The Real Dragon Chapter 3640

Smith was also a little appalled.

        However, he was slightly more calm than his wife, so he immediately held out two fingers, gestured in front of his son and asked, “Jimmy, can you see how many fingers Daddy is holding out right now?”

        Jimmy nodded, “Two, I can see.”

        Smith was instantly ecstatic and switched to three fingers and asked again, “Now what?!”

        “It’s three ……”

        Smith burst into tears of excitement and choked out, “Oh my God, you can really see it ……”

        Jenny on the side was even more excited, looking at the Jiu Xuan rejuvenation pill in her hand, and spoke, “This medicine is simply amazing! Jimmy has only taken it for a minute or two and not only has his hearing returned, but his vision is slowly starting to return as well …… this …… is incredible …… “

        Smith couldn’t help but say in amazement, “But this shouldn’t be, if this medicine is really effective, then it shouldn’t work so quickly, right?”

        Jenny questioned him, “It’s the truth! The truth is right in front of you, do you still want to deny it?”

        “I’m not ……” Smith hurriedly explained, “I’m not trying to deny it, I just don’t think it’s quite right …… could it be an illusion? ? Or maybe the previous treatment is just taking effect now, just in time for this medicine to catch up with it?”

        Jenny said with some indignation, “You are incorrigible!!!”

        After saying that, she remembered something, pointed to the indicators on the instrument and blurted out, “Haven’t you noticed. Your son’s blood oxygen indicators now. As well as the blood pressure and heart rate indicators, they are all much stronger than before! Before this your son’s blood oxygen had been so low that he had to use a ventilator!”

        Smith then remembered this detail and said in horror, “This …… is unbelievable …… I’m calling the doctor!”

        So he immediately pressed the call bell and said out of the blue, “Doctor, please come here as soon as possible!”

        Soon, several doctors rushed over in unison.

        They thought that the patient’s condition must have deteriorated.

        But when they arrived, they found that the patient was talking to his mother.

        And, by the way he was talking, his body had indeed recovered considerably; after all, he had been overdrawn to the limit long before this.

        Seeing that the doctors were amazed, Smith hurriedly said, “Jimmy’s hearing has returned, his vision is slowly returning, he can see the general outline, he can see a few fingers, and all his indicators have improved greatly, so please help me to see how he is doing now!”

        Several of the doctors were also a little surprised.

        They had been specialising in cancer for many years and were considered the top cancer experts in the world, but they could not understand why Smith’s son was able to make such a big change in such a short period of time?

        In theory, there are only two possibilities for recovery from a tumour that is pressing on the visual and auditory nerves, one is to remove the tumour directly by surgery, and the other is to use chemotherapy to shrink the tumour significantly.

        However, Jimmy’s physical condition was already so bad that he could not even withstand the general anaesthetic, let alone a major operation like a craniotomy.

        Not to mention the chemoradiotherapy, which his body had already been unable to withstand for a long time.

        Therefore, in the doctors’ perception, his condition would only get worse and worse, and there was never any possibility of turning back.

        However, what was happening in front of them had completely overturned their perceptions.

        So, they could only rush forward to conduct a meticulous examination.

        After their tests, the patient’s hearing had indeed returned, and the recovery of vision continued to improve.