The Real Dragon Chapter 5153

Phoebe and Claire chatted for a long time in the Executive Lounge.

During this time, Phoebe modified her story slightly, making everything seem incredibly real and even silky smooth to Claire’s eyes.

According to Phoebe’s story, the reason why she and her grandfather went to Aurous Hill was because his health was deteriorating and he was introduced to a top Chinese doctor called Dr. Simmons.

After arriving in Aurous Hill, in order to keep a low profile, Flynn Phoebe only used the fake identity of Zhan Feier, which she had also chosen when she entered China, so this also made Claire realise that Flynn Phoebe had not made up a fake name just to deceive her.

Phoebe told Claire that after she and her grandfather arrived in Aurous Hill, she found Dr. Simmons to treat her grandfather and did cure him, but it was at that time that her own eldest uncle took advantage of her grandfather’s absence in the United States and used a ruse to take away the family headship and began to hunt her and her grandfather down.

It was also at that time that she heard from someone in Aurous Hill that Charlie wade was a very powerful feng shui master, so she approached Charlie wade to try to break the pattern, and she and her grandfather escaped with their lives after Charlie wade gave her a few pointers.

It was also at that time that she left without saying goodbye to Claire and evaporated from Aurous Hill in order not to involve him.

Later, Flynn Phoebe told Claire that she was able to become the head of the Flynn family because Charlie wade had changed her feng shui and fortune, which enabled her to return to New York with her grandfather and successfully take back the head of the family when the Flynn family was in a great crisis.

Flynn did not need to explain the rest to Claire, who already knew eight or nine out of ten on television.

Flynn Phoebe cleverly concealed the true purpose of her visit to Aurous Hill, then moved Dr. Simmons out as a perfect substitute, and then used Charlie wade’s identity as a feng shui master to amplify this aspect of feng shui as much as possible, so she fooled Claire into believing in it.

When she heard that Phoebe was actually being chased by her own eldest uncle and even narrowly escaped death, she could not help but feel a little ashamed in her heart. Ashamed that Phoebe had encountered such a big crisis and left without saying hello only so as not to drag herself into it, while she herself felt lost in her heart for her unceremonious departure.

And she also felt proud of her husband at the same time.

She really didn’t expect that Charlie wade’s ability in feng shui would be so powerful that he could even help Flynn Phoebe reclaim the position of the Flynn family head and rise to the top in one step.

This also perfectly explained why Flynn Phoebe, the trillion dollar Flynn family head, was so respectful in front of Charlie wade.

Everything, in Claire’s opinion, was so impeccable.

Therefore, in her heart, there was no doubt at all.

In this way, the little bit of loss in her heart was completely dissipated.

When she sent Phoebe away and returned to her hotel room, she even wiped her tears in secret because of Flynn’s difficult ordeal.

When she returned to her room, Charlie wade found that his wife had unexpectedly cried her eyes red, and quickly asked with concern, “Honey, why are you crying? What happened?”

Without speaking, Claire came forward and gently hugged Charlie wade, choking back a sob, “Honey, Phoebe she …… is too difficult ……”

“Uh ……” Charlie wade froze, and immediately guessed what was probably going on, so he gently patted her back while comforting her, “Honey, as the saying goes, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, if Miss Flynn was just If Miss Flynn was just a girl from an ordinary family, she naturally wouldn’t have to go through so many dangers and trials, but she is now at the helm of a trillion dollar family, it’s only right for someone of this height to suffer a bit of trials and tribulations, otherwise she wouldn’t know how to cherish it at all.”