The Real Dragon Chapter 4756

        Most of them had been bitter towards Chloe for a long time, and most of them had been scolded and beaten by her, and now, seeing the former demoness fall into this pitiful state, they finally felt a sense of revenge!

        At that moment, Elaine was also tired of fighting.

        Her arms were already sore, and after beating Chloe for so long, she was already severely depleted, and now she felt that her arms were almost no longer her own.

        She couldn’t fight any more, but she didn’t feel like she could get rid of it, so she gritted her teeth and said to her fellow inmates, “Line up, just like the guards do when they check the rooms!”

        Knowing that Elaine was now the person in charge here, they did not dare to disobey, and hurriedly lined up in the same way as the guards did when they checked the rooms.

        Those female prisoners who had been taught a lesson by the female warriors of the Hall of Dragons also helped each other to line up with difficulty, as they all wanted to draw a clear line with Chloe, so that they would not be implicated by her in the future.

        At this moment, Jessica, the prison guard who had just been brought in, was a bit apprehensive.

        She was not sure about the situation before, but she could see the situation now.

        Any fool could see that Chloe had lost control of the place, and in her place was Elaine, who was being blackmailed by Chloe.

        She knew Chloe’s henchmen, and seeing that they were all wounded to varying degrees, she guessed that the new trio must have directly overturned Chloe’s rule.

        Nervous, she hurriedly stepped into line, not daring to say anything.

        When she saw that all the people had finished lining up, she came to the front of the group and kicked Chloe’s men one by one, scolding them as she did so, “You B*****ds, you all helped that Chloe to bully me, do you think I don’t hold a grudge?”

        All of them were kicked by Elaine in turn, but they did not dare to speak, and could only resist in a submissive manner.

        She kicked them all the way over and when she stood in front of Jessica, she cursed with an expression of indignation, “You’re not a f*cking prison guard, you’re in bed with the inmates! You think your granny Elaine is a f*cking diner!”

        With that, he kicked Jessica’s body, knocking her back several steps.

        But Jessica was too angry to say anything at the moment, and could only say respectfully, “Madam …… these are all Chloe’s ideas …… if you want revenge, you have to get it from her too!”

        Elaine coldly said, “Do you think I will let her go?”

        With that, she looked at the other inmates and said in a stern voice, “Listen up, every one of you, go up and smack Chloe a hundred times in the mouth, and if anyone doesn’t f*cking do it, I’ll have the others smack her to death!”

        When the crowd heard this, no one dared to say even a word against Elaine.

        Besides, most of them had a grudge against Chloe, but they had only been able to resign themselves to her lasciviousness.

        But now it was a different story. Chloe had lost her power, and it was time for her to repay her grievances!

        So several women took the lead and rushed towards Chloe.

        When they reached Chloe, they ignored Chloe’s pleading eyes and uncontrollable cries, swung their arms around and whipped her hard.

        Chloe has completely collapsed, howling: “spare my life …… please spare my life …… I really can’t stand it, please let me go …… “

        Elaine looked at Chloe’s tragic appearance with a mouth full of blood and disdainfully brushed his lips, “Spare you? Where did you drink the fake wine, why are you still talking nonsense?”

        After that, Elaine gritted her teeth and said, “I’m telling you, I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve to deal with you! Don’t even think about sleeping tonight, there are thirty people waiting for you to squeeze their feet! I’m going to make you squeeze their feet until tomorrow!”