I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 709-710

Chapter 709

Rongshu held up the swaddling cloth so that she could look at it more closely.

The outer layer of the swaddling cloth was not only made of silk satin, but it was also embroidered with very good designs.

The stitches were so dense that the embroidery looked just like the real thing, something that could not be done by a machine.

This shows that the embroidery was entirely hand-embroidered by human hands.

Such exquisite embroidery, coupled with the silky silk, could prove that the swaddling clothes were definitely not cheap.

There was also the baby clothes as well, which felt extremely nice and soft to the touch. Although the yellowish colour showed that the baby clothes were already a long time old, just by the feel of the clothes, one could tell that they were expensive.

“Daddy, why do you keep these in the safe?” Rongshu put down the swaddling clothes, with puzzlement written all over her face.

Fu Jingting reached out and checked the swaddling clothes as well, looking at the embroidery on the swaddling clothes, his eyes flickered for a moment, “These should have been yours when you were a child, or the ones you were wrapped in when you first appeared at the Rong family, so your father kept it in storage for good, because these, have a very unusual meaning.”

“How do you know these were the ones I was wearing when I entered the front door of the Rong family?” Rongshu asked, clutching the swaddling clothes and looking at the man in amazement.

If they were bought for you by Rong Hao after you entered the Rong family, there would be no need to store them away, after all, there are so many of them, but the clothes you wore before you entered the Rong family are different. ”

“There is indeed this possibility.” After hearing the man’s words, Rong Shu nodded thoughtfully.

The man pursed his lips and didn’t speak anymore.

In fact, this was not his guess at all.

The reason why he said in one breath that the swaddling clothes and the baby clothes, which she had worn when she entered the Rong family, was because of the embroidery on the swaddling clothes.

The old lady of the Gu family, was a famous embroidery expert, and was even one of the patriarchs of the embroidery a*sociation.

Her work, therefore, was extremely sought after.

But for reasons unknown, thirty years ago, Old Lady Gu announced that she would no longer embroider, and people lamented this.

Four years later, however, Old Lady Gu herself broke her words of no longer embroidering and took up her embroidery needles again, for on that day, Madame Gu was pregnant.

Old Lady Gu gave an interview to a reporter and said that the reason she had returned to embroidery was not for someone else, but that she wanted to embroider a swaddling cloth for her unborn grandson or granddaughter.

And that unborn child was Rong Shu.

Rong Hao had stolen it from the Gu family when Rongshu had not long been born, and at that time, the swaddling clothes wrapped around Rongshu should have been this.

It was unexpected that Rong Hao had kept this swaddling cloth.

Rong Shu didn’t know what Fu Jingting was thinking as she refolded the swaddling clothes and said, “If it’s really what you guessed, that this swaddling clothes was what I wore before I entered the Rong family, then it seems that my family of origin is quite something, at least very rich.”

Fu Jingting gave a hint, “Yes, there is a lot of money.”

Rong Shu looked up at him, “Why, hearing you say that, it seems like you know my original family.”

Fu Jingting smiled a little as his eyes flashed, “How come, just look at this.”

He pointed to the swaddling clothes in her hand.

Rongshu hadn’t really thought he knew, and hearing him say that, she put the swaddling blanket back into the suitcase, “Whether there’s money or not, it has nothing to do with me anymore, I’m just the daughter of the Rong family, and always will be.”

“Then this swaddling blanket, do you plan to keep it?” Fu Jingting asked as he looked at her.

Rongshu closed the lid of the leather case, “Of course, since dad stored it in the safe, he should have wanted to keep it as a souvenir, since that’s the case, then naturally I can’t lose it either, I’ll keep it at home from now on.”

“Well, don’t take it out, you can’t let other people see it.” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes and reminded.

Especially not to let the Gu family, or those who knew Old Madam Gu’s embroidery skills, see it.

Otherwise, her identity would be completely concealed.

Old Madam Gu was a highly skilled embroiderer, and she had formed her own lineage, so her work was extremely recognisable.

Anyone who had seen Old Lady Gu’s work would be able to recognise her immediately.

At least he knew that six out of ten of the wives in the circle would recognise her.

Rongshu looked at the man with a serious face with tears and laughter, “What are you talking about, what do I need to bring out such intimate things? To show others how I dressed as a child?”

Fu Jingting let out a low laugh at her words, “It’s also true that I was overly worried.”

“Why would you worry too much?” Rongshu blinked, “I suddenly noticed that you seem a bit strange, especially when you see this swaddling blanket, you ……”

“No, you’re overthinking it.” Fu Jingting reached out and nudged her brow before she could finish her sentence, interrupting her.

He was afraid that if he said any more, he should really suspect something.

As expected, being interrupted by Fu Jingting like this, Rong Shu instantly put aside the strange emotions in her heart and didn’t ask any questions.

Soon, Tiansheng Group arrived.

Before the car could even pull over, Rong Shu saw a group of reporters surrounding the entrance from afar.

Probably because the previous times of blocking, they were all thrown out by the security guards or taken away by the police, these reporters have now learned to be smart and did not bet the group’s gate, but stood a few meters away from it.

This position, would not hinder the people in the group from entering or leaving, so none of the security guards were very good at driving them away.

“Miss Rong.” The a*sistant Zhang who was driving the car looked at the scene in front of her and turned her head to Rong Shu and asked “Is it better to drive the car directly into the underground garage, or ……”

“Just park in front, there is no need to drive into the garage, even if we do, there must be reporters guarding the garage, we are going to be blocked anyway, we might as well face it directly.” Rongshu lightly opened her red lips and returned.

a*sistant Zhang looked at Fu Jingting again.

Fu Jingting lifted his chin slightly, “Listen to her, from now on her words are my words.”

“Yes.” a*sistant Zhang replied with a smile on his face, but in his heart, he was rolling his eyes.

Tsk tsk, this is not even a remarriage yet, and this bronchitis is already at an advanced stage.

I really don’t know which male deity cla*s Fu always came from, he should definitely not become like this when he has a girlfriend in the future. ‘

Definitely don’t!

a*sistant Zhang swore silently in his heart, then slowly leaned the car towards the row of public parking spaces at the entrance of Tiansheng Group.

Fu Jingting’s car was very recognisable, not to mention the price, just the special license plate, it would not be mistaken.

After all, he was the only one who owned it in the huge city of Hai.

So as soon as one saw the number plate, one would immediately know whose car it was.

After one reporter spotted Fu Jingting’s car, all the reporters would follow suit.

At first they were surprised how the car of the Chairman of Fu’s Group could come here, but then they quickly reacted, the Chairman of Fu’s Group, got back together with the Chairman of Tiansheng Group ah.

The Chairman of the Fu Group had come here to meet the Chairman of the Tiansheng Group for sure.

Moreover, according to what they had just inquired, the Chairman of Tiansheng Group had not come to Tiansheng yet, but Chairman Fu had come, so it was very likely that the Chairman of Tiansheng Group was in his car at this moment.

Thinking of this, all the reporters’ eyes lit up with excitement.

They had only come to block one of them, but they didn’t expect to block both of them, and if both of them appeared together, wouldn’t this be the best opportunity for an interview?

So the group of reporters immediately withdrew from their current positions and ran towards Fu Jingting’s car, quickly surrounding Fu Jingting’s car.

Chapter 710

Rongshu sat in the car and felt her heart tremble when she saw this scene.

She patted her chest and lamented, “Why is it like a zombie siege?”

The a*sistant Zhang in the driver’s seat heard this sudden statement from her and gave a puff of laughter, “Miss Rong’s words are too spot on, it is indeed quite like that.”

“Alright, hurry up and get out of the car, block this group of reporters.” Fu Jingting frowned impatiently and urged.

“Yes.” a*sistant Zhang answered, unbuckled the seat belt on his body, and then pushed open the driver’s door to get out of the car.

As soon as he got down, those reporters immediately aimed their microphones and cameras at him, and all sorts of questions followed one after another.

“a*sistant Zhang Cheng, are you the only one in the car, or are Chairman Fu and Chairman Rong also present?”

“a*sistant Zhang, please answer!”

“Alright everyone!” a*sistant Zhang raised his hands and shouted to the reporters “Please move aside, you are blocking the door.”

He didn’t reply to the reporters, but instead squeezed his way to the back seat door and shooed them away.

When the journalists had withdrawn some distance, he put his hand on the handle of the back seat door.

Seeing this action, all the reporters’ spirits were lifted, gripping their microphones and cameras tightly, their eyes fixed on the back-seat door.

There was only one person who could make Chairman Fu’s personal a*sistant open the door personally, and that was Chairman Fu.

From this, it was clear that Chairman Fu himself was indeed in the car.

The car door opened with a click.

a*sistant Zhang pulled the car door handle with one hand and made an inviting gesture with the other, “Mr. Fu.”

Inside the car, Fu Jingting nodded slightly and leaned down to get out.

His appearance caused these reporters to instantly go crazy, all kinds of flashing lights incessantly, flashing without stopping.

Fu Jingting frowned and ignored these reporters, instead extending his hand towards the car, “Get out of the car.”

His gentle voice fell into the ears of these reporters.

The cameras in the reporters’ hands stopped for a moment, and then shot up again with excitement.

They realised that there was someone else in the car!

And that the person who could make Chairman Fu show such a gentle side was definitely Chairman Rong.

They had really come together.

Inside the car, Rong Shu saw Fu Jingting’s outstretched hand, smiled a little, then lifted her own hand and put it up.

Fu Jingting held her hand tightly and said softly, “Don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

Rongshu swept a glance at the group of reporters behind him and nodded slightly, “Mm, I trust you.”

In fact, she wanted to say that she wasn’t afraid of these reporters at all.

But his words of protection had warmed her heart extremely.

Therefore, she was also willing to be a little woman at some point and let him have a chance to perform.

Fu Jingting took Rong Shu’s hand and got out of the car.

Her appearance caused the same frenzy among the group of reporters, with blinding flashes that caused her to close her eyes.

Fu Jingting raised an arm to block Rong Shu’s eyes, his face grim as he looked at the group of reporters, “Get out of the way.”

“……” These reporters tended to calm down a lot due to his majesty, not daring to take pictures so recklessly anymore.

At the same time, they also backed up slightly and to the sides to make way.

After all, although they were eager to interview, they were not brainless.

They could not afford to offend the man in front of them, so they had no other choice but to back off.

Otherwise, if they P*ssed him off, they might not be able to keep their dinner.

Seeing these reporters obediently move out of the way, Fu Jingting’s face improved, but the arm blocking Rong Shu’s eyes, but did not let go, just look down at her, “put your arm around me, I’ll take you in, they are afraid of me but not of you, if you pull away from me a little, they have a way to squeeze you to the side and surround you for a mandatory interview. ”

He was saying this, not to take advantage of the situation, but the truth.

Reporters were like flies, as long as they found an opportunity, there was nothing they couldn’t do.

Rongshu was naturally clear about this, so she didn’t think Fu Jingting meant anything by it, and nodded slightly, “Okay.”

She raised her hand and wrapped it around the man’s narrow waist.

This scene was seen by all the reporters, and there was instantly another flurry of clicking pictures.

Both Rongshu and Fu Jingting ignored them, the two of them embracing each other as they walked forward.

a*sistant Zhang followed behind the two backwards, opening his arms to block these reporters from approaching Mr. Fu and Miss Rong.

These reporters are not measured, in case they squeeze on Mr. Fu and Miss Rong, what if Mr. Fu and Miss Rong get hurt?

Faced with the double protection of Fu Jingting and a*sistant Zhang, the reporters really didn’t dare to block Rong Shu, they could only persistently follow behind, holding up all kinds of microphones and asking questions non-stop.

“Chairman Rong, can you tell us if the dynamic posted by Chairman Fu last night is true? Did you really not do anything to bully your sister? Nor have you robbed shares?”

“Yes Chairman Rong, are you born to your mother with another man or not? Can you please answer that?”

“And Chairman Fu, Chairman Rong got out of your car, does this mean that you have been together last night? Are you living together? When do you plan to remarry?”

“Chairman Rong, reveal a little ……”

In the face of these reporters’ unpleasant questions, Rong Shu’s small face couldn’t help but sink, and her pace also paused slightly.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of time to get a lot of money.

Rongshu looked up at him, saw the encouragement in his eyes, tugged at the corners of her mouth and gave a hint.

The two of them continued to walk forward again, their pace picking up a lot.

a*sistant Zhang, on the other hand, stopped and engaged in a manoeuvre with these reporters.

“Okay, everyone, stop asking questions, all these things you want to know will be answered by Miss Rong at the conference later, so there is no need to chase after them here, let’s all disperse, don’t block here.” a*sistant Zhang waved his hand to drive people away.

But these reporters were not willing to leave just like that.

They had come here to block people in order to get first-hand news and then release it, then they wouldn’t have to worry about ki for the next week.

But if they have to wait until after the launch to report it, what’s the point?

The netizens would know what they should know, and they’d have no more traffic to report on, how much they’d have to lose.

So how could they be willing to leave now?

Not only did the reporters not leave, but they surrounded a*sistant Zhang, each with a long wooden barn and short fire bag stretched out in front of him, all eager to stuff the microphone directly into the innermost part of him.

“a*sistant Zhang Cheng, please reveal, did Miss Rong do those things or not?”

“Yes, a*sistant Zhang, reveal it.”

The reporters chattered and kept asking.

a*sistant Zhang’s expression sank, “I just made it very clear, if you want to know, just watch the press conference later, it’s useless to ask me, I don’t know anything.”

“Who believes that.”

“That’s right, Zhang Cheng special a*sistant you are the person beside Chairman Fu, you must know, just tell us.”

When Zhang Cheng saw that these people were still not dead, he laughed in anger, “You guys are really getting ahead of yourselves, it seems that you don’t know what it means to be afraid if you don’t give you something hard, do you believe that if I make a phone call right now, your company will immediately replace you?”

When these words came out, all the journalists’ faces changed and then backed up.

After taking two steps back, they hurriedly turned around and ran away, afraid that if they were slow in running, they would be left behind and asked for their names, and then they would have to receive a call from the company to fire them in a while.