The Real Dragon Chapter 6291

On the way to the Sukiyaki Temple, Ito Nanako took advantage of the few times she waited for a red light to double-check Venerable Jing Qing’s background.

This check was really something, Venerable Jing Qing was not only famous in China, but his influence was even beginning to affect Buddhist followers in East and Southeast Asia.

Everyone’s evaluation of Venerable Jing Qing is that he has great talent and goodness, embraces the whole world, accepts all rivers, and is an unparalleled genius in the field of Buddhism.

What surprised her even more was that many temples in Japan and Korea, as well as Thailand and Bhutan, had sent out devout invitations to Venerable Jing Qing, hoping that Venerable Jing Qing could go and preach Buddhism for the believers of that country, only that Venerable Jing Qing’s lectures for the coming year would be in the country, so he hadn’t yet agreed to do so.

In addition to that, Naiko Ito also saw many evaluations of Venerable Jing Qing from many famous existing Buddhist masters in China and abroad, and without exception, all of them felt that Venerable Jing Qing’s understanding of Buddhism was the most profound in today’s society, bar none.

His preaching of many scriptures even made many old Venerable Masters who had studied for a lifetime feel enlightened and clear.

The more she learned about Venerable Jing Qing’s background, the more pleasantly surprised Nanako was.

She did not expect that she would have such an encounter on this ordinary morning.

However, what she cared about was not how proficient Venerable Jing Qing was in Buddhism, what she cared about was to beg for an amulet for Charlie wade that he had enlightened and enchanted.

When she drove to Qixia Temple, quite a few early risers had already started to go up the mountain for incense.

Only, these incense burners did not realise that the famous Venerable Jing Qing had already come here.

Ito Nayoko bypassed the main hall and went straight to the Dharma Circulation Office, and found that this place was not yet open for the time being.

The notice at the entrance indicated that the opening hours of the magic item circulation office were from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Nayoko Ito couldn’t help but be a little puzzled, thinking in her heart, “That lady told me to come here, but it’s not open yet, could it be a prank?”

Thinking of this, Nayoko Ito shook her head again in a hurry, “Sin sin sin sin, I shouldn’t speculate and doubt the good intentions of others for no reason, perhaps the timing is a bit off?”

Just as Ito Nanako was wondering alone, the Dharma Circulation Office opened one of the wooden doors, and a monk came out, folding his hands and saying, “Amitabha Buddha, may I ask what is the purpose of this maker?”

Ito Nanako busily bowed deeply before saying, “Hello master, sorry for the disturbance, I would like to ask, is this the place to register to pay respects to Venerable Master Jing Qing?”

That monk was stunned, then looked around and saw that there was no one else, then he whispered, “Sin sin sin sin, Venerable Master Jing Qing just arrived at this temple this morning, and this temple has not yet made preparations for the opening of the Dharma talk, so for the time being, it must not be disclosed to the public, since you have a destiny to learn about it, then please follow me.”

Ito Nayoko listened to the first half of this monk’s sentence and thought that the other party was politely rejecting her, it was only when she heard the latter that she finally breathed a sigh of relief and gratefully folded her hands and said, “Thank you, Master!”

The monk nodded and asked her again, “Have you prepared the magic objects? If you need Master Jing Qing to open the light and bless it, you still need to prepare the magical objects in advance.”

Ito Nayoko busily said, “I came here in a hurry and did not bring any magical objects with me, I wonder if I can ask for one from here?”

The monk smiled and said, “Scholar, most of the amulets in our temple are the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra in a brocade bag, but they are all customised printed products from the factory, if you wish to have better results, you can handwrite a copy of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra and put it into it, and then ask Venerable Master Jing Qing to open the light for you.”

Having said that, he then reminded, “The entire text of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra is only two hundred and sixty characters, so it is not difficult to write.”

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