The Real Dragon Chapter 6250

Having made up his mind, Wu Fiona immediately used his aura to put the helicopter pilot, as well as the soldier who stayed outside under his control.

With that, he asked the soldier outside through the window, “Do you have a way to let me out of here right now?”

The soldier shook his head, “Our person in charge has a clear rule that helicopters and individuals arriving here for inspection are to be inspected very strictly, and the helicopters and passengers can only leave after at least three soldiers in charge of the inspection have simultaneously confirmed that there is no error.”

Wu Fiona gritted her teeth, “If I ask your soldiers in charge of inspection to give me a pass, can I leave?”

“Can’t.” The soldier said, “We are not the only ones in charge here, there are also the NYPD and the Rothschild family’s men, who demand that the inspections must be conducted in order, and whichever helicopter’s turn it is to be inspected, they will send a representative along with a dozen or so of our soldiers to surround the helicopter with specialised equipment, and carry out a detailed inspection of the helicopter and its passengers. “

Wu Fiona didn’t expect the situation to be even more troublesome than he had imagined, so he couldn’t help but ask, “Then can you inspect this helicopter of mine first, and let me go first after the inspection?”

The soldier shook his head without hesitation and said, “No, because there is a rule that anyone is strictly forbidden to jump the queue, and must be inspected in the order of landing, and the order is supervised by three parties together, and the other helicopters in the queue will be supervised as well, so it’s impossible for anyone to jump the queue in any way.”

Exasperated, Wu Fiona questioned, “Can I quietly slip away from here?”

The soldier shook his head and said, “Whichever helicopter is inspected, the people on board will only be able to open the cabin doors and leave the cabin to be searched and inspected, and those in the other helicopters who aren’t lined up won’t even be able to open the windows, let alone walk off the helicopter.”

Wu Fiona asked again, “What if you don’t say anything?”

The soldier shook his head again, “It’s useless if I don’t say anything, the others will block it even if they see it.”

Wu Fiona asked again, “What if the others don’t say anything even if they see it?”

At this moment, what Wu Fiona was thinking was that the big deal was that he would just control some more people, as long as he could cover himself all the way out of here.

The soldier said, “That and the Rothschild family, their people are all over the place, and there are also their people in several nearby high buildings, exactly where they are distributed, even we are not very clear, and their people are constantly monitoring every move of every helicopter here, if they haven’t checked you yet and you push the door to leave, at the moment you push the door open, they will lock on to you, and by then at least a hundred people will be watching your every move, both explicitly and implicitly.”

Saying that, the soldier added, “In fact, before yesterday, there should have been a possibility of sneaking out quietly, but the Rothschild family just used the artificial intelligence technology they invested in Silicon Valley this morning, using artificial intelligence for AI surveillance, and their artificial intelligence system, which is capable of active and intelligent surveillance of every helicopter that lands; “

“To put it directly, the moment your helicopter landed, it was automatically locked by the AI, and the AI can automatically trace out the main outline of this helicopter and lock it in a few milliseconds, and once any change occurs in the main outline of this helicopter, the AI will immediately alert the Rothschild family people as well as the NYPD and us, all three parties at the same time ;”

“As soon as you lower the window now and stick a finger through the window crack, the AI will determine that the main outline of the target has changed and trigger the alarm immediately, not to mention people coming out of it.”

Wu Fiona’s head was confused as she listened, gritting her teeth and asking, “Isn’t there any way to crack this kind of system? What if I could get all the people waiting for inspection to run down from the helicopter? Wouldn’t that disrupt their judgement?”

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