The Real Dragon Chapter 5012

       The reason for the mask was that she herself had been calling for environmental protection, and even for people all over the world to stop driving cars; according to the views she had been stressing in the outside world, driving was a sin, let alone taking a taxi, and if someone caught her taking a taxi, they would be afraid to poke her in the spine.

        As Lolita depressedly left the airport, the shipment was pa*sing through customs.

        As there was nothing unusual about the goods, and they were all charity materials, customs cleared them quickly.

        So that Boeing 777 finally returned to Nigeria at the scheduled time with a plane full of cargo.


        Meanwhile, on a certain island in this world, a cathedral-like stone building stood imposingly on top of the island’s rocky outcrop.

        What the outside world does not know is that this imposing castle is in fact only the tip of the iceberg.

        Beneath the castle, the entire island has been completely hollowed out, and the scale of the buildings inside is more than a hundred times larger than the ground.

        At this moment, in the hall in the middle of the castle, a man in his forties, richly dressed, knelt down on one knee, looked at the empty throne in front of him and said respectfully, “British Lord! The plane has been withdrawn to Nigeria, the other seven primus guards, there is no clue yet.”

        Immediately, the cold, machine-like voice came from the large hall, “Keep looking! Even if we have to dig into the ground, we have to find them!”

        The man clasped his hands above his head and said respectfully, “My subordinates obey my orders!”

        The British Lord’s voice came again, “Lin Wan’er must have left Northern Europe, send your men to infiltrate Mongolia, the Russian Far East, Alaska, Canada’s Yukon and Nunavut, as she was nearly captured this time, she will probably flee to these sparsely populated countries and regions. “

        The man was slightly stunned and said, somewhat nervously, “Lord British! My subordinate has a question that I dare to ask you for an answer!”

        Lord Ying said indifferently, “Speak!”

        The a*sa*sination of the An family in New York was so carefully planned, but in the end, none of the dead soldiers we sent came back, and not even a single body was found. Do you think there could be a connection between these two events?”

        “Connection?” Lord Ying asked coldly, “Do you think that someone is secretly killing us?”

        The man said, “I can’t say, I just think that both incidents are too fishy. We have definite information on both incidents, whether it’s the An Family or Lin Wan’er, they don’t have the strength to resist us, but things turned out to be the loss of all the men we sent, which is a bit unbelievable.”

        Lord Ying said indifferently, “The An family is a top family in the open world, and is somehow considered a public figure, but Lin Wan’er is a small fox who hides everywhere, and those under her have no chance to have any contact with the outside world on a regular basis, and this time she was able to find out about her only because she just couldn’t resist herself and bought a piece of celadon porcelain in an antique shop in Northern Europe before revealing her identity. So I don’t think there should be any direct connection between them.”

        The man nodded and exclaimed, “It’s still you, Lord Ying, who is the most resourceful, using just some celadon porcelain to hook Lin Wan’er out!”

        Saying that, he hurriedly asked again, “Should we get another batch of top-notch celadon porcelains and plant them in antique shops around the world, waiting for Lin Wan’er to take the bait?”

        “No need.” Lord Ying said coldly, “Lin Wan’er is the most cunning fox, she will never fall into the same trap twice, and even the best celadon porcelain will not be able to lure her out!”