I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 703-704

Chapter 703

Looking at the pop-ups, Fu Jingting knew that a*sistant Zhang had squashed the heat.

He turned off the live stream and rubbed his brow, not relieved by this.

After all, just because the heat had been suppressed, it didn’t mean that the matter was resolved, and what should have been seen, had been seen.

So, things still had to be resolved.

As she was thinking, the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Rongshu walked out of it wearing the black silk halter-nightgown that Fu Jingting had chosen for her.

She had no shoes on and just stepped on the carpet with her bare feet without making a single sound.

If not for the scent coming from her, Fu Jingting would not have known that she had come out.

Fu Jingting lowered his hand from his brow, then looked up.

Seeing Rong Shu wearing a halter-night dress and walking step by step towards this side, Fu Jingting’s pupils contracted slightly.

Her hair was still damp from the shower, casually resting on her white shoulders, and a few strands even dangled naughtily from her sexy collarbone, swaying from side to side as she walked, and the combination of the black nightgown and her fair skin created a strong colour contrast that made people lose their eyes.

Naturally, Rongshu felt the man’s blazing, hot eyes, and her face, already red from the watery steam, was now even redder.

She looked down at her cool self before glaring over at the man, “What are you looking at?”

Fu Jingting laughed softly, “You look beautiful in this.”

The sudden compliment made Rongshu shy and look away.

But the faintly curled corners of her mouth still revealed her good mood at the moment.

Obviously, the man’s compliment was very flattering to her.

“Come here.” Fu Jingting suddenly patted the spot beside the bed.

Seeing this, Rongshu was suddenly wary, “What for?”

He wouldn’t want to ……

No, no, no, he shouldn’t be this perverted yet.

After all, he knew that she was not finished with that one.

“To blow your hair.” Fu Jingting took out a small hair dryer from somewhere and waved it in the air.

Seeing this, Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

So it was a hair dryer.

She said, he was not that bad.

Rongshu lifted her foot and walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

As soon as she settled down, a shadow suddenly descended from overhead, and then a pair of large hands came from behind, grabbing each side of the white bathrobe and wrapping her body tightly.

Rongshu looked down at the two hands hugging her waist, “Fu Jingting, you’re ……”

Fu Jingting pressed his head against the back of her neck, his voice slightly hoarse, “Covering you up, otherwise you’d be in front of my eyes all the time like this, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to help myself.”

After all, he was a normal man, the woman he loved was dressed in such a sexual way, dangling in front of his eyes, it was strange that he didn’t have an impulse.

So in order to hold back, he could only use his own robe and wrap her up, isolating the nightgown on her.

Otherwise, the feeling of only being able to see but not touch was too bad.

Hearing the meaning in Fu Jingting’s words, Rong Shu was first stunned, then covered her lips and laughed, in her laughter, mixed with a few splashes of gloating, “You chose this for me yourself.”

“Hmm.” Fu Jingting pressed his forehead against the back of Rong Shu’s neck and gently rubbed it, “So I regret it.”

He shouldn’t have rushed to let her wear such pajamas now, but should have waited until after the wedding.

If he let her wear it now, he could not see and touch it, and it was himself who suffered.

Rongshu’s laughter became more and more unrestrained, “You deserve it!”

Fu Jingting sighed helplessly, “Alright, wrap up your bathrobe, I’ll blow your hair.”

“Mm.” Rongshu nodded, then dug her hands into the two sleeves and tied the ties around her waist.

Fu Jingting turned on the blow dryer and began to scrunch her hair.

Rongshu just sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes slightly closed as she enjoyed it.

Wasn’t it enjoyable to have someone blow-drying one’s hair for free, without having to do it oneself?

I don’t know how long it took, so long that Rongshu was almost asleep, before Fu Jingting turned off the blow dryer, “Okay.”

Rongshu opened her eyes and raised her hand to feel her hair, which was indeed dry.

Her hair was long and voluminous, so it was not an easy task to blow dry it.

After blowing it down, her hands would definitely be sore.

If one did not have the patience, one could not even blow it down until halfway through.

But Fu Jingting was able to have the patience to stick with it, which still made her happy.

“Thanks.” Rongshu left her hair to the side and turned back to the man behind her who was packing up his blow dryer to thank him.

The man’s brow was furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

Rong Shu blinked, “What’s wrong? I came out of the bathroom earlier and saw that you looked a bit pale, did something happen?”

Fu Jingting put the blow-dry head on the bed and said, “It’s not me, it’s you.”

“Me?” Rongshu was surprised and pointed at her nose.

Fu Jingting let out a hint, “Rong Yuan exposed your identity on the internet and also broadcasted a rumour about you.”

“What?” Rong Shu froze for a moment, then reacted with a sullen face and hastily picked up her phone to search the internet for what he said.

Although the heat had been suppressed, if you wanted to search, you were still able to search.

After seeing the replay of that live broadcast of Rong Yuan, Rong Shu sneered, “It’s really something she would do.”

“You seem to have known that she would expose you online?” Fu Jingting asked in surprise as he looked at the woman who wasn’t the least bit surprised.

After she found out that I was not the Rong family’s biological daughter, she immediately went to me and wanted me to give her my shares, thinking that since she was the Rong family’s biological daughter, she should inherit all the shares, not knowing that Tiansheng was no longer the Rong family’s family business, and the shares were not inherited from dad. So her aim failed, but from what I know about her, she will definitely not be willing and will continue to use my identity to trip me up, no, using the online public opinion is the best option.”

“You mean to say that during the daytime, Rong Yuan had approached you for shares?” Fu Jingting asked as he heard the meaning of her words.

Rong Shu nodded slightly, “That’s right, looking for me to ask for shares and to humiliate my mother, saying that my mother had betrayed my father, I was angry and slapped her a few times.”

So, those slap marks on Rong Yuan’s face were really her doing.

Fu Jingting’s thin lips twitched for a moment.

He had thought that it was Rong Yuan who had deliberately let other people hit her in order to set her up.

Thinking about it, Fu Jingting smiled lowly, “Well played.”

“I think so too.” Rong Shu proudly lifted her chin, then her face went cold again, “Daring to slander and humiliate my mother, she deserves to be beaten, I originally thought that beating her would make her remember and stop slandering my mother, but to my surprise, she didn’t take my words to heart at all, exposing that I am not a daughter of the Rong family, slandering me for bullying her since I was a child is not enough, but she actually dared to slander my mother in public, this time I won’t beat her up and make her cry, I won’t say anything about Rong Shu, what’s more, the one who really cuckolded dad was clearly Li Xiuzhi.”

“Oh?” Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, “Rong Yuan is Li Xiuzhi’s illegitimate daughter?”

“No.” Rong Shu shook her head, “Rong Yuan is indeed dad’s daughter, but Li Xiuzhi did also cuckold dad, in fact, my dad didn’t intend to get married for the second time, in the first place.”

She stood up, her expression cold, “The person my father loved was always my mother, and after my mother died, my father’s heart died too, so how could my father have ever married another woman?”

“But he still married.” Fu Jingting looked at her, “In this, is there some kind of conspiracy?”

Chapter 704

He was not a fool, since she said that Rong Hao had no intention of marrying again at first, and still married later.

Then, there must be some reason in it.

Coupled with her subtle expression, it was obvious that this reason wasn’t any good either.

As expected, Rong Shu nodded slightly, “Yes, my dad was schemed, that year my dad went out to meet with a client, then he was targeted by Li Xiuzhi who worked as a waitress in a hotel, Li Xiuzhi added something to my dad’s wine, just like that, my dad was trapped, then the next day, Li Xiuzhi secretly ran away before my dad woke up, knowing that she was pregnant with Rong Yuan, before she appeared in my dad’s In front of my dad, that man of my dad is a man with a strong sense of responsibility, Li Xiuzhi was already pregnant with his child, there was no way he wouldn’t be responsible for Liu Xiuzhi, so he chose to marry Li Xiuzhi.”

“So that’s how it is!” Fu Jingting dawned on him.

I still remember that the night Dad decided to marry Liu Xiuzhi, he drank a lot of wine, hugged me and cried to me for a long time, saying that he was sorry for me and for Mom.

“Being so calculated by a human woman, how could he possibly be unmindful.” Fu Jingting lightly opened his thin lips and said in a light voice.

The first time I saw her, I was very happy with her. hate, but the funny thing is that Rong Yuan took her father’s harshness towards her as a sign of not loving her, and even for that reason ……”

Rong Shu’s fists clenched and trembled slightly, and a look of anger and hatred surfaced on her face.

The reason for this is because your father was not close to her, right?”

“Yes, my father didn’t treat her as a wife, just as a colleague, so Li Xiuzhi didn’t want to be lonely, so she cheated on him secretly outside, although my father didn’t love her, but he couldn’t accept being cuckolded, so in his anger, he gave Li Xiuzhi a severe beating, after that Li Xiuzhi did not cheat again, but she also treated my father in a strange way, my father didn’t love her, so he didn’t bother with her. I didn’t think much of it before I knew that Li Xiuzhi was also the one who poisoned my dad, but now I know that I’m afraid it was that time that made Li Xiuzhi hate my dad and that’s why she poisoned him together with Rong Yuan!”

When she said this and, Rong Shu’s eyes were filled with grief and pain.

Fu Jingting gently embraced her into his arms, “It’s okay, you will avenge your father.”

“Mm.” Rongshu leaned on his shoulder and nodded.

Fu Jingting stroked her soft hair, “This time, Rong Yuan exposed your identity on the internet and created rumours about you, the purpose was to use the pressure of public opinion in society to make you hand over the shares in your hands, what are you going to do?”

If she didn’t know how to solve it, then he would take a shot.

But he was sure that she would choose to handle it herself.

She wanted to use the netizens, but she didn’t think that once I clarified that what she said was false, the netizens would immediately react to the fact that they were being used by her, and by then, the pressure I received would be doubled. net violence, will all double back on her, and she dares to expose all this on the internet, just because she thinks, I have no evidence to prove that I am not an illegitimate daughter.”

“So, can you produce proof?” Fu Jingting looked down at her.

I was adopted by my parents, and since I was adopted, I must have an adoption certificate. Once the adoption certificate is issued, it will confirm that I was not born from my mother’s betrayal of my father, and then Rong Yuan’s first lie can be broken, and as I told you before, I was bullied by Rong Yuan’s mother and daughter when I was a child, and my father installed surveillance at home for me. right?”

“Of course!” Fu Jingting hooked his lips, “I will never forget about you.”

Rongshu gave him a blank look.

What a time it was, he was still saying such melodramatic words.

However, it was oddly sweet.

The memory was kept in a safe deposit box in the bank along with the property deeds of the Rong family villa, but neither Rong Yuan nor her daughter knew about it. It’s just that before Rong Yuan reached adulthood, Dad ……”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.


The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, and they’ve got a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

This is called, self-inflicted.

Fu Jingting tidied her hair, “You are going to use the form of holding a conference to publish this evidence?”

Rongshu nodded, “It’s the quickest and most direct.”

“Have you decided on a time?” Fu Jingting asked again.

“Let’s do it tomorrow morning, the sooner the better.”

Speaking of this, she suddenly thought of something and looked at the man, “By the way, when I was looking at my news online just now, I found that there was not much heat, did you have someone press it?”

“Mm.” Fu Jingting nodded in acknowledgement, his face a little cold, “I can’t possibly watch you being scolded by those stupid netizens all the time.”

Rongshu’s heart warmed, “Thank you.”

“No need, it’s all what I should do.” Fu Jingting said softly.

Rong Shu smiled lightly, “Next, I will post on my social media platform, about holding the launch, it will definitely bring the heat back up, you just don’t let anyone press it, after all, the higher the heat, the greater the backlash from Rong Yuan.”

Fu Jingting frowned, somewhat less than pleased now.

After all, who wanted to see the woman they loved, being net violated.

As soon as Rongshu took a look at Fu Jingting’s expression, she knew what he was thinking, lifting her hands to cup his handsome face and rubbing it, “Okay, don’t worry, I’m in control, although it’s indeed hard to be scolded, but can’t I just not go see it? The netizens who have scolded me will feel guilty about me after the launch tomorrow, and while they will double their abuse of Rong Yuan, they will also buy Tiansheng’s products to make up for the guilt they feel. It’s also an advertis*ment for Tiansheng.”

Hearing this, Fu Jingting kindly laughed, “You are now moving closer to being a qualified businessman, more and more good at seizing opportunities.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment from you.”

After saying that, Rong Shu put down her hand and took out her phone, ready to edit the launch announcement.

As a result, just as she unlocked her phone, she saw many messages from people.

There were messages from Lu Qi, from Mrs. Lu, from her grandmother, and from Secretary Tong, all of whom came to ask her about the online event.

Rongshu first replied to them one by one, telling them not to worry and that she had a solution before she started editing.