The Real Dragon Chapter 4918

        Xion spat out her tongue and directly closed the door of her room, lightly ran towards Charlie wade and said with a smile, “I think I’d better not stay and be a light bulb ……”


        This night, many people had a sleepless night because they were happy.

        Ito Yohiko was currently lying on the hotel bed, alone, pedaling an ‘air bike’ into the air while looking at the chandelier and having a silly time.

        He loved the feeling of having his legs back, and if he wasn’t afraid of his daughter’s anger, he would have gone out and run around New York three times.

        The same goes for Koichi Tanaka.

        He couldn’t lie in bed for more than five minutes before he couldn’t help but get down and walk around a few times, then put his legs up on the table and look at them, touch them, and never close his big, open mouth.

        He Yingxiu didn’t have much of a chance to experience the feeling of having her right hand back, as Zayne had already carried her to the bedroom, and the two of them were able to relive their night of pa*sion after more than 20 years.

        As for Li Yalin, who was the first to take the Remodelling Pill, he returned to his home in Houston with his wife, daughter and son-in-law, on the An family’s private jet.

        Since Phoebe had helped him with his endors*ment, his image in the eyes of his family was comparable to that of a superhero.

        In the earlier years, his wife and daughter lived with him in New York, when he was so preoccupied with his work that he rarely asked about his wife and children.

        As a police officer, he was also very strict with his wife and daughter, which made the family’s atmosphere very depressing without him realising it.

        His relationship with his family became increasingly strained and when his daughter was in college, she gave up her school in New York and chose to come to Houston to be away from him so that she could breathe easier.

        His wife took the opportunity to accompany his daughter to Houston and began a de facto separation from him.

        However, the separation has only been for a long time and has not yet reached the point of divorce.

        Li Yalin’s daughter did not excel academically, was rebellious as a young girl, and coincided with a father who was a thundering detective and more strict than the average parent, so her rebellion never had a chance to bubble over despite her desperate struggles.

        Although Li Yalin has lived in the United States for most of his life, he is a thoroughly Chinese parent at heart, and his approach to his daughter’s education is summed up in eight words: ‘over-intervention and strict discipline’.

        His daughter also went from rebellious to relatively decadent and averse to school because of the high pressure he brought with him, and because of this, the relationship between father and daughter has never eased up.

        Li Yalin’s income before he retired was almost US$400,000 to US$500,000 a year.

        This level of income was not low, but it welded his family firmly into the middle cla*s bracket, which was at best a good place to live, but not really a good place to live.

        His daughter got married last year to a young Chinese man who graduated from a prestigious university and works for NASA.

        Although his son-in-law has some talent, he is over-ambitious and is not taken seriously at NASA, and is even discriminated against.