The Real Dragon Chapter 6266

The world now knows that the Four Square Treasures were snatched back by the West along with millions of Chinese cultural relics. If we go to China now and ask them to return the Four Square Treasures, it will not only be unjustifiable in law, but also unjustifiable in public opinion …….”

  ”Public opinion?” Howard said indignantly, “What time is it, what do you care what public opinion says! Two hundred years ago, Britain’s army was after Queen Victoria shouted out that ‘for the benefit of Britain’, only to sail warships around to invade and sell opium, we are just following the arse of the Britannia Musketeers to pick up some leftovers, she has not even been judged, you are still chatting about public opinion with me now what? If someone had robbed the Britannia Museum and returned the contents to their country of origin, Britannia would have had the cheek to let them return it!”

  With that said, Howard angrily questioned him, “That diamond on the King of Britain’s scepter was cut from the Star of Africa! The Star of Africa is a diamond from f*cking South Africa! Edward VII took it, cut it up into hundreds of different sizes, and put it in their own f*cking jewellery, so why does he have such a big face? Why can’t he just give the diamonds back to the people of South Africa? They robbed a museum full of plus a palace full of all right, sh*t our ancestors spent nine bulls and two tigers, from China back to a four-square treasure block, have been at home for two hundred years, why say return on the return? After I agreed?

  David said stiffly: “Father, when South Africa was Britain’s colony, according to the international law at that time, the colony’s things, is the sovereign state, even the people of the colony is also attributed to the sovereign state, Edward VII do not say take an African star, he was even if the diamonds of South Africa all away, who can not say that he violated the law, at most say that his history is not too honourable. “

  Said, David added: “But our situation is not the same ah! Although China was invaded by the West, but has not been a colonial nature, their things that is theirs, our ancestors frankly is to snatch back, if we have the cheek to find them to negotiate, we do not have a public opinion base, the second can not be justified to support ah! At that time, not only can’t get the things back, but also be hung up on social networking sites all over the world and scolded to death, that’s not stealing a chicken without getting it back?”

  Howard was anxious, slapped him in the face and angrily scolded, “Bast*rd! Do you mean to just watch the Four Directions Treasure Block return to China?!”

  David was slapped, his heart was aggrieved beyond measure, but he didn’t dare to show it, he could only say in a jar, “Then …… then I’ll go and notify my big brother to come back ……”

  Saying that, David turned around and was about to go out.

  He did not mention how suffocating in his heart.

  He had come here to report, and in the meantime, he had said a few words of objective advice, so as to prevent the old man from doing something ridiculous in his anger.

  But who would have thought that the old man not only did not accept his own love, but also smacked himself in the face, what is his figure?

  It would be better to go along with his words, he wants to let the big brother to negotiate, then let the big brother to negotiate well.

  As soon as Howard saw him turn to go, his heart was a little apprehensive, and he hurriedly called him back again, “David you wait a moment!”

  David turned back and respectfully asked, “What else does father command?”

  Howard said, “Contact the Public Opinion Officer and the Lawyer’s Group, let them combine public opinion and jurisprudence to analyse how this matter should be operated in the most reasonable manner.”

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