The Real Dragon Chapter 6252

However, Wu Fiona did think with Charlie wade.

She felt that even the strongest equipment, after all, was equipment that had to be powered by electricity, and if it ran out of electricity, wouldn’t it just be a pile of scrap metal?

There are satellites in the sky that can take pictures of even a matchbox on the ground, but if their batteries are removed, what can they do?

Just like the smartphone in your hand, even if you have installed 10,000 apps, it can only serve as a brick when the battery runs out.

Thinking of this, she immediately pursued, “What if I cut off the power supply around here? Wouldn’t all their equipment be paralysed?”

“It won’t work.” The soldier said offhandedly, “Just like the one just now, there was drama before last night, but today there’s no drama.”

Wu Fiona pursued, “Why?!”

The soldier replied, “The Rothschild family does not know what the wind last night, overnight to every monitoring point in this vicinity, are equipped with a large emergency power supply, after a power failure emergency power supply can be seamlessly switched to ensure that the equipment does not stop powering, and the battery capacity configuration is high, at least to meet the monitoring point of the normal operation of all equipment for twelve hours. “

Said the soldier added: “Oh yes, they transferred over at least a dozen diesel generators this morning, it is said that there is also a power generator, once the power cut, they can use the battery power supply while starting the diesel generator to charge the battery, while the generator refuelling, in any case, how will not allow the equipment to stop functioning is it;”

“And I didn’t understand just now, the high-speed camera that shoots 1,000 photos per second, they have arranged at least dozens of them in the periphery, and all of them are independent power supply systems, that is to say, at this moment, they will shoot and process tens of thousands of high-definition photos per second, even if there are really a few pieces of equipment that stop running, it has little effect on the whole; “

Speaking here, the soldier said with a sigh, “This artificial intelligence thing is really powerful, it is said that the Ministry of National Defence was surprised by this model of theirs this morning, and intends to take the Global Hawk drone out and provide it to them for testing, to see if they can make the Global Hawk, which can linger in the air for forty hours, to keep on taking pictures in the sky against the target area, and then their AI model keep processing it in the cloud, if this road goes through, in the future, even if a dog burrows into the mountains of Afghanistan, the AI will be able to find it out.”

When Wu Fiona heard this, she only felt as if there were countless oversized question marks flying in circles around her, and the whole person was completely dazzled and starry-eyed by the winding.

She didn’t understand AI, but after hearing the soldier say all this, she only felt that it was a little too scary.

Cultivators cultivated the limits of human beings, but even if she was no longer able to see and hear, her eyes couldn’t capture visual information thousands of times a second, and her brain couldn’t analyse thousands of high-definition images a second.

But for the AI, it only took one night’s training to do it.

It was also at this moment that she truly understood in her heart why she had lived for four hundred years, while the Elders and Earls of the Broken Clearance Society had lived for more than a hundred years, but the world was still in the hands of ordinary people whose life expectancy per capita was no more than seventy to eighty years old.

Science and technology is the first productive force, this is simply the unchanging truth of modern society!

What’s the use of living for 400 years and practising all the skills, but at this moment, it’s still not letting science and technology locked to death?

It’s like those desperate physicists facing the proton blockade in Three Bodies.

What’s the use of studying physics all your life? When the protons of advanced civilisations come, they are still blockading you to death?

Wu Fiona didn’t know that her current situation was entirely due to Charlie wade, and while she was lamenting, she couldn’t understand in her heart, “How bad can my luck be? Just come to find the four directions treasure block only, why feel that the United States is using the strength of the country to target me?!”

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