat down, took out her mobile phone and dialed a*sistant Zhang’s number.

The phone quickly got through and a*sistant Zhang’s voice came through, “Miss Rong.”

“a*sistant Zhang, how is grandmother now?” Rong Shu picked up her gla*s of water, took a sip of water and asked with concern.

It had been more than two hours since her grandmother had fainted, and there was no telling what the situation was now.

a*sistant Zhang stood outside the ward, looking at the old man in the ward and said, “The old lady is fine, the doctor said that she was only stimulated and fainted because she was attacked by fire.

When he arrived at the hospital, the old lady woke up once.

The old lady grabbed him and asked him how exactly Fu’s heart had failed, he explained the reason and said that Fu had found a heart donor before the old lady was relieved to receive treatment and fell asleep.

Otherwise, the old lady would have died on the spot.

After all, the old lady had already lost her husband, son and daughter-in-law one after another, and if Mr. Fu had died without a heart donor in front of the old lady, how could the old lady accept such an outcome.

“In that case, that’s good.” Rong Shu didn’t know what a*sistant Zhang was thinking, and her whole body was greatly relieved to hear that the old lady was no longer alright.

“Right Miss Rong, how is Mr. Fu doing now?” a*sistant Zhang pushed up his gla*ses and also asked.

Rong Shu glanced at Fu Jingting’s room and said with a smile, “He’s fine, he woke up for a while after you left, but because he drank a lot of wine, he looks a bit naive, just like a child, he can get into trouble, and now he’s also tired and asleep.”

“Yeah, that’s great.” a*sistant Zhang nodded his head and also put his heart down.

As for what Rong Shu said about being like a child, he said that it was impossible.

Mr. Fu was so wise and smart, how could he possibly become so childish when he was drunk.

So it must be a fake.

“a*sistant Zhang.” Rongshu suddenly thought of something and narrowed her eyes inquiring, “What exactly did you say to grandmother that made her pa*s out? Was it something about Fu Jingting?”

“……” a*sistant Zhang did not expect that Rongshu would suddenly be so sensitive and ask about this, so he was caught in a difficult position, not knowing how to answer.

The first time I saw him silent, I had already confirmed in my heart that I was the right one, and I pursed my red lips, “It’s really about Fu Jingting, what is it? Is there something happening to him that I don’t know about?”

“This …… is not ah.” The corners of a*sistant Zhang’s mouth twitched as he replied sheepishly, “I just told Old Madam that Mr. Fu had drunk too much wine, and Old Madam ……”

“That’s not possible!” Rongshu’s small face sank, “Grandmother knew that Fu Jingting would drink today, and even prepared herself mentally that Fu Jingting would hurt himself today, because grandmother has experienced all of these, so there is absolutely no way that grandmother would be stimulated by this and pa*s out from the rush, it must be something else.”

“……” a*sistant Zhang was once again silent.

This Miss Rong was too shrewd.

So shrewd, it seems that in the future, Mr. Fu will be sad.

“This ……” a*sistant Zhang scratched his hair and returned with difficulty, “Miss Rong, don’t ask, I can’t say anything about this matter, because I told the old lady, the old lady fainted, so in case I say it, you What if you faint too? I wouldn’t dare to take that risk again, but don’t worry, although this matter is a bit unacceptable, the final result is good, when this matter is over, when the time comes, even if we don’t say anything, you will know what happened, all in all, Mr. Fu didn’t do anything wrong to anyone.”

Hearing him say this, Rong Shu’s eyebrows knitted tightly, “Why do I have some trouble understanding? What’s so serious that we can’t accept it, and we might even faint from the stimulation, but it turns out to be good, how is this so complicated?”

Her head was spinning.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of services and services to the public, including the provision of services to the public and the provision of services to the public. …… very bitter!”

He said so gruffly, and Rong Shu realized that this matter was not simple.

She looked at the door of Fu Jingting’s room and finally nodded, “I know, I promise, you also said, he did not do anything wrong to anyone, that’s enough.”

As long as Fu Jingting was not betraying her, she could accept that he was hiding something from her.

Chapter 670

What’s more, she herself had something to hide from him.

Hearing Rong Shu say this, a*sistant Zhang immediately breathed a huge sigh of relief, “Thank you Miss Rong for understanding.”

“It’s nothing.” Rong Shu shook her head, “Then you can keep an eye on grandmother over there, call me immediately if anything happens, if Fu Jingting wakes up, I can also convey it to him directly, tonight, I won’t be going back.”

She was prepared to stay here and keep Fu Jingting company.

After all, there were still more than ten hours until tomorrow.

It was impossible for Fu Jingting to sleep through the next day, so what if he did something stupid again after she left?

“Yes, I will, then General Fu will trouble Miss Rong to take care of you.” a*sistant Zhang nodded in response.

Rong Shu waved her hand, “It’s nothing, it’s proper to take care of him, I had promised my grandmother that I would accompany him today as well.”

“That’s fine, then Miss Rong, I’ll hang up now.” a*sistant Zhang saw that Feng Ma in the ward was moving something and was ready to go over to help.

Rong Shu suddenly called out to him, “Wait a minute a*sistant Zhang.”

a*sistant Zhang stopped in his tracks, “Is there anything else Miss Rong wants?”

“I want you to help me find a psychologist, Fu Jingting has changed his temperament every year today because there is something wrong with him psychologically, so he must receive psychological treatment, otherwise he will do this again every year in the future, and this is not a good thing for him.” Rongshu’s small face was incomparably serious and solemn as she said.

She did not tell a*sistant Zhang that Fu Jingting’s real knot in his heart was because he felt that his birth was what had prevented his mother from leaving the Fu family and pursuing her own happiness, leading to his eventual suicide in despair.

He believed that his existence had killed his mother, and he believed that he himself was the murderer.

As for a*sistant Zhang and his grandmother, they believe that Fu Jingting’s knot in his heart was witnessing the scene of his mother’s suicide.

Since for more than ten years, Fu Jingting had not told anyone that his real knot in his heart was not what a*sistant Zhang and his grandmother and the others thought, then naturally she would not say it for him either.

In her opinion, it was better for him to say these things himself.

Because waiting until the day he was able to say it himself would mean that he might have looked away, released his feelings and understood.

“I know what you mean, Miss Rong, and I know clearly that this is a kind of heart disease for Mr. Fu, and if it is not solved, it will not be good for Mr. Fu, but it is not that I have not looked for a psychiatrist for Mr. Fu, either me or the old lady, but Mr. Fu has refused all of them.” a*sistant Zhang smiled bitterly and said, “Mr. Fu is not willing to accept psychological counselling.”

Rongshu was not the least bit surprised by a*sistant Zhang’s answer, and was even expecting it.

If Fu Jingting had accepted psychological counselling long ago, his knot would probably have been put down long ago and would not have persisted at all.

So it was obvious that he had never received counselling.

“It’s okay, you find it, I’ll make Fu Jingting go to a psychologist obediently.” Rongshu said with pursed thin lips.

a*sistant Zhang’s eyes widened in surprise, “Miss Rong, what method do you have to make Mr. Fu behave?”

“Break up.” Rong Shu lightly opened her red lips and slowly spat out two words.

a*sistant Zhang instantly sucked in a breath of cold air, “This solution …… is indeed very good, Miss Rong, or you are great, hit the nail on the head.”

Mr. Fu loved Miss Rong so much that he begged and begged to finally impress Miss Rong and get her to agree to get back together.

So all this time, Mr. Fu couldn’t mention how dejected he was, looking at him as if he was a single dog.

Yes, a single dog.

Before, Mr. Fu had looked at him with a kind of look that he was a single dog, at that time he thought he felt wrong, until after seeing that kind of look a few more times later, he was finally sure that he was not wrong at that time, Mr. Fu was indeed looking at him with the look of a single dog, that eyes were full of contempt, contempt that he was thirty years old and still a single dog.

Of course, he was naturally very angry in his heart, after all, what was wrong with being a single dog?

He was not like Mr. Fu, who had lost a good wife and ended up chasing after her, so who was Mr. Fu to look down on him like that?

Although in his heart, he was frantic, but on the surface, a*sistant Zhang did not dare to show the slightest bit, as if he did not know the eyes of Mr. Fu.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

So Mr. Fu will definitely be good enough to see a psychiatrist.

Thinking of this, a*sistant Zhang couldn’t help but gloat and laugh.

If only I could see the shocked expression on Mr. Fu’s face when he refused to see a psychiatrist and heard Miss Rong’s breakup threat, it would be even better.

On the other end of the phone, listening to a*sistant Zhang’s compliments, Rong Shu’s face was more or less embarra*sed, “It can’t be helped, in order to make him listen to see a doctor, use the most useful method you can, otherwise it’s too much trouble.”

“That’s right.” a*sistant Zhang nodded, then seriously returned “Okay, I will contact a good psychiatrist, then inform you Miss Rong, you help persuade Mr. Fu to accept treatment.”

“Mm.” Rongshu agreed.

After that, she spoke to a*sistant Zhang a few more times and hung up the phone.

Originally, she had planned to directly ask Lin Tianchen to treat Fu Jingting.

But then she thought about it, Lin Tianchen’s main profession was a surgeon, and he was so busy all day that he might not have much time to treat Fu Jingting at all.

So in the end, she backed off and asked a*sistant Zhang to arrange it.

Let’s hope everything goes well.

Rongshu put down her phone and stood up, ready to go to the kitchen to make some soup for Fu Jingting when he woke up, and also to send some to the hospital for her grandmother.

When she came to the kitchen, she opened the fridge and found fresh chicken from the freezer, intending to make a chicken soup.

She disposed of the chicken meat and put the unwanted parts into a bowl, ready to throw it away.

However, when she opened the food waste bin and saw the dark, unpleasant-smelling pile of ingredients inside, which looked like a waste product, her whole body suddenly fell into a deep silence.

I don’t think these things were made by a professional chef, were they?

If so, then this chef, who had ruined so many ingredients, could go to his death in shame, and was simply a mudslide in the chef world.

So these things, obviously, could only have been made by a novice who was just learning to cook.

Because that’s what she did back then.

So it was self-evident who had actually made these things.

After dumping the unwanted contents of the bowl into the bin, Rongshu looked up at the kitchen door, as if trying to see through the kitchen door to the man asleep in some room because of his drunkenness.

He must have done it!

Just what was he doing spoiling the ingredients for nothing?

He couldn’t be, learning how to cook, could he?

Thinking of this possibility, Rong Shu couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, and then thought that it shouldn’t be.

It was possible that Fu Jingting just wanted to try his hand at cooking on a whim, and wasn’t really learning.

Without thinking too much about it, Rongshu washed the dishes and then lifted the rubbish bag and went out to take out the rubbish.

As soon as she opened the door, she was taken aback.

Because outside the door, there was a person at some point.

The person was sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a very long black down jacket that almost covered his ankles, wrapping his whole body tightly, and wearing a hood on his head, so it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

In short, this man did not look like a good person with this outfit.

Rongshu narrowed her eyes, put her hand on the alarm button behind the door, stared at the person outside the door and asked warily, “Hello, can I help you?”