The Real Dragon Chapter 5070

        He looked at Charlie wade with shock and fear, and looking at his slightly lazy and casual smile, he suddenly realized that what had just happened in the next conference room seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in his eyes, but now that he looked at it again, it seemed like this envoy was deliberately playing a game of cat and mouse with himself and the others.

        It seemed that he had everything under control.

        It might even be that he was deliberately playing a trick on himself and the other Primus Guards.

        In desperation, Aziz lane still tried to make a final struggle, he shook his head and said to Charlie wade, “Lord Envoy, please forgive my humble servant, the situation you mentioned, my servant did not perceive ……”

        Charlie wade stood up at this moment, paced up and down to Aziz lane and smiled blandly, “Alright, there is no need to act with me, the antidote you are taking was prepared by my own hands, I know better than you what effects these few pills have.”

        “What?!” Aziz lane stared at Charlie wade with wide eyes and a face full of horror as he subconsciously asked, “Lord Special Envoy …… You …… You said that this antidote …… was prepared by your own hands?!”

        Charlie wade nodded and said with a smile, “That’s right, I prepared it with my own hands, and it is not the kind of antidote that you took before, which can delay the onset of the poison in your body, but an antidote that can make the poison in your body disappear completely, in the true sense of the word.”

        Aziz lane looked at Charlie wade and asked in confusion, “Lord Envoy …… You …… Why are you doing this? From my subordinate’s understanding of the organisation, the organisation has always acted with extreme caution and would never take such a risk ……”

        Charlie wade nodded and said frankly, “You are right, it is impossible for the Broken Qing Society to come up with this kind of real antidote, and even if they could, they would never do it.”

        Aziz lane subconsciously asked, “Then why are you ……”

        Charlie wade looked at him and laughed, “Because I am not a special envoy at all, and I am also not a member of the Broken Clear Society, but an enemy of the Broken Clear Society!”

        Aziz lane was shocked and blurted out, “This …… How is this possible ……”

        After saying that, he couldn’t help but look at the sectarians standing on either side as well as the sectarians’ personal guards, and couldn’t help but ask Charlie wade, “Could they all be your people as well?!”

        Charlie wade waved his hand, “They are not, I came here tonight on my own, they are just controlled by me with psychological suggestion.”

        After saying that, Charlie wade then said to Aziz lane, “By the way, I came today and brought several thousand antidotes that can completely remove the toxin from your bodies, which can completely free all your primus guards and all your dead soldiers from the grip of the severe poison in their bodies.”

        “Besides, I’ve heard everything you just talked to them in the next room. Although your courage is commendable, your tactics are still a bit short!”

        “If you people choose to stay here and hold on to this copper mine, then it is only a matter of time before the Broken Qing will come in and kill all of you;”

        “If you people flee and die, then the Qing Breakers will definitely kill you one by one, leaving no loose ends, it’s only a matter of time!

        “It’s just that the latter will have a slightly longer time to live on than the former.”

        Aziz lane was silent for a moment, looked at Charlie wade and opened his mouth to ask: “Then I dare to ask, you have come here today with the antidote, can you give us people a third option?!”

        “Of course!” Charlie wade looked at him, nodded approvingly, and said aloud, “I have come here today to do three things! One is to take control of the envoy as well as the sectarians here without bloodshed, and as you can see, I have already done that.”