The Real Dragon Chapter 6242

  However, ATC only told them that the order to return had been issued by United States air traffic control and that they had no knowledge of it, but that the crew had to fly the aircraft back or risk arrest for refusing to obey air traffic control.

  Naturally, the pilots did not dare to disobey air control, so the aircraft threw a circular contrail over Hudson Bay and turned back to the United States.

  The two Vermont National Guard f35s then lifted off to take over Canadian airspace.

  At this moment, Wu Tony eyed the flight software and saw that the plane chartered by Chen Zhimin(Parker) had already completed its turnaround and flew back to the United States, so he reported to Wu Fiona, “Lord British, that plane has returned.”

  Just as he finished speaking, he received another piece of information sent back by a scout, and hurriedly reported to Wu Fiona again, “British Lord, I just received a message from a scout ahead, two f35s from the Vermont National Guard have taken off in an emergency, and are flying all the way north towards Canada, presumably to monitor the aircraft that picked up Chen Zhimin(Parker).”

  Wu Fiona nodded and said indifferently, “If Chen Zhi Min(Parker) and that treasure are really on this plane, then the treasure will inevitably fall into the hands of the US military first, the Rothschild family is deeply rooted in the US, and since the thing was lost by them, the US military will also inevitably return the thing to them.”

  Said, Wu Fiona coldly said: “Inform Wu Yong Zhen, immediately mobilise all the undercover agents hidden in the US security department, comprehensively track this action of the National Security Agency, first confirm which airport the plane will actually land at, and then think of a way to confirm that the antique Chen Zhi Min(Parker) and the Rothschild family are looking for is not in the plane, and at the same time, immediately dispatch all the manpower that can be mobilised to the northern part of New York! Standby, once it’s confirmed that the item is on the plane, immediately take action and snatch it back at all costs!”

  Wu Tony was horrified, half a moment before he came back to his senses, nervously said, “Lord British, if directly from the hands of the U.S. National Security Agency to rob, things will not be a hair and out of control ……”

  After saying that, he then hastily suggested, “My subordinate feels that if the item is really on this plane, then we can completely wait for the US National Security Bureau to return the item to the Rothschild family, and then snatch it back from the Rothschild family.”

  Wu Fiona’s expression was cold and said without any doubt, “No way! As long as the item is confirmed to be on this plane, there can’t be a moment’s delay! If something goes wrong and I miss it, the 300 years of foundation of the Qing Breaking Society will also be affected! Therefore, we must take advantage of the fact that the National Security Bureau does not know the purpose of this item before we strike first!”

  Wu Tony was shocked by what he heard.

  He couldn’t figure out why the always cautious Wu Fiona would take such a big risk this time.

  Grabbing something on American soil and from the hands of Homeland Security was almost tantamount to a large-scale terrorist attack!

  Once the incident occurred, regardless of success or failure, the Broken Qing Society would become the number one enemy of the United States, and the nature of the bad, even beyond the year’s Ben La Lamp, which was almost like seeking death!

  In any case, one should not take such a big risk.

  However, Wu Fiona did not think so.

  Four hundred years of his own five hundred year lifespan had already passed.

  It was now about to enter the stage of middle age and old age in the true sense of the word.

  The three hundred years of foundation of the Broken Qing Society was certainly important, but nothing was as important as her own life.

  For so many years, her efforts to find the secret of longevity and extend her life to a thousand years had been repeatedly thwarted.

  The last time she was in the Great Mountain of 100,000, she suffered a huge blow and shock, which made her more and more anxious, and in her heart, she became more and more unconfident about extending her lifespan to five hundred years, thinking that it was almost impossible to realise this wish.

  However, the appearance of the Four Directions Treasure Block made her rekindle the hope of prolonging her life for a thousand years, and she admonished herself in her heart that she must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity no matter what!

  Because this could very well be the last chance that the heavens had favoured her and left her with! She must do her best to grasp it!

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