The Real Dragon Chapter 6275

On the one hand, they do want to pass the family headship to him in the future, but on the other hand, they don’t want him to succeed the throne too early, and want to be able to drag it out as much as possible until the end.

Moreover, he also did not want him to show any excitement or anticipation about inheriting the position of the family head, and even more so, he did not want him to act in any unauthorised manner before he inherited the position of the family head.

If just now Steve had dared to go along with the compliments of his several younger brothers outside and said even a single casual and polite remark, then Howard’s heart would surely be furious and filled with anger and dissatisfaction towards him.

But the good thing was that Steve’s performance, exceeded the expectations of his heart, and in his opinion, was perfect.

Steve has a high person behind the guidance, so as soon as he entered the hospital room, see Howard in the hospital bed, his expression was particularly sad.

His eyes with hot tears, three or two steps quickly walked to the hospital bed, one knee crouched in front of the hospital bed, looking at his father, painfully asked, “Father, how do you feel? I was worried all the way when I came ……”

Howard was touched, stammered, “I …… I am still good, good son, you do not need to worry ……”

Said Howard sighed and lamented, “The doctor said …… that I’m paraplegic …… will …… be in the future, probably …… may be difficult …… difficult to fully recover ……”

Steve heard this, the heart is overjoyed, the face of grief, he turned around, looked at the doctor questioned in a loud voice: “Do you have a way to let my father recover as the beginning?!”

The doctor quickly explained: “Young master, stroke this kind of situation, in the world also no one can recover as the beginning, not to mention the gentleman’s age has been more than eighty, even if it is a twenty-year-old football player, after the injury, it is impossible to completely recover as the beginning of the ……”

Steve said loudly, “I don’t care what kind of methods you use, you must help my father recover as much as possible, our Rothschild family, can’t be separated from his old man’s leadership!”

Howard heard his words, heart comfortable, as if the winter months in the snow and wind walking against the wind, someone to their arms stuffed a hot hot water bag.

So he opened his mouth and said to Steve, “Steve, no …… don’t be difficult …… don’t be difficult for the doctor anymore …… I …… I might …… might …… might actually have to …… have to this time… …”

Hearing this, Steve did not wait for his father to say the following, then hurriedly held his hand and said with red eyes, “Father, don’t worry, you will live a long life! I will invite stroke experts from all over the world to come to New York to consult you, and one day, you will be able to regain your old style!”

Howard smiled shakily and nodded gently.

He then sighed and continued, “I …… I intend …… to retire …… Steve… …Later …… Later Rothschild …… The Future of the Rothschilds …… Just… …will all be handed …… over to you to take charge of!”

Steve was overjoyed in his heart, the corner of his mouth was just about to go up uncontrollably, then immediately thought of Charlie wade’s devoted teachings, and hurriedly lowered his head so that Howard could not see his expression, and said sadly under his breath, “Father …… I’m not ready now, and the Rothschild family can’t immediately lose your leadership, you’d better concentrate on getting well and recovering first, everything will wait until you recover!”

Howard shook his head, “I …… I don’t want …… to let outsiders see me now …… now, so …… you …… you come to take over my shift, lead the Roth …… Rothschild family to continue …… to continue to move forward ……”

Saying that, Howard added: “I …… my mind is made up …… and you …… don’t have to… . don’t need to persuade me …… anymore.”

Steve hadn’t acted enough and continued, “Father, then let’s wait until you’ve recovered! I won’t do anything during this period of time, stay in New York, by your side, and focus on accompanying you in your rehabilitation!”

Howard said with relief, “You …… you can have …… can have this heart …… I… …I’m very …… very relieved …… this …… this way …… you go back to …… go back and get ready, the other …… others may still …… still be on their way back …… and so on …… wait for tomorrow, I’m going to open …… open a family meeting …… meeting …… by then …… I’ll announce …… my decision to …… to everyone …… ……”

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