The Real Dragon Chapter 6221

The reason Howard was so alarmed was that he had long heard his fathers talk about the ancient and mysterious super organisation of the Clear Breaking Society.

  Although he didn’t know much about the Clear Breaking Society, he had received one piece of advice from his father’s generation, and that was that if he ever encountered the Clear Breaking Society, he must stay as far away from them as possible.

  This was because, while other organisations wanted money, this one wanted life.

  And once these guys want their lives, they’re f*cking cool with extermination.

  However, in the United States, only ancient super families like the Rothschilds have heard of the existence of the Broken Clearance Society, and for the vast majority of people here, the name of the Broken Clearance Society is still unheard of.

  This was because the composition of America’s high society was very complicated.

  Part of it was the nouveau riche born out of the Internet and the global financial industry after the rise of Silicon Valley and the Wall Street financial market, rich but lacking in substance;

  There is also a part of the pre-World War II in the United States by the old money family of real bullets, some of the heritage but not much;

  The other is the political families that have gradually risen after World War II, which tend to be less wealthy but are much better informed than the general public due to their penetration into the political arena;

  The organisation of the Broken Clearance Society, among these three groups, only those political families have heard of it, but they never make enemies with the Broken Clearance Society in order to avoid unnecessary risks, and they never disclose the news of the Broken Clearance Society.

  After all, unlike those terrorist organisations, the Clear Breaking Society had spent hundreds of years penetrating all over the world and all walks of life, and was far from being comparable to those terrorists who had fought guerrilla battles in the mountain dens of the Middle East for more than a decade or two.

  Those political families were also very wary of them, the

  Apart from the political families, the only people in the United States who knew of the existence of the Broken Clearance Society were the An Family, who had actually been involved with the Broken Clearance Society, and the long-established Rothschild Family.

  The Rothschild family has been rooted in Europe in the early years, to the middle of the Second World War in order to take refuge, only gradually will shift the centre of gravity to the United States, their ancestors as early as two hundred years ago know the existence of the broken Qing Society, but also seen the broken Qing Society’s tactics.

  Therefore, even after two hundred years, every Rothschild patriarch will still explain to his successor when handing over the power that he can mess with anyone, but never mess with the Broken Qing Society.

  Howard originally did not take the Broken Qing Society seriously, after all, since his grandfather’s generation, the Rothschild family has almost never had any form of interaction with the Broken Qing Society in reality, although the legend about the Broken Qing Society continues to circulate in the ancestor’s training, but everyone just treats it as a story.

  Now, when the name of the Clear Breaking Society came out of Hank’s mouth, Howard clearly realised that the Clear Breaking Society not only existed in reality, but was also right beside him!

  What makes him even more fearful is that he is looking for an antique, but he is so confused that he is related to the Clear Breaking Society. ……


  Just as Hank and the others were hastily evacuating, several New York fire stations received fire alarms and all sent their fleets of fire trucks to put out the fires at the Tonghang Company.

  Since the fire relied entirely on aviation gasoline to ignite, it soon became too large to control, and the terrifying heat inside the hangar directly detonated the aviation paraffin inside the helicopter’s fuel tanks, and the huge explosion toppled the roof of the hangar directly, and the flames immediately rose into the sky.

  The moment the flames rose into the sky, Charlie wade, who had already taken a helicopter to the U.S.-Canada border, also saw the flames in the night sky above the northern suburbs of New York from afar.

  At this moment, he knew that Chen Zhimin had definitely been reduced to ashes.

  And that hangar was the incinerator that Charlie wade had allowed Chen Zhimin to prepare for himself as well as Zarna Bo.

  So, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Li Yalin, which read: fire has started, wait for Xiao Luo’s call.

  This was the code word he had previously agreed with Grandpa.

  Once he told that the fire had started, he was informing Chen Zhimin of his death.

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