The Real Dragon Chapter 5010

   “And you want the Himalaya?”

        The driver snorted and said with contempt, “If you want to daydream, get out of the car and go home and do it.”

        Lolita said angrily, “You obviously promised me, why did you go back on your word?”

        The driver said angrily, “That was conditional on you, after you had done the job, and now it’s yellow and you’re not needed, understand?”

        Lolita bristled and said in a cold voice, “I don’t care, but if you promise me, you must honour it, otherwise I will not be finished with you!”

        The driver was about to say something when the car in front of him started its engine and slowly made its way out of the car park, ready to enter the cargo area of the airport.

        The driver knew in his heart that this was to rush the three truckloads of supplies onto that Boeing 777 so that it could be shipped back to Nigeria on time and on target, so that no clues would be left on this line.

        He then started the car as well, and then said to Lolita, “Get out of the car and don’t delay me in my business.”

        “I won’t get out!” Lolita said with a grim expression, “How dare you make me get out of the car! Do you know what my status is? You can let me out of the car if you want, first tell me when to get my Himalaya to me!”

        The driver jumped out of the truck in a fury, went around to the pa*senger door, pulled it open and lifted Lolita out of the car like a chicken. One more word and I’ll have your father killed tonight!”

        With that, he ignored Lolita, turned around and got into the truck, started the vehicle and left the car park.

        Lolita did not expect that the other party would become so vicious all of a sudden, and her whole person instantly lost her previous aura, and was too scared to say a word.

        She was still young, and although she had been pushed to the front of this humane organisation as a gun for a few years, she had only spoken and acted as she was asked to, not knowing the deeper reasons and stakes behind it.

        She only knew that if she did what they asked her to do, she and her family would all be well provided with a good material base and could even use it to join the upper cla*s.

        But she did not know where this humane organisation was really coming from.

        Some time ago, when Lolita’s global reputation was at its peak, she had thought about leaving the organisation and setting up her own business.

        After all, in her view, she was already a global figure, with a huge following, and had even been received and praised by many heads of state, so there was no need for her to be controlled by a superior organisation.

        However, when she mentioned the idea to her father, she was severely reprimanded by him, and although Lolita was not convinced, she did not dare to confront him directly.

        But now that she had been treated so roughly, she thought it was a good opportunity to break with him!

        So she immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call to her father.

        As soon as the call was answered, she cried, “Dad! I want to break up with them! Never have anything to do with them again!”